1. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Ive been trying to convince my friends to buy this game, and it seems the demo time is just too short for them to get a propper feel of it. the 30 mins is usualy spent trying a few classes over 2 or 3 games and by the time they get their head around it all the demo time ends and they are left kind of unwilling to spend 1200 MSP.

    Maybe have like a 2nd chance sunday or something? Where everyones demo time resets and they can download the trial again and get another 30 mins?
  2. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    If they wanted that, they would have saved you the trouble of downloading it again by making it 60 mins.
  3. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    well if they upped it to 60 mins now that would mean non0buyers would have had 1H 30 mins in total, which would be nice im sure but not something they wanted. 60 mins from the start would have been nice but the stage we are at now, is 30 mins have allready been taken so how about giving them 30 mins more.

    As i said by the time the trial ran out with most of my friends they were just starting to get into the swing of things. Then it ended before they got to play any propper games!
  4. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    If they wanted people to play the demo for 60 mins, they would have made it 60 mins.
  5. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Hindsight is always 20:20
  6. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    I had this same type of problem but I knew I liked the game and so did my friends so we all bought it and now I've easily spent 60+ hours on it. Best $15 ever.
  7. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    2nd chance wouldnt be a bad idea just not a great idea because people would just keep getting the trial over and over again. sooner or later your gonna get people in pub games lvl 45ish with out even buying the game like the rest of us. If your friends dont like dota based games then its probably not the game for them but i think 30 mins should give you enough time to get an idea of what the game is and how much fun it is. Its not so you can get the hang of every character before buying the game or anything, more of a heres what genre this game is and how much fun it is.
  8. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    ^ This.

    All the people I know who bought the game only needed to play for 30 minutes before they knew they wanted it. I'd rather not see countless rank zeros when I play tbh.
  9. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    Same with my friends Rolo, we all played the demo and knew we liked the game.
  10. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    As said by others, MNC isn't a terribly complex game, it's very 'Pick up & Play'. If 30 minutes wasn't enough to convince them I suggest they save their money.
  11. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Missed the point somewhat.

    I dont mean you can just keep re downloading for another 30 mins. I mean a 1 off reset of peoples timers so they get 1 more shot at it for 30 mins, after that your locked out.

    What harm can it do? Just because 'you and your friends knew after 30 mins' doesnt realy speak for everyone and theres more sales waiting to be made to those ppl who just need a little more than 30 mins playtime.
  12. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    And if the demo was 15 minutes you would be asking for 30 minutes?

    Seriously, get over a non-issue like this.
  13. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Obvious troll is obvious
  14. GuardianE

    GuardianE New Member

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    30 minutes is plenty of time to become acclimated to at least one of the classes, which is all you're due since you didn't buy the game. Keep in mind that the 30 minutes is ONLY for online play, if I recall correctly. You were free to play the local game beforehand in Blitz to get a handle on the different classes. The fact that they even allow you to play online for 30 minutes in actual player matches without other limitations is pretty generous.

    If they did a "Second Chance" night, then people might just continue to wait for "Third Chance" night, and "Fourth Chance." If you want to enjoy the game for extended periods of time, you don't wait for handouts, you support the game by buying it. If someone hasn't made up their mind after 30 minutes, then they're not going to.
  15. Chimpotle

    Chimpotle New Member

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    30 minutes of unique online play is more than the usual one level you might be able to play over and over again on a lot of demos. It's a team based shooting game, 30 minutes seems like more than enough time to figure out if you'd like to play more. I didn't even use the 30 minutes only prior to buying.
  16. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    So it would cost them nothing to allow people 30 more minutes, can only result in more sales/exposure, yet isnt a good idea? Just seems like the people who have payed money for it begrudge people who havnt geting a bit more free time.

    Now like 60 mins is unheard of, that Blacklight tango down gave you 60 mins.
  17. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Yeah, and why not 120 minutes? ? 300 minutes? 500 minutes?

    They decided it should be 30 minutes. Live with it.
  18. Chimpotle

    Chimpotle New Member

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    What is anyone going to gain from an additional 30 minutes? Seriously? It's not like they are getting 5 minutes and are missing some portion of the online play experience.
  19. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

    Likes Received:
    Are you for real?
  20. Paper

    Paper New Member

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    I jumped the gun and bought this game as soon as I had the 1200 MSP. Most people wouldn't, but I was watching this game through gameplay trailers and other videos. I've tried to get 3 of my friends to join me and buy it as well. This has become a harder task than I originally thought it would be.

    My friends get the demo, we play around 2-3 games online and they get completely smashed by the other team getting, at most, 2 kills. People who have had this game for a couple weeks have had the privilege of mastering class and everything. These demo players are running around like chickens with their heads cut off learning what the skills do and everything.

    If anything, I think that the demo should've had two choices: Demo-Only Online Play and Public Online Play. That way, everybody would be at the same level and level 0 newbs, wouldn't be getting destroyed and having their outlook on the game killed.

    This is just a thought. I know you guys will probably freak on this just like every other idea in this thread. This thread is open for discussion, what good does it do if every idea people want to discuss just gets shot down?

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