PA single player still uses Servers?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by qazplm601, June 2, 2014.

  1. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Which is why I refrained from doing it in the first place :p
  2. letters

    letters New Member

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    running a server is not user friendly in most cases, it's also the reason why server admin and maintenance staff exists. that is in no way a valid explanation to the fact that this game is still locked to online only. don't expect everyone to be a moron in handling a few commands please.

    nothing much else, just have to comment on this.
  3. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Most people demanding 'offline mode' are not demanding the ability to run a server. They just want to be able to play the game without connecting to the internet. That's why user-friendliness is so important.
    philoscience and squishypon3 like this.
  4. letters

    letters New Member

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    so we are back to a most people argumentation.

    if they have the capability to set an offline server they could enable such possibility to skilled people. the game is very buggy itself and nobody cares. it's not like a buggy server won't be accepted. I'm not most people. I don't care for most people. I am looking out for people like me as everybody else does.

    if you want to talk about most people, don't release the game until it's completely bug free.
  5. mredge73

    mredge73 Active Member

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    No offline mode at release is a dealbreaker, no matter how you word it.
    With the release, Uber is saying that the game is done and has its full feature set.
    They are under no obligation to release a bug fee server now, anything that they do now is just game support.
    "This game isn't finished" or "Gamma is Beta" arguments are no longer valid.

    Almost feels like Diablo 3 all over again; or a highly anticipated pile of garbage released in an alpha state.
  6. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    keeping complaining will not make it happen faster.
    MrTBSC and squishypon3 like this.
  7. stevenrs11

    stevenrs11 Active Member

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    Which, coincidentally, got patched into a much more playable state. Some form of solace, I guess.
  8. gremjs03

    gremjs03 New Member

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    Must have been one hell of an alpha to sell 10 million copies to the masses huh? Either way D3 was not D2 and that is why most people complained. It was fully playable and very bug free. That to me is a release of a game. PA might have a little more bugs but the game is completely playable and works rather well. You can either not play it and wait for offline mode or play it now and enjoy it with the rest of us.

    By the way I still think they should have released with offline as well just to free up resources on the people actually playing online games. But either way the game is very functional and playable and from what I have played ~25 hours not many bugs that I can see and I have had maybe 1 game crash out of 20-30.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  9. treebee

    treebee New Member

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    Why not? How else will they know how to prioritise it?

    To those saying it'll be difficult to admin; it shouldn't be if uber are remotely competent (and they usually are). There are plenty of games that transparently implement a client/server architecture and the player never even knows.

    I'm sorely disappointed that despite the promises the server component hasn't yet been released; I gave them my money for the game with that expectation.
  10. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Again, I can't stress this enough. The server and offline mode were not promised for release, they were promised to be in the game at some point.

    Anyway, offline /is/ top priority as far as we've heard, they said it should be in soon, which is why I find all these complaints from people who know very well its coming slightly silly. You can be sad about it, disappointed of course, but there's no reason to go over the top and claim Uber as an evil corporate mind stealing and lying to the people who backed them, as it's simply not true. If offline never makes it in.. then you can say they didn't meet realistic expectations. But to me people are just blowing the offline out of proportion.

    This is coming from someone with satellite internet, with a 10GB data cap. If anyone should be complaining it should be me.

    Was I disappointed to see it not be in release? If course, I bet everyone was. But I understood /why/ is the difference, I can't even begin to fathom the though of the devs trying to trick me, or you, or anybody seeing as to how open they have been with the community, and how much they've tried to give the consumer the best they could. Uber might not get everything right, but you can just tell they try. They love this game, like we do, this is their baby I'd even go to say, and they're proud of it.

    This company has gone through so much hardship, two games leaving them nearly bankrupt twice. Heck, they attempted to support one of their games for (months?) Without receiving any revenue from the game whilst nearly bankrupt. Working their hardest to keep the game running.

    This company is not EA, they mean well, they really do. This is why I'm so forgiving to them, because I know everything is done with the best intentions. Some may consider it fanboyism, but to me it's just being an understanding person to a truly good company.

    Take this how you'd like, take the game how you'd like. Like it, dislike it, love it or hate it... but please, don't think Uber as a bad company for trying their hardest to make us happy. Please.
    Last edited: September 8, 2014
    gremjs03, doud and drz1 like this.
  11. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    Just had a 3v3 humans enormous battle on a single big planet. We just suffered at some point from server lagging. But , heal yeah !!!!!!! These battles are just simply one large step beyhond what i used to see in Supcom. This game really deserves Uber take their time to polish the server. As an early backer, i really do appreciate Uber is not rushing to release the server. On the one side people are complaining Uber released the game too much early (They had business constraints, end of story) and now, they are complaining because the server is not released yet. This is driving me crazy. People do not realize how lucky we are to get such a giant and epic STR .....
    squishypon3 likes this.
  12. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    That's actually not true.

    Offline, server, DRM free, 40 man games, asteroid belts, and others were promised very specifically at launch.

    This was promised on the Kickstarter and on the Steam page. The steam page promises were slowly removed.

    Here's one source, I have other sources.
  13. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    OK, there are sources. So now what ? we launch a bunch of nukes on Uber new office ?
    Have this strange feeling of being in kid park, seriously ..... it's just coming.
  14. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    When exactly was it changed, do you know? Obviously before Gamma I assume.

    Edit: they got three outta four listed at least :D
  15. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Dunno. Could be figured out with enough poking around on the wayback machine though.

    Now we need to wait for Uber to finish the game. But we need to stop spreading the misinformation that it wasn't promised.

    We also need to do a bunch of PR work (that Uber should be doing IMO) and educate people so they know these things are coming eventually. A lot of people think that these features aren't coming. I spend a lot of time patrolling websites, particularly reddit (including extremely obscure subreddits), trying to fix this misinformation and educate people on how awesome this game is. I've convinced many people to purchase this game directly through one on one conversations with them, and who knows how many more through PA Matches.
  16. classic1977

    classic1977 Member

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    Lol, he gives you the sources you claim didn't exist, and then you blow them off. Uber broke their promises. That is a valid reason for plenty of people to be upset. Done. They fell short, there are consequences for that. "Development is haaaaard" isn't an excuse, plenty of developers postpone when they need to, like Uber should have.
  17. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Actually he was saying that he was scared of other people's reactions.

    Anyway, these can be deemed partially void as they were:

    1: Not on an official Uber website, yes you can say that's a silly thing to say, but a lot of things get incorrect information. Many retail sites still listed the game as having features it didn't have, I even remember Brad getting a headache over such instances.

    2: These were set up to a year ago, and development changes. (Hence the removal of them off the page.) The only way I'd have a real issue is if these were taken off moments before release, but they weren't (I'm not entirely sure when however), this means that buyers of the future were not being misinformed and that past buyers know that features won't be present in 1.0. We were actually told offline just couldn't make cut by 1.0 at least a month in advance on the forums.

    Though I recognize how people can feel lied too and misinformed, I promise to you that there was no intention on lying. It's just what they expected to make by 1.0.

    That's actually why Uber avoids dates, because they are never good in the software development field.
  18. classic1977

    classic1977 Member

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    In addition to avoiding hard dates, they should avoid incomplete 1.0 releases.
    bradaz85 likes this.
  19. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Well you see they don't consider this to be an incomplete release is the tthing. They believe (as do I) that the game has all the core features in it, that the game is what they originally invisioned. 1.0 to Uber is just a number, to show they've completed their initial goals, and that it's time to implement the extra stuff.
  20. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    It's not an official Uber website, but Uber either writes the verbiage or approves it. So it is an official Uber statement. I bet if I dug enough (I'm tempted to do so), I could find these promises directly from the horse's mouth.

    They were setup a year ago, but they were still promised launch features. Which means your "they weren't ever promised for launch" statement is false. If Uber had said they were "striving for these at launch" or something, this would be a different conversation. But due to the lack of important features (offline, saves, asteroids, server, etc) and prevalence of bugs indicates a rushed launch for financial reasons, which is a huge bummer.

    But just because development changes doesn't mean Uber gets a free pass.

    Then there's also the issue of so much silence from Uber. They don't communicate with their dedicated fans much anymore and don't take constructive criticism very well. Many, if not most, of these issues could have been handled much better with better communication, community management, and PR. I always prefer the up front and open policy, but Uber seems to prefer the poker policy.

    All that being said, since Uber doesn't take constructive criticism very well, I very much support and love this game. Which is evident by the excessive amount of time I have dumped into this community, PA PR, and PA Matches which is a 100% free resource developed, managed, and paid for out of my own pocket.

    Which a lot of people do not know due to the lack of communication from Uber. Not to mention the ever changing information, lack of road map, lack of features list, and lack of upcoming features. Sure, we know that these features are coming, but that's because we spend too much time on the forums. The majority of people (in my experience) on reddit and the forums do not know this, which is creating a lot of bad press for PA and resulting in a lot of people not buying the game now, or even when these features are eventually released.
    Aranfan and bradaz85 like this.

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