[2 SUGGESTIONS] Kinetic Bombardment Satellite and True Fog of War

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tehtrekd, June 19, 2014.

  1. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    SUGGESTION #1: KB Satellite
    The first of these two suggestions is pretty simple.
    As we all know, Uber may be putting an orbital nuke launching satellite in the game (not sure if this was completely confirmed or not) however, I say why not make good use of the KBW explosion and instead make it an orbital KBW launcher?

    What it would do is basically create a large metal rod or sphere or something large and heavy that it then releases to create the same amount of (or maybe a little bit more) damage as a nuke, only with a fancier looking 'splosion.

    It'd be a more interesting unit than "just another nuke launcher", and it'd make more sense given the fact that it's orbital.
    Another way it'd be more interesting (and why it might warrant doing a bit more damage in a larger radius) is because you can't really guide a giant metal rod, so you'll have to have the launcher fly above enemy territory before it can do its magic.

    SUGGESTION #2: True Fog of War
    For those of you that somehow don't know what I mean, basically this means that the entire map is covered in blackness until you've seen it, after which it becomes greyed out if it's not in your vision.
    I know Supcom kind of abandoned this whole thing but I'd actually like to see it in PA for a few reasons.

    1: You gotta imagine that 90% these planets are completely uncharted (especially true for Galactic War considering they woke up with a hangover and no memory of the last 1000 years)
    2: It'd just be pretty interesting, we've all seen true FoW on a square, but on a sphere? That'd just be awesome.

    >but Tehtrekd, wouldn't that really mess with the random spawns and make it even more of a craps-shoot?
    Yeah, it would, there are a few ways of fixing this.
    1: Show the area inside spawn circles until spawns are chosen
    2: Show metal spots inside spawn circles until spawns are chosen
    3: Only allow true FoW on symmetrical planets.

    So, wuddya guise think?
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    While I'm intrigued at the idea of true fog of war, there's a few difficulties. Mainly, choosing spawn locations.

    If I'm choosing a spawn, I need to know what's around it.

    So I have two counter suggestion. You see not only the area within the circles, but in an area around the circles.

    Either that, or there's only one spawn location per map.

    Even if true fog of war doesn't make it into the game, I'd love to see it as a mod. But I'd prefer it make it into the game and come as a game setup option.
  3. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    I think this is what you're looking for:

    the explosion used could be something similar to the commander spawn.
    Remy561 likes this.
  4. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    That may or may not be what I'm looking for.
    Although I'm a little ashamed to admit that I was actually thinking about the KB satellite in CoD Ghosts :|
  5. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    haha i just shared this because it was epic and had something to do with this conversation
  6. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    personaly no interest in either of those
  7. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    real fog of war? yes please. how about make it so you cant see how many planets there are, until you build orbital radar too? what about not knowing what kind they are until you land on them and explore? make this a hardcore mode for those who like playing with a little more discovery and flexibility in strategy. blind mode for the win!
    tehtrekd likes this.
  8. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    These are all the same thing.

    The original Soviet design, which was partially based upon an idea formed as a result of the Star Wars program in the Pentagon, involved a rotating magazine of ten tungsten rods, each weighing around 18000 lbs. (I think. Can't remember the exact numbers) The original sat grid was for ten of these city busters to orbit the planet in a polar grid, so the entire planet could be hit at any time. According to Soviet records, these secret satellites were never launched - they were deemed too expensive and much too politically risky at the time (it was the mid -late 80s, after all).

    Some sci-fi books besides GI Joe and CoD play with the idea that these satellites actually were launched, and maybe some terrorists want them. I believe the famous Tom Clancy even wrote a book on them.

    I think they are just plain AWESOME.
  9. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    YES. Want to see a satellite like that in PA.
  10. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    we already have the sxx laser. i think that is enough
  11. nick2k

    nick2k Active Member

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    That is a laser. This is a freaking pole dropping, show stopping, earth quaking, planet devastating, shakin bakin piece of art. Release or mod i'll be happy :)

    For the FoW, I like this idea. At least for orbiting planets.
    Last edited: June 20, 2014
    tehtrekd likes this.
  12. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    The true fog of war thing is something we would consider if it was easy. Unfortunately it's not really that simple to do at the current time. And yes this is because it's implemented far differently than previous games.
    eroticburrito and nick2k like this.
  13. overwatch141

    overwatch141 Active Member

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    You'd think super advanced robots from the future would scan a planet before landing on it.

    I'm not a fan of fog of war like that and I don't think it'd make much sense in PA because choosing your start location is so important.
  14. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    You'd also think super advanced robots from the future would attach a radar on their back so that they could get a bunch of extra intel right as they land.
    In video games, you have to draw a line between realistic logic and fictitious logic.
  15. verybad

    verybad Active Member

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    Gravity power kinetic weapons are highly over emphasized. The fact is, to de orbit them, you have to reduce their speed, so you need a rocket engine, and it's NOT moving as fast as in orbit. Might be cool for fun, but they're not the wonder weapon.

    On the other hand, a slow firing rail gun that can do interplanetary artillery (with very poor accuracy) would be fun.

    The kinetic sattelite just adds a variant on the laser satellite, so while I'm not against it, it just doesn't add much for the game. More of a mod thing than a base game thing IMO.
  16. stonewood1612

    stonewood1612 Well-Known Member

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    ...what? That's weird.... but it would work(?) Don't like. I really like pure random maps in any strategy game.

    Now about the fog of war, that's really interesting, if there will be a mod, I'll try it.

    But there's another (minor) issue, take a mountain range. Can't you see the black outline of the mountains when they are on the 'edge' of the planet when moving around the camera?

    Also why go for pure blackness if you can have cloud fog of war? Would make more sense on planet than pure blackness!


    (civ revolution, which is played on a planet as well)
  17. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    afaik they're a confirmed addition, of course they'll be optional.
  18. stonewood1612

    stonewood1612 Well-Known Member

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    Well I won't mind that much. But just saying:

    It'll be weird to see one side of the planet...

    ...and spin around....

    ...to see exactly the same on the other side :eek::confused:
  19. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    I hate comments like this. Who cares if we already have an sxx laser, this game NEEDS more variety and options even if they are similar in function. That's like saying why do we need more than one type of tank since one tank type already destroys other things.
  20. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    people who want content that makes gameplay functional and meaningful first ... this one doesn`t imo ... this can either wait or be modded in later ...

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