Should we even bother?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by bengeocth, September 7, 2014.

  1. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Fully agree with it. I use Steam for many years and have more than 100 games here, but I never used their forums before PA and I totally sure that most of players likely don't use them too. :D
    pieman2906, cdrkf and squishypon3 like this.
  2. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    i use a lot chat foruns off steam ,actually the work very well.
    i got 645 friends from all games i buy there that are a lot ,only now about 200 but its a good community but has we all now bad people are everywhere.
    But iff they want crush a game.... well they now how to do it even iff they are rong ....
    Most dont even play the games that they critic.
    Showld your community be worry!
    Well just the fact you talk about that its because you are worried....
    But its not need bether few but good then many and unpleasure players....

    Even i that dont belong here ,now that you guys got good community right now.
  3. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    If someone has taken the time to lay out their concerns in a sensible, non-vitriolic way which suggests they actually want their problems to be fixed, I'll usually at least attempt to humour them with a response. The numerous 'help, my PC won't run PA', 'post your dxdiag' threads are excellent examples of this.

    People who open threads saying 'the game is trash it wont run on my pc i want a refund uber you are terrible people and i WANT this feature' usually not so much.

    If you want to take the time out of your day to help people, it's a rewarding thing to do. But don't burn yourself out by wasting time on people who can't or won't be helped.
  4. classic1977

    classic1977 Member

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  5. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    You have expressed it. To do so again and again would be spam. So please feel free not to do that. I hope they improve linux use.
  6. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    Is the reception really that negative?
    Steam reviews are already positive again, forums have cooled down, and the next thing to it, metacritic user votes, are around 6.9. Which is imo, even though i love PA, a very fair assessment regarding the state of the game.

    I'd rather wait on something like the WTF is, the Cynical Brit is usually a good indication and takes a fair approach to games. Or some major reviews.
  7. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Are you still having problems on Linux? The release build fixed the main issue causing the UI crash so the game is playable.

    I accept that there are things you are still waiting for, however the *ladder* is very much available thanks to PA:Stats which now includes rank based matchmaking too! To get it you need to install PAMM (available in the mods/releasedmods) sub forum.

    The offline mode *is* being worked on, so try and be patient. I think it's better Uber have time to get it working well than release it half baked.
  8. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    I think you should go out and represent the game as you see fit. Don't bother getting into direct arguments because these people are organised and are out for blood. Nothing is going to dissuade them because they believe Uber is some evil money-hat wearing entity scamming everyone. They will never be satiated until whatever features they demand are released and I doubt even then. For some people complaining about the game has become like a full time job - they probably do it far more than they actually play. It's just the nature of the hate machine we call the internet. Also don't get disillusioned - remember that literally thousands of lurkers play PA. A vocal minority does not represent the general opinion no matter how loudly they yell.
    drz1 likes this.
  9. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I am sure that kind of person doesn't even buy a game like PA. They just see something that they can start a flamewar about and get going.
    Fr33Lancer and philoscience like this.
  10. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Yes. I strongly suspect some of these people have never even played PA and are just looking for a chance to grind leftover axes from Uber's previous games. Also a few dedicated DRM trolls. I'm no fan of DRM but Uber is hardly EA or anything. Anyway lets not go down that road.
  11. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    The same thing happened to Elder Scrolls Online. Trying to fight it is pointless, as this article shows:

    They have tried the same here, but the moderators nibbed that in the bud.

    The best you can do is look out for violation of the forum rules (reading them helps) and flag everyone who you think is just there to bash the game.
    That and totalyl ignoring all personal assault they throw in your way. Ban is the one thing they cannot defend against. And nothing frustrates them more then non-reaction.
  12. vhlulke

    vhlulke New Member

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    There are a fair few bugs that are left in the release version. Can you blame anyone for complaining when a game crashes or something that makes the whole experience unbearable?
  13. ericchughes

    ericchughes New Member

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    The best thing any of us can do is to keep playing PA... and get our friends to play PA.

    Reviews and forums are great, but there are so many gamers out there that don't care about that stuff. If they have one or two buddies that play, they will try it and they will like it.

    So go forth and PLAY!
  14. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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    fair criticism is...Fair, and if you cant run the game for what ever reason that is infuriating, so you go to support forum see if anyone else is having a problem see if theres a fix, update your drivers and try again.

    But with some of the posts on steam i've seen people calling PA a scam, its a fraud ..... what ? thats just down right lying.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  15. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    I am pretty sure that calling steam or the peopel it works with scammers is a offense against the steam TOS. I would just report that if I see it.
    And propably violates some law about insult too.
    If people want to be banned that badly, I am always happy to help.
  16. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I should practice what I preach. Ventured onto the Steam forums today... not an experience I plan to repeat. Good grief.
  17. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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  18. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    One trick is to just ignore the bashing threads and answer to all those that seem genuinly interested in help or constructiv discussion (avoid those interested only in eternal discussions).
    That kinda only leaves the flamers to play with themself, and as long as they keep to thier thread and don't bother us in our threads we have no issues. Just sometimes I wander over to them and throw them some Rocks made of reality in the way/hitting thier original arguments in the logical weakspot so the thread finally dies down.
  19. thetbc

    thetbc Member

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    We should not bother arguing, as users of the PA forums we are biased and because of our bias our opinion is worth less. Only real change with the game can trump their opinion.
  20. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    True dat.

    Well, worth lesser, not without worth.

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