PA Steam Reviews

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sierra159, September 7, 2014.

  1. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    White knight doesn't really apply anyway, ah, guess they're skewing Internet definitions :p

    Anyway, sad to hear such, was hoping people would come to their senses, but those people will never change their opinion. The best we can do is make their opinion look wrong. ;)
    drz1 likes this.
  2. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Wow, some guy just took the time to come to these forums and find quotes from me that support his theory that I'm a blind fanboy, just spreading positive propaganda and asking people to do the same. Apparently, being optimistic is a crime. I'm too invested in this game, it makes me weak, apparently. It's not like I never criticise the game, is it?

    For the record, Foerest or however it is spelt, that is quite a hurtful thing to do to a person who is just passionate about a game. :( don't know if I can be bothered with it anymore, just leave people who want to go on justice crusades to it.

    I'm not even spreading propaganda, because I'm not using mis truths or lying by omission, which can be used to define propaganda.

    Now I know a little bit about how you feel, Uber devs.
    @BradNicholson how do you put up with this every day?
    DalekDan and cdrkf like this.
  3. xplutonx

    xplutonx New Member

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    Sooo.... I just came from the steam forums, YES I posted there, hate me!
    Seriously guys?
    What you are doing is outright waging WAR within the community. I admit I did not read all posts in this thread, but the general idea here seems to be "fight the negativity on Steam". The problem I have with that is the methods you (or rather some of you) use to fight that negativity. I got much hate from fans for saying that I am disappointed, I was attacked for saying that the game is not finished and should not have been released in this state, some people just repeated phrases over and over and over and over again without apparently understanding their meanings or even the context they where replying to.
    I am posting here now, because I believe that most people who were "fighting the negativity" over there, were also talking about this forum and how much better it is here. So I hope this thread is the source of all this hate(It looks like it). Stop it! Yes people are complaining on Steam, and yes some of them are trolls. You dont have trolls here? Good for you, but I dont believe that, I saw trolls coming from here. Negativity is not fought by negativity, and also not by just denying the existence or validity of its source.
    This release was rushed, and the decision was made by Uber. They have to bear the consequences of their decision. If you "fight for their honor" ("white knight") and "kill everyone with flames who dares to say anything negative" ("fanboy"), you are not helping anyone. Most complaints have a valid core, even if you dont like the wording.
    Yes I have said that this release was a massive screwup. No I am not bashing or hating the game.

    Realize that those people that are complaining (subtract the obvious trolls/ "Early Access is cancer" guys) are people who wanted this game to be good! People who cared about it. And people who are now disappointed by what they got. They dont have to understand the development process, they are not talking about an early access game anymore (I wouldnt talk so much about the issues if it still was in EA), they are disappointed by the current state which is at this moment a release version. At this point it is very valid to point out all the issues, to complain about promised-but-still-missing "features". Speaking of which, let me tell you why I have such a problem with the missing offline in particular (just as famous example, its not my only complaint).
    At the time when I bought PA, it was advertised to have offline mode, this sole promise made me buy it. I did not buy f.E. StarCraft 2 (although I love the franchise) for the same reason I paid for PA. I did not want this game to have the same shortcomings that prevented me from buying StarCraft 2, so I made sure that it said: AI Skirmishes, Offline Mode, DRM Free, before I bought it. Offline wasnt there at that time, I was OK with that, given that it was still in Early Access and clearly not finished. I liked what I saw at this time(as work in progress), and I gave it time to grow and evolve and add the still missing features to be added, and be finished before playing again. The release surprised me, and then I was even more surprised to find out it is released but still in almost the same state. Yes it has been improved, but not enough to release it. I did not think the reasons for the always online in Early Access were good reasons, but I did not have to agree with them to accept the fact, while it was pre-release, and under the premise of it being removed at release, I did not complain about it even once at that point. And when it is getting fixed soon I will not ditch this game either, but Uber lost my trust with this move and they have to show much more respect for their supporters/customers (and a lot of better decisions made) in the future to regain it.

    Ok now I ranted here as well. Go on and hate me. But let me say that I do not want to be part of a community that uses hate and personal attacks and blames every single issue at the player first (denying that it could possibly be a bug in the game) and then its PC, in an efford to make the world think their favorite game is better than the release version looks for many people. Not a single **** was given by many (not all) "defenders" for the concerns and issues that other people had, not even for valid reasons to be upset. And yes, that is where accusation of "fanboism" and "white knighting" come from. I dont like those words and I try to avoid using them, but I can see why people are using them in this case. You are not upset? Thats nice, but dont insult people for being upset. The very fact that this has to be said is disgusting.
    Yes I saw the shots fired by both sides, and insulting someone for not being upset is disgusting as well. But thats not my point here.

    Take a step back everyone, and take a deep breath. This last week was a constant fight on the Steam forum, and not much help or empathy was given (yes there was some). A crapload of hate though. Stop splitting the community by fighting valid complaints, instead try and be helpful and friendly and recognize peoples issues as such, instead of blindly denying them, and insulting other people or their intelligence.
    Steam forums can be, as every forum in fact, a friendly place and have a good community, or not. The forum for this game however turned into a battlefield over the last week, almost overshadowing the Interplanetary battles in PA. Part of the reason for this is the absolute denial by the older community of new people, who are not accustomed to this yet unfinished game, and are experiencing unexpected problems. Trolls love battlefields like this. They like to stirr up the **** some more. Dont feed them, be a friendly and understanding community. That is now your (all of you) decision to make.

    This is my first post on this forum, and it will most probably be also my last, as I do not have a good feeling with this community right now.

    Thats all,
    Pluton out.
    popededi and bradaz85 like this.
  4. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    If you were insulted for an opinion then that is wrong. You are entitled to your opinion, and you can be disappointed at the game's release.

    The issue we have however, is when people give misinformation.
    drz1 likes this.
  5. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    I had a scan through the steam forums myself and was a little miffed at what some of the fanboys of the forums were sayin.
  6. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    And I'm sure said "fanboys" were miffed at the vast lying that was going on there.
    Bsport and drz1 like this.
  7. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    :) You said it.
    drz1 likes this.
  8. thetbc

    thetbc Member

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    Because sales figures are the sole basis for a games success.
    bradaz85 likes this.
  9. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    From a business standpoint, yes, it kinda makes up the most of it. On other fronts, not so much though.
    thetbc likes this.
  10. suthainn

    suthainn New Member

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    Long time lurker & Kickstarter backer here.

    I think, that no matter how much you love the game, it would be short sighted to dismiss the criticism that PA is receiving. We can say that the Steam forums are a cesspool, Reddit is full of liars, Metacritic is worthless but when so many people who were obviously excited and looking forwards to the game are now upset, disappointed or even actively campaigning *against* it... something went wrong somewhere.

    We can give a lot of reasons, many of them totally valid, as to why offline mode isn't in or why other features people were expecting will be coming later when the Devs get them finished but the fact of the matter is PA is now a full release game. Personally I think they should have kept it on beta until all these features were finished, I'd be happy to wait for the 'release' date as long as needed for a better game... but many people aren't and given that it's now listed as released it should be playable, as advertised, for those who bought it and honestly, it's not.

    That said, getting into flame wars and spewing hate back at the people posting criticism is about the worst thing possible, all it does is add fuel to 'fanboi' arguments and give the actual trolls more ammo to fling mud at PA, something none of us want. If the people who are truly upset and not trolls didn't want a great game they wouldn't be so passionate as to get this upset, we should be working to positively show them that the problems they see will be fixed, but a large part of that is for *us* to push Uber to see they need to spread some oil on these waters and help calm things by clearly saying so.

    tl:dr; PA has issues, try and use reason and positivity to make things better, don't respond with insults and negativity, most of the haters just want the game to be great.
    drz1, bradaz85 and mjshorty like this.
  11. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    What I understand, is that if someone uses the term fanboy, then they are using ad hominem. In my experience, a lot of them weren't accurate in their information either.

    some unbiased reviews claim the game suffers from lack of savegame and offline. But they play it and give it a 6/10.

    so, anyone on steam bashing the game because its a pyramid scheme type scam or any other type scam (lie), basing it off SMNC (mostly lie, I mean actually look at the work on SMNC, it constantly improved and wasn't dropped just because it stopped getting constant new content patches), or basing it like an organized embargo, is a "black knight".

    If a reviewer can pick up the game, get it to start btw suprise suprise no crash, and play it, and rate it a 6, then people can and only can give it a 0 out of malice. Just like people can give it a 10 to counterbalance 0's.

    No offence, but perhaps Steam isn't a genuine enough userbase to trust with -4 and 9+, maybe their rating should be 4-9 and only 0-4 or a 10 if verified to be some bug or if given 120 hours ingame time.

    just food for thought.
  12. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Wow, if you look at this weeks most helpful reviews, not one recommends the game. That's pretty depressing.
  13. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    You know the remaining TA related communities (TAU, FAF, Spring) are quite apathy about PA. It's quite a failure for a game that once largely rely on nostalgia for marketing.
  14. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Unrelated by every time I see your username I think:

    drz1 likes this.
  15. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Must resist urge to explain why to not start a flamewar....
  16. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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    use reason and positivity.... on the steam forums...... yer good luck with that.
    drz1 likes this.
  17. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Not unrelated at all, given that it is pretty much where I got my nickname from ;) stupid, I know, but fitting now.
    Geers likes this.
  18. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Despite all the claims of fanboy thrown at me, this approach at least convinced some people to give the game a fighting chance.
  19. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Last edited: September 17, 2014
    squishypon3 likes this.
  20. felipec

    felipec Active Member

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    There are just 1 positive review on the front page now. We should start downvoting these negative review to help more positive reviews to be on the front page.
    kjotak109 likes this.

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