Spunky Cola and Addicts Today we live in a world full of noons .Some even play pubs in a daily basis. It has come to mind that research has to be done on the "beverage".5/6 people in your average day pub ,punch bots at some point in their career.Why ?Why do you do it hypocrite. Now since we are over the fact you punch bots let's talk about my addiction.I was just a hyped noon getting a game that I was destined to be play.I soon started playing unarmoured classes using golden accuracy for assassin with silver health regeneration and bronze skill recovery in pubs.I was juice obviously juiced on.That's when it changed.I know juice 20 times a day .That is equivalent to 240 juice boxes a day. 1,680 a week and 87,360 boxes a year.I spend any where from $499.99 to $500.00 for juice.Some times I overdose and rage quit.I consume over 30 grams of spunky which is illegal .Atleast I wont be an extreme addict like rustCLAN .He had to quit because he was a anorexic and started working at planet fitness .I'm trying to over come my addiction.But it's like "I'm drinking a million expressos".