A "your best" stats display

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by eternal, February 5, 2011.

  1. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Ok, the overall stats are nice. But if you could view your stats in a couple different ways it'd be pretty cool.

    Here is the suggested viewing options:

    1. Class specific stats (E.G. show your stats as an assault, your stats as a gunner, ect ect.)

    And then separate from that would be another view filter:

    Your best stats - Per Match (see your best stats for a single match, E.G. 40 kills in one match, 6000$ in one match, 20turrets destroyed in one match.)

    Your best stats - Per life (see your best stats for one life, the highest streak you obtained, the most damage you dealt, the most bots you killed, the most money you earned.)

    This wouldn't effect gameplay whatsoever, its all just more fun nonsense to view in the locker room.
  2. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    That would be awesome if it was in your locker room. I would hate it if it was intruding on the game like it does in TF2. Just angers me and makes me hate it when it reminds me, "This is the most deaths in a row you've ever had!" Even the positive ones didn't ever make me feel like I've accomplished anything.

    But I would like to view my best classes and go to the leader boards and see other peoples best classes. This would be something that I would like to see implemented way down the road when they have all the bugs ironed out, a few more maps and another game mode under their belt.
  3. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Here's a smarter request. You did nothing to completely change the game and was not biased in any way. This I would approve on.
  4. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    You feeling ok Mibuwolf? i thought for sure you'd come in and say your usual spout "Don't buff locker room game is fine changes scare me"
  5. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Agreed. I don't care about leaderboards. Leaderboards are great for people that have no life and can spend days playing in a row, since it's more of a "how much have you played this game" marker than anything.

    I prefer the system TF2 has, where it shows you your achievements relative to yourself. I wanna know if I'm getting better or not. I wanna know when I did something I've never done before. I don't particularly care about how other people play.

    The Highlights and Career spots sort of serve this purpose, but a "your best" menu would be nice.

    Yep, you're going far around here.

    And by "far" I mean nowhere.

    And by "around here" I mean life in general.

    Just sayin'.
  6. NeLoDK

    NeLoDK New Member

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    I support this idea, would be really nice to see which gun I got most kills with. Win/Loss is something I need, but it might make me rage a lot more, I'm somewhat a stat nerd when it comes to W/L.

    And if they make this, they should make something that shows what you get killed by the most. Best rapid kill streak, stuff like that maybe.
  7. Sohldad

    Sohldad New Member

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    I love stats. The more the better. I'll throw my vote on to this one too. I would like to see more in the locker room.

    If this shows how you have died too, it might help you improve your own game. Although I'd have to skip back stab as number one, and head shot as number two, and see what else I am doing wrong. :)
  8. Heegu

    Heegu New Member

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    TF2 only has positive things and they are always interesting to look at, even if you don't feel like you've accomplished something.
  9. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    Just a friendly piece of advice, you're coming across as a massive ***** now.
    Maybe tone it back a little?

    This specific forum is named wishlist, not "How to please Mibuwolf".


    I'm a stat whore, I want all the stats you can eat barring KD related ones, which are counter productive to team based games.

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