Ladies, gentlemen, mascots and juice bots. I am sTicky, and I have an idea. first let me say, that I am not demanding, nor saying that this game is lacking or that my opinion matters, but just merely my opinion. But i do believe that my 15 years in gaming (starting my online fragfest with cs beta 6) does hold some merit. so on with my idea. I feel like MNC would benefit greatly from an additional class type. I see what Uber has done with its pros, combining the major class types into a condensed subclass that meshes 2 types into one. its cool, i like it but it feels like there is something missing. my personal opinion is that its the support archetype. In MNC damage occurs and it occurs rapidly, which creates the addicting pace that this game is played. But the support class in MNC feels like its lacking an identity. The skills and weapons available make the support class geared for offense as a high priority with defense a far second. so i propose a split in the support classes, making it an engineer and a medic support type class. obviously, the medic/support class would focus on healing players in the same fashion as current, but skills and the secondary weapon would be used differently. Just off the top of my head im thinking about skills like "medkit drop", "auxiliary aromor"(armor increase for duration) and "Stimulants"(increased atkspd or dmg on currently attached ally). His(or her!) secondary weapon would be something like a slow firing pistol which would promote the role of actually healing people. Dont get me wrong, the current support class can heal great, but it doesnt outweigh the pure awesome of the shotgun. SO, changes to the new engineer are minimal. The skills are all set perfectly for an engineer class, just ditch the medigun, make the shotgun primary and create a new secondary. And when i think engineer i think of a mean melee weapon. Because honestly, defensive support right now sucks. Hack a turret and then ur back to the front lines. With the current weapons and skills, support is best fitted to be a forward base of sorts. so instead of me expecting a heal from an engineer, just give me a medic once again just some ideas i wanted to throw out and see what the community, Uber and even your girlfriend think about it.
Uber designed the classes so that they could each possess a degree of independence. They made it such that a healing class would be in the game, but that wouldn't be the only thing they can do. Remember how boring medic got in TF2? This is why. Also, if you're being purely offensive as a support, your doing it wrong bro.
i never said it was purely offensive, just that being offensive is much more productive. and im certain im doing it right, cuz i hardly lose when playing support
As a support I try to keep forward, but I check on the base once in a while to be sure. I've saved rock-its and my token shave-ice more often than not from juiced tanks, assassins, and the occasional sniper(what were you thinking?). I also make a habit of hacking the shaveice and possibly a rock-it whenever I get the chance, respawn or checkup. I heal pros on my way, and keep my firebase in a position that can help me push. Unlike most supports air strike isn't a priority for me, I'll get support 2 first. Surprisingly useful, many people underestimate it. Gives you the ability to push a lane solo. Don't need a medic. If a support doesn't have firebase 3(last priority for me), if he's decent just run up to him while you're hurt and he should heal you. You are not meant to have a healing buddy, he is more a supply base to go back to.
That is MNC in a nutshell. Fact is the Support is the best base defender in the game. No other class can overheal or hack turrets.