10 Kingdoms of Earth Alpha V1

Discussion in 'Mapping and stuff' started by reptarking, December 17, 2014.

  1. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    Created in Build 76412-PTE

    System name: 10 Kingdoms of Earth
    Planet name: 10 Kingdoms

    Number of Spawns: 10, each spawn is hand placed and if game is done with less then 10 armys the game will have more spawns per army if possible. i have not tried to play it with when there is 3 armys, 4 armys, 6+armys. i think it would probably give you the most choices possible before it cant and the remainder spawn might be unselectable.

    Metal Spots: 190, 8 per spawn(80), and 110 metal spots around the world.

    Preferred game mode is 10 Person FFA Dynamic Alliances.

    .PAS Last updated: N/A (I will not be releasing it live yet since stable build cannot use custom spawn areas currently)

    Number of CSG: 452 non symmetrically placed CSGs

    Map idea and creation: I wanted to create a truely custom map that has different areas and is visually appealing, I wanted to go with everyone starts with there own base around the world but didn't want these bases to be right in each others face so i made the map size 900. This map because I wanted it to be unique and all the 10 bases to be different and for the map to look good it took about 10 hours of placing csg, deleting them, and re-adding them to get where it is now.

    Maps Future: I am going to invest alot of time into this map and im going to create a server mod for it, I am getting really ambitious and going to try and make 10 factions but scale down PA by a huge margin.


    imgur album
    Last edited: December 17, 2014
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Release that sucker!
  3. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    I will release the map once I'm done cleaning :p. I had to unplug desktop to clean my room.
  4. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    ... The wait continues...
  5. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    I am making a server mod for this map and I'm going to drastically change metal for that but I have decided to release this also to the public as is for vanilla play.
  6. djj986744

    djj986744 New Member

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    you are an amazing map maker!! keep up the good work!!

    also... thats one dirty room, must be a renovation
  7. Jackbandanna

    Jackbandanna Active Member

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    We ever going to see it? Looks pretty epic.
    Last edited: January 16, 2015

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