Thoughts on playing as Support

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Decker87, February 6, 2011.

  1. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    "Assassin" derives from the word Hashshashin (???????), which is Arabic for "shotgun-candy."
  2. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    I did it once! Here's how:

    I got juice. I didnt use it.
    I waited till that unsuspecting rock-it turret was aiming for my bud whom I signaled to draw its fire. I ran in and began hacking. It started shooting me and it hurt. I was almost dead, I popped juice, got full health, and by then I was already halfway in the hack, and by the time I had 10% HP left I had the turret hacked... But the other team realized it so I got grappled and killed while I was healing my newly hacked turret. Waste of juice. :(

    I find it to have a lot of uses and use it almost more frequently than the heal/hurt gun! :D

    For instance!: On public servers, most players are new and are to stupid to turn around after being shot in the back for about a minute. By then even if you heal the target, they will die unless they turn around. You can kill their attacker in two shots BEFORE they die! And go back to healing your teammate again! Also if they are grappled by an assassin, the shotgun can kill the assassin before they finish the grapple. Why an assassin would grapple an overhealed target is beyond my understanding. :? The shotgun is what I'd like to call the FLANKING GUN! :D Flank your opponent since they will NEVER expect a support having thrown out a firebase to leave it, and suddenly BOOM they suddenly had a shell full of shotgun rounds in the back of their... back. Yeah headshotting really doesn't work with shotgun. :|
    If you have a decent aim, just aim and shoot should something come to close to you. The hurt gun is okay as it drains HP, but against more opponents it doesnt kill or heal you quickly enough.
    That's when you go into combat mode and go "I GOT A SHOTGUN! :twisted: ", btw remember to say it in Italian or else the other part won't understand. :mrgreen:

    Well I tried, perhaps you find it useful perhaps not? I'm sorry if not. :C
  3. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    actually you have to have hack 3 because the other two levels DONT HACK enemy turrets.

    this was a huge mistake I was making early on in the game.. I asked around and than felt dumb when I re-read the skill descriptions.. yeah gotta have hack 3.

    A great way to do it is to have a sin buddy stun like you said, but you can manage it if you time it with your own bots.

    push a wave of bots up to a rocket turret, toss your turret out right infront of it, the time it takes to kill your bots than your turret should be enough, but make sure you put your turret RIGHT INFRONT OF IT, or it might turn on you..

    Good luck though, because if there is a pro around, you are gonna die..

    To be honest, they should have made the HACK turn the turret off while hacking but I could see that being abused so I understand why they did not..
  4. wug_

    wug_ New Member

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    I play a very aggressive support, ill turtle if we need to be most of the time I am trying to get my fire base as close to their bot spawn as possible to cut off a lane. Depending on the map I may roam abit and cycle an area using the terrain / ejector pads to be as annoying as possible. Else I will just hang around my firebase buffing pro's and shooting +w sin's and tanks in the face.

    In regards to weapons I try and bait people into my firebase or draw them in throw an airstike behind them and make them run back into it ... good times. A lions share of my kills are via shotgun (more than double anything else) people really under estimate the damage the supports shotgun goes at point blank.
  5. rayleterleir

    rayleterleir New Member

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    This makes my heart fill with joy. Gold AE + badssasins + Firebase = many kills. However, I take the "one-shot with my shotgun" approach rather the hurt/heal gun after they grapple.

    I normally set up in corners with my back to the wall (TF2 engineer habits die hard). This often leaves me in clear view behind the bulletproof glass with my Firebase. This usually results in a few rushes at my position, followed by lots of wary staring after my Firebase or Airstrike rip through them a few times.

    Agreed. I love playing defensive and supportive classes (Hence the TF2 engineering), and playing Support was slipping into some very familiar boots. The Firebase is my little gunbuddy.

    I guess its hard in the heat of battle sometimes to keep up with everything thats going on. Maybe thats where voice chat comes in?

    Hmmm...this I only do if I know other people are around. I guess I plan out and think too much instead of working on instinct.

    I LOVE tossing the beacon from miles away, straight into a crowd of camping pros. U mad campers?
  6. McBradders

    McBradders New Member

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    Shoot Assassins with it. Also gunners with their backs to you... in fact, anyone with their backs to you is dead in 2-4 shots.
  7. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    there is so much text my drunk *** doesn't want to read
    *remembers the sharks capitals game was 0-0 with 10 minutes left

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