Why does it return me to main menu, if I want to join a game and it fails? If it fails joining a game it should put you back to the multiplayer tab and game list.
I agree with that, very painfull as you have to select your filters again each time it fails to connect (and it happens a lot).
I've just updated the Faster Server browser mod to patch the following so they return to the game server browser (without breaking Galactic Warfare): failed to join game network issue failed to join game when no longer valid eg another play joined, slot removed, etc failed to join game due to incorrect password leaving a game kicked from a game The mod will automatically disable patches for new builds until they can be tested. If you want to save your filters you can also install the Save Server Browser Filters mod. To install mods use the PA Mod Manager (PAMM): https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-pa-mod-manager-cross-platform.59992/