[Assault]I don't hit my targets & am unsure about endorsemts

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by Plinius, February 3, 2011.

  1. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    Yeah, I always guessed that mobility is more valuable than a bit of accuracy and some range. Though ADS has some uses when you flank an enemy and you can't afford to get any closer, of course.
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    true dat, gauge the situation and do what you seem fit. Closing the gap should be the number one priority however whenever you have the chance to
  3. Recoil

    Recoil New Member

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    I've noticed this myself. Almost like a bug, on more than one occasions I've shot someone and a grenade shot lands squarely on them and it does no damage.
  4. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Never had that problem, personally.

    Once you learn assault more, and really start to get close to the skill celing, you will find that you can actually time out nades (they explode after 1 bounce) and use that to hit people at a distance more reliably than trying to land right on them. Also they bounce around corners, which is OK useful, until you have GOLD ROF, than you can desimate Firebases, and players with ease.

    over all ASSAULT is just the JACK of all TRADES, he does everything well, but nothing exceptionally, he also does NOTHING badly.

    a GREAT assault can whipe entire teams of bad players, because none of them have an I WIN button against the assault.. That is his power. that hes hes flexible, he can pin you down and put a hurting on you, but if you leave to avoid him, hell simply start whiping your base turrets out.. he can be annoying..

    the only class with more flexability is Assassin, but they have to run away if you push them, where an assault cand stand and fight.

    just remember 2 things

    1) Assault Rifle murders gunners, dont nade them from medium range like you would a tank, I know it doesnt seem like it SHOULD, by the nature of their silhoutte, but trust me Assault Rifle > Gunner.. but remember, if he turns on you... you gotta charge to cover.. the advantage being that he has no way to get away from you if he tries to run, but you can run from him at will.. its fun to hunt gunners

    2) Tanks will eat your bacon if you let them get either close or long range, keep them at medium (just outside of jet gun range) and they die eventually... watch out for charge jet gun combos.. DO NOT USE CHARGE unless you have to, you need that to be ready to get away if they manage to close the gap

    3) Assasssins are a NON threat after hover upgrade 2, just hover, backpeddle and AR them down.. if you hear cloak, hover.. makes them cry.
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    False! Assault is absolutely exceptional at wrecking the moneyball.
    - The AR and sticky bombs do incredible damage to it.
    - He can avoid CC defenses and most rockit-fire by hovering around.
    - Using bomb jumps and charge, he's the only one other than assassin who can respawn and get back to the moneyball before the shields go back up.
    - He's the only one other than assassin who can bounce projectiles around to hit the moneyball from some relatively safe spots.

    He even says, "I'm really more of a moneyball guy!"
  6. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    AR doesnt actually do to terribly much dmg to the money ball, You would use the AR on the money ball when you are close to juice. Because it does build juice at a decent rate.
    The GL on the other hand is a prime choice for shooting at the money ball. And yes the bombs do amaziing dmg to it. ~10% iirc. it might be 9.9% though because for some reason my brain is telling me i read somewhere that a lv 3 bomb on the money ball does 999 dmg to it.

    Edit : Failed at quoting
  7. mikes

    mikes New Member

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    agreed! if youre close to a gunner, fly over his head! keep shootin him and he'll keep missing.

    and for assassins, i like to listen for the hum, then turn and charge. :p hovering is consistently the best method for dealing with them though.
  8. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Its hardly FALSE.. there are much better class's for killing the money ball

    Assassin, Tank, Sniper for instance.. the Assault gets to the money ball easier, which makes him do more damage over all, because he can make multiple attempts.. but that hardly stops him from being a "jack of all trades"

    As far as mobility goes (getting to money ball, hes number 2) behind assassin and as far as damage dealth to money ball it goes,

    Juiced: Tank > Sniper > Assassin > Assault
    Non Juiecd: Tank > Assassin > Assault

    Like I said, he can get there fast and attack from above thats his advantage, but if he isnt packing ROF and Nade launcher all he does is pitful AR spam and Bombs, thats really NOT great at killing money ball, its not bad, but its not amazing..

    Also AR is NOT what you use, you use the Bomb and Nade Launcher with Gold ROF. AR builds juice well but does pitful damage to it.

    Basically, any class can kill the money ball fast juiced, and non juiced the assault does well, hes 2nd to assassin using shrukiens from up top IMO..
  9. s0cks

    s0cks New Member

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    I'd like to thank the contributors to this topic. Following your advice I managed to have some great games last night. My best score being 20-1, which might not sound a lot, but it is a HUGE turn around for me. Considering my deaths would usually be equal to or higher than my kills. I also managed to generate a LOT more money and was able to juice considerably more times.

    My first setup was using this which worked really well:


    But I found later on that this setup was more fun:

    Crit/RoF/Skill Regen

    At passive 3 I've yet to find a tank or gunner I couldn't rip apart in one clip. Obviously you loose a lot of accuracy but I find the AR does piss all damage after a certain range and I'm better off charging and getting in close where accuracy isn't such an issue. Bombs are still my weapon of choice though.

    One of my favourite methods to kill someone who is quite a distance away and usually on a ledge/platform, is to get slightly higher than them by jumping and hovering then charging in the air towards them and dropping a bomb on their head. It's so funny, as I can just imagine them wondering WTF just happened!
  10. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    The Assault is by far the fastest with bomb 3 and golden RoF nade launcher, try it out some time.
  11. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    maybe without juice the GL is better, but with juice the AR is incredible
  12. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    AR 39 dmg pr shot
    .1 fire interval at 600 RPM
    Dmg vs money ball modifier = .2

    GL- 150 dmg pr shot
    1 sec interval at 60 RPM
    Dmg vs moneyball modifier = 1

    http://denkirson.xanga.com/738334142/mo ... ht-combat/

    When juiced:
    damage multiplier - 33%
    ROF multiplier - 75%
    reload speed multiplier - 50%

    http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/a ... 33027.html

    No juice
    Dmg pr shot * shots pr second = Damage pr second
    AR 39 * 10 = 390
    GL 150 * 1 = 150

    DPS * money ball dmg modifier = dps on money ball
    AR - 390 * .2 = 78
    GL 150 * 1 = 150

    (Dmg pr shot * Damage multiplier) * (shots pr second * ROF multiplier) = DPS
    AR (39 * 1.33) * (10 * 1.75) = (51.87)*(17.5) = 907.725
    GL (150 * 1.33) * (1 * 1.75) = (199.5) * (1.75) = 349.125

    DPS * money ball modifier = dps to money ball
    AR 907.725 * .2 = 181.545
    GL 349.125 * 1 = 349.125

    I hope the info I based this off of is correct, as well as my math. (Im not the best at math)
    In conclusion it would seem that the GL is by far better than the AR for attacking the money ball. For a couple of reasons, with the AR you would need to be at a certain distance for maximum damage, where as the GL could be shot from max distance and yield max dps.

    A caveat to this would be the players accuracy on the money ball with the GL. If you miss then of course your dps will suffer, where as it would seem that 100% accuracy with the AR is much easier.
  13. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Hm, interesting. I'll have to give the GL more tries then
  14. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Some of your numbers are off. 33% is the damage mitigation. When juiced, every shot is a crit that does 300% damage. And you're not shooting 75% faster, that'd be ridiculous :lol: It's more like 25% faster.
  15. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    yeah, was pretty sure my math was wrong... since it seems you'd know what to do, it'd be helpful if you could.
  16. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I have, I run Gold ROF

    I dont think hes faster than the Sniper using juiced flake 3 and SMG, or juiced tanks..

    but I think he has huge advantages in that he can deal decent damage non juiced from a distance, and from around corners.

    As assault.. you have several huge advantages while not juiced

    1) Get up top and place a bomb on it, but dont blow the bomb until another one is ready, keep hitting it with Grenade launcher.

    2) when you get preassured, fly / charge away (leaving bomb on target)

    3) recover health, right as health is recovered BLOW THE BOMB (this resets the money ball armor counter)

    4) come back and repeat

    5) just leave if you get preassure and you can keep the balls shields down for EVER

    PS: if you are over 75% charge of juice, use AR it builds juice MUCH FASTER
  17. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    So i had a rather long post typed up and ready to put in but somehow i ended up getting logged out and when i submited it asked me to log back in, and...... Long post was vaporized.

    So in short, ..

    Money ball timer, after each hit it starts at 30 seconds and counts down, if that counter reaches 0 the shields go back up. In other words dont let 30 seconds pass without someone causing atleast 1 pt of dmg to the money ball.

    Bombs from indescrete locations.

    Theres a few places on each map that you can throw from and be relatively outside of thier base. Be creative... oh and spunky cola doesnt count as a map (hence why its my least favorite).

    Ammo Mule, on top the center building

    Grenade 3, on top the high ground where the launch pad puts you on each side.

    Lazer razor, from behind the glass on each side.

    Steel peel, on top of the roundabout at each opening to the opponents base
  18. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Well that and this

    Assault and Sin are the only class'es that can EASILY get to the top catwalk around the money ball at will.

    Meaning they are always in the BEST position to attack the thing.. they can totaly avoid most turrets (longshots can still be a problem).

    If your shields go down, and you are support.. for the love of god put your turret on that catwalk.. itll save the day. When ever I see one up there as an assault... i say to my self.. damnit..well there goes that plan.

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