How'd you get your Uber Streak?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by noxiousg, February 5, 2011.

  1. nickeboy

    nickeboy New Member

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    I actually got my first Uber Streak as soon as I stopped trying. I had tried to get it all day as an assassin. Then I got into a match where my team already had two assassins, so I picked tank and started fooling around. I didn't even realise I'm doing good before Uber Streak popped up on my screen.
  2. Klegg

    Klegg New Member

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    Had a few 24 kill streaks but they were always cut short by my team winning, then finally today as a Tank I got my Uber Streak. It didn't really feel that much of a awesome match, I just didn't die when usually I'd over extend myself.
  3. Paceydre

    Paceydre New Member

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    At first I wasn't really trying to get an Uber Streak, I didn't really care about it. But one day I wanted a new tag and went through all the tags that I've received. Then I noticed I had many kill streak tags but was lacking 1, the Uber Streak.

    I also had a personal goal to complete this task as a Sniper, a class which up to that point I haven't been playing with seriously. When I was looking around a bit on the forum I came across a good video made by XENONOX:

    Monday Night Combat (Strategies 2) Sniper / Grenade III and Ammo Mule

    This video, and many other videos can be found in his forum thread here:

    After playing about 4 or 5 rounds I was still trying to get used to the scope. The enemy moving around a lot only helped me getting used to my sensitivity. At some point I noticed there was a little lag on this server so I joined a new server. This new server was running a lot better.

    Many rounds further and getting used to the play style of a few other gamers I changed my tactics to a more defensive one. Having good teammates helped me out a few times, they saved me from death on a few occasions. It's a teamgame so without their help I couldn't have made it to this Uber Streak. The chemically enhanced auto healing on my cloned sniper also did the trick, and a plus side is that it automatically dusts you off from your own ashes. These clones keep themselves clean.

    Here is a clean 36-0
    Next time don't call me a cheater, you know who you are. We should publicly hang cheaters for all to see as a warning not to do it yourself.
  4. Demystificator

    Demystificator New Member

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    I got it as Support on laserrazor arena.
    Noobsins rushed me + heavy mass insane incredible infinite gapshots spawns. 25min game length + turret in middle.

    But I think it is all about luck : get feeding opponents, some way to heal, spawn MOAR bots.

    Sniper might do it if there is no good sniper in the other team. Tank can do it too if you don't rush in ennemy base.

    Imo, the key is survival, just hit&run or camp&spam, or even better : spam&run :p on long games only (20minutes or more).

    There is a French server (but nobody talks french on it) call FR Just For You or something like that : 1hour game length (good to get 9,000 $ too).
  5. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    I actually just got mine last night.

    Did it as an assault on the really open map that snipers love. yes im terrible with names. Its the map that's a giant circle tho.

    stupid assassin killed me just a bit after i got the achieve tho.
  6. NeLoDK

    NeLoDK New Member

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    I got it 3 times, twice with assault, and once with tank.

    Grenade 3 is by far the best one to do it at, I can't really give a how to, but pick a side, throw grenades finish them off x25. On LazorRazor you should go for ring outs, I got like 15 in one game, Bomb 3 is amazing.

    As a tank kill bots, get juice, rush their spawn, kill the turrets and finish players off.
  7. Statement

    Statement New Member

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  8. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    I have done it multiple times so far, my most memorable being the first one. I got it during my 2nd day of owning the game, with the horde of new players that didn't know a damned thing about the game, like me, it was sorta easy. Played as the default tank, as it felt like a solid class to get my feet wet with, and used my railgun a ton, and due to the fact that nobody had custom classes with high armor endorsements, 2-3 shotting people with it was pretty easy.
  9. Waddle Waddle

    Waddle Waddle New Member

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    Uh... this.

    Bad assassins + bad gunners + ammo mule.

    My 25th was a spam grapple with 2 assassins trying to grab me, throwing one out of the ring, the other lunging, missing, and falling off on their own.

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