Favorite character class and why?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Techyo, February 7, 2011.

  1. Techyo

    Techyo New Member

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    I'm curious to hear what character class people enjoy the most and why.

    This will also help out with beginners reading this.

    I personally haven't given them all a good run through, but I've been picking being a Gunner almost 90% of the time.

    It's always fun enhancing him with a larger clip, faster reload, and critical hit.

    I just sit there and let go on everyone I see which usually causes a hysteria among their team if they confined in an area. The gunner is also the best for gaining money by shooting one of the mascots. Especially when having the larger clip enhancement.

    Another thing I like to do(mainly on the first level because of its design for the left and right sides) is using the gunners tri-grenade launcher and let the other team have it. It's also a good way to pick up more cash at a safe distance by lobbing your projectiles over a surface that bullets couldn't make it over. By doing this I keep collecting money(at least for the first level in cross fire) while I'm next to the bot respawn and keep spawning a Bouncer while my team could use the help.

    Also nothing more fun than seeing a cloaked assassin come up on you and giving them a ground-pound out of stadium. Nothing more satisfying then watching one of them fly to their death with absolutely NO CHANCE. :)

    Yes, I don't like assassins AT ALL!(when they kill me....a lot)

    The gunner may be more potent in the beginner category(next to assault), but like all characters, there is some deeper strategies in the game that you won't see at first.
    Last edited: February 8, 2011
  2. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    Starting out it was gunner with gold accuracy, silver armor, bronze RoF, because it had a good amount pewpew up to medium range and mortars could poop on turrets. But my hatred of snipers turned me towards the assault, which I am currently playing most out of all the classes, starting primarily just using the assault rifle in combination with the 'nade launcher, but once I got those bombs down I just loved it. <3 Headcrabs.
  3. Techyo

    Techyo New Member

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    I agree, the snipers(at least the good ones) annoy me as well getting head shots while I'm a gunner. Here I am running slow over to an area, unleashing hundreds of bullets and just one bullet pops me in my brains and I'm gone. This is of course what makes the gunner more a beginner character and the sniper an advanced.
  4. Sohldad

    Sohldad New Member

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    I really have only played Assault. I have a lot of fun with him and really don't feel like switching in the near future. I have played support in blitz a few times. When I do feel like switching, I will probably choose him.

    The Assault is so flexible. Depending on your play stile; there are many endorsement builds that work for him. I have no clue what works with other classes, so there may be just as many.
  5. FTP

    FTP New Member

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    Generally support!

    Mostly because I feel flexible as well as important. I can shut down bot lanes for a bit... with a bit of luck, I can increase turret capacities (something I RARELY see other supps doing), I can increase the lifespan of fellow team mates, take care of pesky fire bases and turrets from a safe distance and my shotgun is death to anyone too close to me... especially untalented assassins.

    Then Tank

    Generally, because I can singlehandedly wipe out bot waves in one attack, got lots and lots of health, sins are almost NO problem anymore and they are surprisingly good at wrecking turrets early in game. I don't, at all, think tank is a useless class <.<

    Then the other ones.... except Sins
    Last edited: February 8, 2011
  6. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    I like playing sniper mainly because I find it fun to headshot other pro's... And because they can be quite effective lane pushers, and he's lightweight and fast so that's a +, I mainly play him for selfish reasons just to kill and push lanes and stuff, just for some free time... Issue is there are so many snipers on one team sometimes that I am simply forced to pick something else, such as:


    I like to see the results of overhealing my teammates. The enemy sprays out on the overhealed and still being healed teammate of mine which I hold in a tight healing grip, and he doesnt die while he gets the kills and I get the assists. Should something flank him I would handle it with the shotgun, and should something flank me I would have my trusty firebase to cover my back and also function as a healing station. Being a support not many expects you to run charging into the enemy... That's where being unpredictable comes into play as I tend to drop on unexpecting pro's whenever the opportunity arrives. I like feeling like I am an aid to the team and I like to show people a support can be more lethal than a gunner or sniper. At least on pubs.
  7. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Sniper, assassin, gunner, and any other class really.

    Sniper first, because I'm a career sniper. I just love the feeling of a well placed quick scope headshot. Even after years doing it, still feels like a million bucks, every single time. Surgical lethal strikes.

    I like assassin because of how independent she is (i.e.: even if your team is completely crap, you can at least get some kills and enjoy the game instead of being camped) and well... She's sort of a subversion of the sniper's gameplay - precision assassination. Except instead of shooting people in the head from a distance I get to play more hitman style. It's a style thing.

    And Gunner because... Well... To quote TF2's Engineer - "And if that don' work... Use more gun!". The gunner is the ultimate powerhouse in this game, and that's right up my alley.

    That said, I regularly rotate through all the other classes as well. I like playing assault for the eponymous rifle, and the mobility + damage you can have. I like playing Tank because he's another powerhouse. More devastating at close range, but more limited in range. I'd say my least favorite is support, even though I like playing support as well. I just hate being limited in range like that. I love using the shotgun, as well as farming kills with one well placed 3.3 firebase, but it's incredibly annoying to have no way to fight, or even hackle, targets at range.
  8. roadkillgrill

    roadkillgrill Active Member

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    When you want to win in under two minutes those turrets in the other base need to go.....

    Its also a cheap class to play, beyond upgrading the passive ability to max (which is usually within the first minute) the rest goes into your bases turrets, juice, or hazards/annihilator.

    In most games I will build/upgrade as many turrets as I destroy. Early game have a bad ratio but usallty will equal out once the turrets are gone and it becomes lane pushing and pro killing time :mrgreen:
  9. Arcanum

    Arcanum New Member

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    Sniper and Assault, mostly.
    I wanted to use Gunner, but I get killed too fast (even with gold armor and deployed), so I left it there.
    Once in a while I also use Support, because the team ignores our base, so I have to change class temporarily to overheal and hack our turrets to avoid our base being destroyed behind our backs.
  10. taste

    taste New Member

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    what is advanced about using the easiest/most powerful weapon in the game?

    i have yet to see a game where sniping was easier. and that includes duck hunt.
  11. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    I love playing Support, and I love healing Assaults.

    Why? Support is just a lot of fun for me because it's more strategy. I tend to be a smart player with a naturally shitty reaction time, so the up-close-and-personal classes just aren't for me.

    Why? Because assaults typically move a lot better than tank/gunner, and a support constantly (over)healing an assault in the heat of battle is really tough to stop.
  12. Arcanum

    Arcanum New Member

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    Easiest? Most powerful? Lol.
    Give capability to headshot to every other weapon and me (or grimbar) will show you that the sniper rifle is NOT the easiest or the most powerful weapon in the game...
  13. taste

    taste New Member

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    oh noes, elitist not even making sense to anyone but himself ;/

    you and grimbar can suck a big fat one for all i care.

    sniper rifle = super easy, only the supports shotgun comes close to being as easy to use, close but no cookie.
  14. ExT Insanity

    ExT Insanity New Member

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    Exactly summed up what I went through (except I had accuracy and armor switched). Snipers didn't turn me towards the assault as much as the mobility of the assault did. Compared to the gunner, it's unreal and a beautiful advantage. Also getting my a** kicked by Peachy when he was assault made me consider the assault as well. :D Although that was a long time ago, I want a rematch PeachyPony. :D
  15. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Yeah... You had a good roll and all, but calm down and take a breather... You can stop trollin' now and stop posting flame bait. :|
  16. Techyo

    Techyo New Member

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    what is advanced about using the easiest/most powerful weapon in the game?

    i have yet to see a game where sniping was easier. and that includes duck hunt.[/quote]

    Easiest? Most powerful? Lol.
    Give capability to headshot to every other weapon and me (or grimbar) will show you that the sniper rifle is NOT the easiest or the most powerful weapon in the game...[/quote]

    oh noes, elitist not even making sense to anyone but himself ;/

    you and grimbar can suck a big fat one for all i care.

    sniper rifle = super easy, only the supports shotgun comes close to being as easy to use, close but no cookie.[/quote]

    That just means you've had a lot of experience playing FPS's with a sniper. You probably even have a nice mouse that can maybe even switch DPI.

    In contrast to the Gunner, yes the sniper is an advanced character to use over a gunner.

    You must aim at one small spot to get a head-shot, opposed to being able to just spew bullets everywhere. It may not be a big leap in skill, but to categorize, that's just the way it is.
  17. taste

    taste New Member

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  18. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    most snipers I see these days take RoF and spew bullets everywhere. Unfortunately it's very effective..
  19. Myst

    Myst New Member

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    I usually go tank or assassin because I find that not having to worry about aiming lets me focus more on the "bigger picture" and makes me a better player.
    Will also take support for the same reason, when I'm feeling really lazy :D
  20. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    If you pick support when feeling lazy, you're doing it wrong.


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