PA Steam Reviews

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sierra159, September 7, 2014.

  1. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    After 800h+ of playing it I don't know xD
    websterx01 likes this.
  2. tohron

    tohron Active Member

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    Both Starcrafts had a save system, which I used regularly when playing the campaign, though not as much during AI skirmishes.

    Regarding saves in PA, right now I'd only really want them to resume in the event of a server crash, although I'd probably use them in GW too.
  3. Pey

    Pey New Member

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    Review from my site (in Spanish). Includes images and gameplay videos.
    bradaz85, Bsport and Fr33Lancer like this.
  4. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    I know that Age of empires 3 has saves.
  5. xSkitz

    xSkitz Member

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    Saves are for the kind of person that enjoys messing around in AI matches and just casually plays the game. It's perfectly reasonable and a very common use. A lot of people enjoy reloading a save at a pivotal point in a match and doing something differently, or reloading because they lost. It's just another way to play the game.

    In multi-player this would be useful for future massive system, massive player games. I imagine people are *hoping* to have extended games in the same manner of Civilization(Which is a turn-based game, making reloading from saves in muliplayer a bit more plausible).
  6. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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    I don't think thats unfair, I think thats a fair score i would have maybe gone for 84/100 but yer that splitting hairs. I would disagree about the graphics on max the game looks amazing. BTW you should try turning pole lock on helps me a lot, its a setting i think should be enabled by default.
  7. duhreaper

    duhreaper Member

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    Yes it has not been getting good reviews but this game has had quite a bit of hype and many people were expecting more. I have been playing pa since early alpha and I was pumped for this games release. I just don't find it fun anymore. The Only thing that makes it playable for me the the people I play with otherwise I get bored.When you buy a game with a lot of hype you can easily get disappointed.
  8. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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    I feel sorry for star citizen, "what i can't wash my ship with a hose and then have to dry character cloths?, WHAT YOU CANT!!.. THIS GAMES A SCAM!!!"
    cola_colin, squishypon3 and cdrkf like this.
  9. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    Both starcrafts have a save feature. The only other game with "tricky" Savegame I know of is Warlord Battlecry Series. It has a "iron" mode (permadeath) where if your hero dies the savegame was deleted/made invalid. There were modes with less severe penalties, but they also invalidated the savegames quickly after death/win.

    Maybe we should get them a small moon fully covered in stocked anti-nukes launchers?
    They are going to need it.

    Maybe saying "the age of publishers has long passed" in the Kickstarter video was taken as a declaration of war?

    Of course it could just be that trolls asume more people having an interest in the Kickstarter games/backers being easier to bait.
    But it would certainly be a good idea for the Publishers to disrupt Kickstarter game projects as heavily as legally possible (without appearing as a the culptript). But that is just a theory with no way to proove it.
    cdrkf likes this.
  10. sanyc

    sanyc New Member

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    looking at the steam reviews, it seems to be 40% bad 60% good, and I find that fair.

    I Think its failing to live up to its potential, mostly due to the fact that once you leave the planet, the experience breaks. Orbital is not done very well, and "interplanetary warfare" does not exist save for the occasional portal down to the surface and planet smashing ( both which I find rather dull). While the ground combat is a solid, fun experience, the overall lack of depth and technical difficulties do warrant a certain degree of negative reviews. basic-ly, the game is fun but has some issues, hence some bad reviews. And the single-player is lame.

    (Plus the lobby is super slow and weird for me, so I usually quit after attempting to join a few games and glitching out, so that may sour my opinion somewhat)
    cmdandy and duhreaper like this.
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    If you use the Enhanced Steam extension in Chrome you can actually see the split. It has dropped from 77/33 (positive/negative) to 50/50.
    lokiCML likes this.
  12. alienmind

    alienmind New Member

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    I say it's to be expected. Every overambitious game, like Falcon4.0 or VTM:Bloodlines had to be released a raw diamond. If they finally liberate the game from it's corporate server shackles and make their promise "we will support LAN play and running your own servers" true so they can't cut the cord on us like recently Gamespy, it's the modders job to perfect the game. And our job to give it one hell of longevity by delightfully playing a full blown real diamond.
    cdrkf and cola_colin like this.
  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I will support both Gamespy and Uber on this one: SMNC still maintain servers for it despite it not being a big project of theirs at the moment, and Gamespy supported games as a third party for the longest of time, many of us can't remember when we first bought the games they supported. I remember playing C&C Renegade, it supported WOL which is now emulated handed down to another connection provider, and Gamespy which I never used much but this was circa 2001. Now, as expected, the games are so old you matchmake with someone's homebrew program (and you don't really honestly need a unique serial when doing so)

    However, C&C Renegade exists because of longevity of how flexible the code is, with player patches like Tiberian Technologies Scripts 4.0 and custom maps and BlackIntel server bots and such. That is what PA needs, some of dat server shtuff going on sometime in the near future.
    igncom1 likes this.
  14. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Halo CE was supported by game spy up until it's demise! Gamespy was the greatest for hosting servers for ancient games for so long, it's really sad to see it go. :(
    stuart98 and thetrophysystem like this.
  15. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Sadly, didn't they get funding through advertizement as well as occasional donation through paypal? With donation through paypal, they should have went through kickstarter to raise awareness of their year cost and what the minimum of that would be. Make the stretch goals simple, more raised simply tacks on time they will keep servers hosted by months depending on how much extra. Make rewards like t-shirts, I thought they already had some merchendise anyway though not sure. Sounds like it would have worked since they still held onto a decent base of regulars being the hosts to so many retro games.
  16. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    All the reviews are basically stories (since September 5th, everything before doesnt really count and should be wiped IMO) of either tears of joy of "love game! so unique!" to flaming hatred of "The dev team are scammers" ... pff metacritic, what a joke
    igncom1 likes this.
  17. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    Well...except for that Dreadnought one, that flat out lays everything on a i guess ill have to mark it as helpful
  18. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    I know I said I wouldn't look at Steam discussions any more, but I just can't help it. People talking nonsense or being fed misinformation just riles me up. Kudos to @zgrssd for his Herculean effort to combat idiocy too, among others. I think we are getting there. There seem to be slightly more positive, and less reactionary threads at the mo.
  19. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Hehe, hope someone made use of the offline is coming quotes. :p
  20. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    I do mention them, but if people have an agenda you just get "I don't trust devs words" and sometimes "just look at SMNC". Or occasionally "you are such a white knight, corporate shill". I LOLed at that last one.

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