I have the most recent Video drivers for my GTX 760 and for some reason it happen only once in a while but I seem to get a very odd visual texture glitch can anyone assist?
Hello, Can you please post your Dxdiag so that I can make sure you really have up-to-date drivers? Also, please check your system for third-party software, as some can trigger graphical glitches.
Alright, I found out that your drivers are indeed the latest. There's nothing wrong with your Dxdiag, but here's the thing: What power supply do you have, and how many watts does it contain? Maybe your GPU is having overheating issues or something is wonky with your system. Are you running the game through Steam or the Uber Launcher?
running game through steam and also my power supply is a Cosair CX 750watt so its more then enough for 1 GTX 760. No over heating I have EVGA Precision running to keep tabs on my temp which never go above 50c's.
I think EVGA Precision is causing your glitch. Have you tried running PA without that third-party program?
But I will mention this again it doesn't happen all the time only once in get further into the Galactic war, in which I control most of the system.
Hmm not yet I'll give that a go since I know its not an overheating issue so ill be back to you in a few gunna continue playin
We need @varrak in here, I had a similar issue a while back and helped him track down some buggy code, hopefully he sees this as he can help figure it out.