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Moderator Alumni, Male

Moderator Alumni
Raevn was last seen:
May 29, 2021
    1. themax267
      Hey raevn,

      I've got all of my files for my new unit ready to go. Do I have to package my unit within a separate mod zip archive like a client or server to get it to work or can I just place the files for the unit within the respective folders already in the pa directory? I really just want to get my unit to work in my game I could care less about having to publish it for server use I just want to test my unit out.
    2. mammoth360
      Hey Raevn, I love the Mod Manager but could you please fix ModX all my friends are playing it but I cant download it for some reason.
    3. nimalicious
      Hi Raevn, I wonder whether you could help me. Im new to PA, I just downloaded the installer, but once installed I cannot start the game since windows fails to execute. The problem is listed as APPCRASH. I tried the installer on two different computers both with sufficient specs. I would appreciate your help. cheers
      1. Raevn
        December 2, 2014
      2. Raevn
        December 2, 2014
      3. nimalicious
        Tnx alot m8... Im getting into it pronto :)
        December 2, 2014
    4. khalibloo
      Heard from stuart98 that you guys were looking for a blender exporter for the papa format. Could you provide a sample papa file? i'd also like to see the old exporter.
    5. gazabuckfast
      could help me since i have been waiting since Friday to play PA i still cant i think this is due to my account not being verified when i try to verify it by changing my email address the link VERIFY EMAIL ADDRESS it tells you to input password and i do but the confirm button does not work i am stuck on that page I would be grateful if you could help i have opened 2 tickets and sent 2 emails and i get no response
    6. raindrops
      Only just realised that the year of my birth is incorrect, it should be 1993. Sorry to be a bother about it, but if you could fix it or point me to someone who can, that'd be dandy. Cheers.
      1. Raevn
        July 7, 2014
      2. raindrops
        Apparently I can't change my birthday. It says "Once your birthday has been entered, it cannot be changed. Please contact an administrator if it is incorrect." I'd entered my birthday quite some time ago, thus me asking.
        July 8, 2014
    7. tehtrekd
    8. nuketf
      reavn when i turn a .blend into a .papa the model gets messed up when i build it but everything is right
    9. squishypon3
      Hey raevn? My internet derped and I accidentally double posted, any chance you can help me? It's called: "Commander Abilities; hints to development."
    10. Trickster001
      sorry if this is inappropriate to ask you but you seemed from what I can tell to have some info on the mod scene. (mainly wanted to use Live economy and auto except mods) Thanks.
    11. Trickster001
      hello Raevn, I'm sorry if this is not the right place to ask but I get overwhelmed looking through the forum with what little free time I get to use them (and I'd rather be playing PA :) I have just installed and used PAMM for the first time and when I try to use mods all i get is black screen and some menus (eco etc) what am I doing wrong or more importantly, where do I go for more info on the problem?
      1. Raevn
        Hello Trickster001,

        Try enabling one mod at a time to see which one causes the black screen - there may be an out-of-date or incompatible mod. Also try the No Blackscreens mod, which fixes a known bug.

        If you're still having issues, head over to the Mod Developer forum - https://forums.uberent.com/forums/pa-mod-developers.72/.

        April 17, 2014
    12. squishypon3
      Hello Raevn, I'd hate to be a bother but is there any chance I might be able to get my hands on your converters for TA's models and unit data? I haven't seen you post it anywhere (and I assume for good reason) but I might want to get started on the animations because well... TA has a LOT of units. :P (Not to mention this gives me the opportunity to show off some progress.)
    13. squishypon3
      Hello, Raevn? I have a little question for you.. I'm thinking of putting up a post based on the total conversion mod; how should orbital/halleys/multiple planets/etc.. be done. Basically, should I simply re-balance them, replace them, or remove them altogether. Now- I'm not sure of where the placing would be. Would it count as a general discussion or a Mod developers discussion? (I don't want to have another mix up)
      1. Raevn
        As a general rule, any discussions of changes or additions to the game should go in the mod forum, unless it's a suggestion for something to be included in the core game.

        Don't stress :) If you're not sure where a post should go, it's not a big deal - we'll move the post if it's not in the right spot.
        April 6, 2014
    14. squishypon3
      Alright sorry about that Raevn, wasn't sure if it was allowed. My apologies! I can assure you it won't happen again. ^^
    15. Geers
      How come every time I bring up your user ID card thing it ALWAYS says "managing account details"?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Geers
        When there are "staff online" I usually check to see what they're looking at (there it is again!).
        March 26, 2014
      3. Raevn
        That makes sense. But we tend to look at a lot of things that aren't necessarily interesting to us per se (due to admin/reports/general moderation). Personally I find it easier just to follow a user, then you can easily see any time they post something. I just wish it would also generate an alert when a followed user makes a post, then I wouldn't need to always have the news feed open :p
        March 26, 2014
      4. Geers
        I'm not a stalker, jeez!
        March 26, 2014
    16. s7oRm
      In the latest PA Mod Manager, the Installed and Not installed filters are back to front. INSTALLED shows me mods I dont have, and NOT INSTALLED shows me the ones I do.
      1. Raevn
        Just released a fix :)
        March 16, 2014
    17. mookowgill
      Oh, Additionally, I noticed that you do NOT use papadump for your importer, any reason why?
      Do you think it would be worth (me) looking into using that output instead of the binaries directly?

      And lastly, how did you go about reversing the papa files initially?

      Thanks for your time, and I look forward to working with you as the modding scene matures.
      1. Raevn
        Papadump does not extract any content; it just shows the details (an example is shown in the reference thread).

        I reversed the papa files based on the initial work done by Lennard in the below thread. Using this groundwork, I used guesswork, the output of papadump and comparing different papa files to determine what the various bits meant.

        February 26, 2014
    18. mookowgill
      1. Raevn
        I haven't looked into animations, and there's still the issue of exporting rotated bones - you're welcome to have a go! :)
        February 26, 2014
    19. zielkei
      Hey Raevn, I got PAMM but in the Available mods list the thing is blank. Could you help me please?
      1. zielkei
        Nevermind, it's working.
        February 10, 2014
    20. nofear1299
      Please help ^^
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    April 28


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    Disclaimer: I am not an employee of Uber and all my posts reflect my personal opinions only.