We should have new orbital units

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by totalannihilation, September 11, 2014.

  1. totalannihilation

    totalannihilation Active Member

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    Now that Gas Giants are kicking and working, it would be interesting to add some new features to orbital play:

    • Keppler (or other desired name) Telescope
    Tired of loosing your deepspace orbital radar due to an enemy planet smash, or enemy teleporter invasion? No worries! This super telescope will do the job while standing in the orbital layer. Now you can spy the enemy movement while having fun in the Gas Giant. It should be moveable, with the same speed as a solar array.
    • Orbital metal/energy storage
    What if you were to make your entire base over a GG orbital layer? It is possible, you have orbital factories, orbital defense units, orbital energy and orbital metal extractors, so why not orbital metal/energy storage? They should save you some space in small planets as well, have the same capacity of the ground ones, same HP and cost 2x to 4x as the original ones. They should be fixed
    • "Advanced" Astraeus
    Sending your Commander in a long trip? You surely don't want to send him in a cheap and fragile transport, do you? Now with this armored "beast" you can have safe trips in your solar system, while costing 5x the common astraeus, this reinforced transport unit has 4x the HP of the original one, but it moves slightly slower.

    • Multi Transport Unit
    SOON™. Everyone has already asked for it. I am just mentioning it again, so no one will complain that I did not even talk about.

    Gas Giants could be more fun if we had more units to play there
    cmdandy and kjotak109 like this.
  2. Spododo

    Spododo New Member

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    Totally agree on these. Also, what happened to asteroid belts (shown in some early videos as an idea to hide your troops) with their special jumping fabbers and stealth?
    Different sorts of space fighters would also be cool, so you can have at least a simple rock-paper-scissor-Annihilaser system in space - well without Annihilasers.
    And maybe some sort of fortified space station (astreus can dock here, immovable and armed, just like the normal orbital defenders) for your commander, if you want to hide him above a gas giant.
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    this at one point I was certain the platforms idea was a yes from Uber
  4. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Asteroids are still coming. Not sure about the jumping fabs idea... do you mean the capsules dropping off air fabs? Pretty sure it was scrapped because of difficulties with multi-unit transports.

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