Hey everyone it's great to see the community again. I haven't played this game since early beta. What's new and has much changed? If no one remembers me I started the first PA clan on reddit.
Since beta? Crashable planets, planets can now clip and destroy each other in system orbit if they touch, metal planets can be armed with anti-planet lasers, teleporters and swarming planet with invasion army, I can't really think of the complete thing but I am probably missing a lot. Oh, galactic war procedural singleplayer?
Annihilaser, completely new balance, Gas Giants (and Jigs), incidental smashing, proportional smashing, planets can be completely annihilated by a smash, lots of performance improvements, picture in picture... Those are the big ones.
Pfff... I'm pretty certain clans came before Beta, I joined IG back in Alpha, before it's collapse. No offense.