Hi all map makers, I'm looking for some custom maps for my custom server games on weekends: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/regular-large-15-32-player-ffa-and-team-games-on-weekends.68242/ For teams we need maps that are suitable for: 2-8 teams with varying numbers of players up to 32 clans vs randoms (organised vs chaotic) quick games vs long games single planet single planet with moons multi-planet (no more than 2 large planets) promoting team play and different strategies For FFA we need maps suitable for: up to 32 players on small planets up to 20 players on larger planets and multi-planet systems discouraging turtles promoting different strategies We want these maps to perform well for all players: fair spawns (especially on single planet systems) max 900 radius (open to suggestions) appropriate use of CSG (loading time, pathing, etc) Big team maps are the highest priority.
According to all of my tests you can't define more than ten custom spawns and have them work on a custom server. It will work in the editor, it will work with 10 people on either PlayFab or custom server, but as soon as you go over ten players the spawns will be random. I did have a brief conversation with @masterdigital about it, he said it might be a bug but at the time he wasn't currently working on the system editor. It's 100% re-producable but obviously you need a custom server to test it If you could knock up a custom system, randomly place more than ten s pawns, and host some games with AI players and try and reproduce I'd be grateful. Obviously this only really applies to FFA games, but it is a big shame. I was trying to use my code to evenly place spawns for FFA games.
I think you can make up whatever zones you want in landing.js of the server script. So by modifyng the server you might be able to do something. There is code like this that gives the armies their spawn zones. Code: army.zones.push({ position: list.pop(), planet_index: element.planet_index, radius: element.radius });
I do not mind slapping a couple of my planets in a system however how does the multispawning work? Cause if the spawns are screwy then gg .
We will be supporting custom landing zones with a custom_landing_zones element added to the map pas file: first index is number of armies second index in army_zones is the army index with an array of landing zones All positions need to exist in the default landing_zones.list and must be enabled in landing_zones.rules. The number of positions must match landingZonesPerArmy. Example below defines two custom spawns for 2 and 3 armies. Code: "custom_landing_zones" : { "2": { "landingZonesPerArmy": 2, "landingZoneSize": 100, "army_zones": { "0": [ [ 193.5806884765625, -370.5633544921875, 547.6142578125 ], [ -342.89764404296875, 478.1767578125, 369.35174560546875 ] ], "1": [ [ 193.5806884765625, -370.5633544921875, -547.6142578125 ], [ -342.89764404296875, 478.1767578125, -369.35174560546875 ] ] } }, "3": { "landingZonesPerArmy": 3, "landingZoneSize": 100, "army_zones": { "0": [ [ 193.5806884765625, -370.5633544921875, 547.6142578125 ], [ -342.89764404296875, 478.1767578125, 369.35174560546875 ] ], "1": [ [ 193.5806884765625, -370.5633544921875, -547.6142578125 ], [ -342.89764404296875, 478.1767578125, -369.35174560546875 ] ], "2": [ [ -338.6181640625, -517.2274169921875, 304.79052734375 ], [ -649.02880859375, 66.71920776367188, -256.4703674316406 ] ] } } },
I'm sorry, what kind of sorcery is this? I didn't realise you could create a new array in a .pas file? Is this some kind of hidden feature or what.
I played one of these games at the weekend. The game broke to the point where I could no longer select any units. Closing the game and re-joining resulted in the planet loading but no units. Is this a problem caused by the custom maps or some other mod to allow extra players? Or something else? What should I do in a scenario like this? Pressing F5 didn't help.
A fix for the no-units problem is due today. The not-being-able-to-select-units one is rather more annoying, and I don't think a fix for that one is known yet... The latter may have to come from CoherentLabs' side.
The most important step is to add your landing zones in a defined order so you know what is where. Once you have the landing zones in a known order then you can: create Uber rules for the landing zones to specify when a landing zone can be used on Uber servers (or if custom landing zones are not defined for an army size on custom servers) create custom landing zones for specific army sizes with landing zones for each army (custom servers only) For Team FFA I created landing zones in a specific order: first landing zone of each temple alternating poles next landing zone of each temple alternating poles etc There are 6 temples with 4 landing zones per temple for a total of 24 landing zones and my Uber rules are: min: 0 max: 24 There are custom landing zones for army sizes 2 to 6 to ensue that each army is only assigned landing zones in their own temple. For more than 6 armies the engine will assign landing zones for each army based on the order of the landing zones. I could also specify custom landing zones for army size 7 - 20 but it wasn't needed. https://dfpsrd4q7p23m.cloudfront.net/mods/gMaps/ui/mods/gMaps/systems/TeamFFA.pas
A default set of rules will be created automatically with min: 0, max: 10 and you'll need to edit the pas file manually to update them via export / import.