Title. Game's awesome and all but 1980 x 1080 looks blurry to me. Anyway keep up with the good work! :mrgreen:
You're crazy to me 0-0 Anyway, don't think it will be supported unless almost everyone gets such a big screen.
Some games are able to just retrieve a list of supported resolutions from either windows or the video driver. Maybe MNC should do that?
I am crazy because I asked for something? :| Anyway, what's so bad about it. I know that a lot of games support it, even lower resolutions. 800 x 600 is not supported too :S
Then I'd suggest letting the game look into what the graphic card supports as a resolution. and makes that the highest available.
im on a 1920x1080 but have seen people with 30 inch monitors and even people with 3x30 inch monitors, mainly for racing games but it would come in handy for this game having the extra vision...