Support Changes For Update, Please.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by wazupwiop, January 29, 2011.

  1. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    This is a thread to post requests for support changes in the next update. I will start off by posting my personal requests.

    1. Skill Regeneration
    I Ask that the supports skill regen be slightly faster. Even with bronze skill regen, the support has to wait about a minute to throw an airstrike. I don't think it is right to give the support turret/airstrike spamming abilities, but I do think that they should have less skill regen time across all of the skills. I think one reason that the support should have better regen times is because of the assault bomb and fly regen time. The bomb with the assault regens really fast, and it is, in some ways, superior to the airstrike (mostly due to the ring-out capabilities).

    I think that the support should be able to throw an airstrike every 20 seconds or so when airstrike is fully upgraded and the support is using bronze skill recovery. I think that the hack time is probably close to where it should be. I think that the turret regen time could be about 20-30 seconds when using skill recovery.

    From a tactical standpoint, I think the support should be able to throw more airstrikes. The support lacks a long-range weapon, unless he is fortunate enough to be standing next to his fire base. I know when I play support, I like to use airstrike as my long range weapon, simply because I don't have a real one.

    2. Better Shotgun Hit Reading
    What I mean by this is sometimes I will shoot an enemy at point-blank range, and the hit will not register. I also think that the bullets should show up orange so that the support can see where he is shooting and if his bullets are hitting, plus it would be a warning sign to his enemies to stay away.

    3. More Health
    I have noticed that with silver armor, the support dies from an assassin front-grapple. I find that to be really annoying when the assault with silver armor can easily survive a front-grapple with a little health to spare. I think this is very unbalanced.

    4. Hacking Enemy Turrets
    I think that hacking enemy turrets should take slightly less time. Probably one or two less seconds than it does now. An achievement for this would be cool too.
  2. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    These are all support changes that are currently being debated, each in their own thread, but I do have a couple of cents to throw in:

    2. That's a lag issue. If you're shooting point blank and not getting hits it's the network you are playing over and not something that is caused by or can be fixed by Monday Night Combat.

    3. You need to upgrade the support's passive skill at least once. It's $150 and leaves your sliver of health after a sin's front grapple. IMO this should be upgraded to 3.

    4. I used to agree with you, now I think that it's in the right spot as is. I can still do it pretty regular and I see other supports doing it frequently too. You must have a plan to pull it off.
  3. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I do upgrade my stats, but it doesn't matter when the assassins starts slashing and lunging you to pieces immediately after the grapple.
  4. BamBam11

    BamBam11 New Member

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    I noticed you said something about the bomb and airstrike being similar.
    I don't like it when they say that cause the bomb doesn't instakill.
    Bomb regen should only regen when there are no bombs out
  5. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Bomb insta-kills with a head crab.
  6. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    I'm sayin'. silver armor on assault = live through front grapple, silver+passive 2 on support = live through front grapple.

    You can shoot as a counter if you had the shotty out when you got grappled; that is you get an answer shot immediately after the grapple animation ends so many face grapples will equal inst-counter-kill if you pull the trigger while getting grappled. If that's not working you can jump back and to the side to avoid the follow up slices after you get grappled.
  7. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I run bronze armor and can survive a front grapple with no passive upgrades. Maybe try bronze armor instead of silver. Along with that, it would make room for you to put Skill regen in the silver slot. That way you get faster air strikes and front grapple survivability.
  8. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    so you want more armor to survive a frontgrapple? does a shotgun count as more armor? well whether it does or not, it generally protects me from frontgrapples.
  9. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I have been playing with a RoF/Skill Recovery/Armor build with good success lately.
  10. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    Same. Also I use Skill/RoF/Armor as well.
  11. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    This ^^ and the assault gets a lot more chances, with his insanely fast bomb regen. At least you can run under cover if you were tagged by an airstrike. With him, you are boned.

    1. Skill regen is ok. Just bring back the airstrike time to what it was. Support needs them. They did it on the PC version, hope it carries over to the next xbox update.

    2. This is lag like it's been said. Find a better host, or pull host to fix this issue.

    3. I've been running RoF/Armor/Skill for what seems like ages now. A Support will die from a front grapple with no armor from an assassin. Bronze armor leaves you with a sliver of health, silver a little more then that. Then again, I forget if you can survive a sword front grapple with bronze armor, pretty sure you can. But I know for a fact, he survives front grapples with silver, sword or kunai or shuriken. Is it a specific grapple you are referring to?

    4. I wish they would shorten the time it takes to hack an enemy turret, but I have a feeling they won't. It's a very circumstantial thing to do, and often times, if you can do it, it means you've pretty much won the game already. Longhsots are useless to hack, shave ice deals no damage, lasers are not worth it or I might die.
  12. CStubing

    CStubing New Member

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    Yeah, a hacked enemy turret is a very powerful thing to have. It used to be way too easy to hack a turret, and now it seems about right. Like someone else said, you pretty much need a plan to do it (unless you're hacking a longshot or shaveice unnoticed), and you pretty much need juice. Get a partner, both go support, and make it your mission to hack enemy turrets for a few games, and you'll see how possible it still is.

    Support is a thinking man's character, so it makes sense. Also, I've hacked a few level 3 rock-its without juicing. I pushed bots, which takes a little bit of time as a support, and re-healed my bots along the way after killing each group of enemy bots. By the time I got to the enemy base, it was easy to hack the turret while it shot exclusively at my bots. Of course, this is only easy if there are no enemy pros watching. ;)

    Finally, I couldn't agree more about the air strike cooldown change. It drives me nuts to not have any ranged weapon, and my ability to stick people with it has really gone down since the last DLC out of lack of practice. :(
  13. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I lvl3 hacked a lvl1 enemy blazer once

    oh the lulz
  14. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Got you beat. I once saw a lvl1 lazer hacked to lvl3... :lol:
    So much free juice...
  15. dredd

    dredd Member

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    So that once again the Support can spam airstrikes all around the map? I don't think so

    I agree the Firebase is the main way a Support gets his kills and cash the 45 second respawn timer is quite game brakeing

    Oh yeah because we need more players running around with shotguns all game snipeing with them.......wait no we don't

    upgrade the supports class skill to level 3 and then you can survive an assassin from the front

    Yeah im gona have to say.........No hacking a level 3 rocket turret already ends the game because that thing will rape any one it even looks at sry think thru what your asking for
  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    The support has fine health, he only dies to katana front grapple. His shotgun does NOT need to be any better. His skill regen isn't too bad with churros, maybe could use 10 seconds faster I guess.

    I say, the assault bomb regens fast but I think it could use a pause between bombs so you can't double bomb as fast. Ask for airstrikes not being as fast, they are really about as fast, considering when upgraded that you can throw 3 at once, and to regen 1/3 it doesn't take too much longer, and it has more damage in trade for more delay.

    Hell, trust me, product nade is most spammable.
  17. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    Try Skill/RoF/Armor
  18. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    You basically want the pre-dlc support back. So do I, prolly not gonna happen.

    The enemy hack is ridiculously long, but I hack lvl 3 rockets all the time. U just gotta time it right. Catch that sucker while its building and theyll have a nasty suprise when it comes out the wrong color.
  19. CStubing

    CStubing New Member

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    Everyone was pretty surprised by the airstrike cooldown change in the DLC... From what I recall, I never really heard many complaints about airstrike spamming. You couldn't exactly spam them... they still had to regen, and it still took a while. With the slow cooldown now, you really have an all or nothing shot at killing an enemy pro who's keeping you at a distance. Come on, players of assault know this one especially... You guys sit on top of the middle on Ammo Mule and I can try to stick you once a minute or so... great. Meanwhile, I'm target practice for you.

    Now I have to save them so I can use them when I really need them, like to take out turrets during a bot push or to defend against a juiced enemy.
  20. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    ^And that was when you could run Skill as gold, before the HH was effected by ROF. So they slowed the regen AND moved ROF to gold, basically double hitting the support. :(

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