The gunner minigun is currently only giving me one magazine of ammo when I upgrade it to level 3 - until overtime. Then when I spawn for the first time in overtime I have two magazines, and it stays that way until overtime ends. This is happening consistently even after opening and closing the game. Anyone else seeing this?
Yes, this keeps happening to me. The first few times I played the game it worked as intended. Once it started, it hasn't stopped, though. It's just as you said, even after I fully upgrade, my minigun is still the default magazine size, and doesn't change until I die and spawn during overtime. I asked a couple of friends who I play with if they experienced the same thing, and one said yes, the other said no.
I'll try to catch it on film and add it to one of my existing bug threads. However are you sure it isn't a visual bug? If you get an increase in max ammunition while wielding the weapon it won't change until you die. You will still have the actual increase though.
I could have sworn that overtime gives you gold clip size even if you don't normally run it... I'll have to double check that. If its true, I would guess you are not running gold clip on your custom class..
This. The doubled clip size you get in overtime is basically the gold clip size endorsment. If you have AmmoMule as gold endorsement you should always have dual clips.
I attempted to get the bug. The only time I received it was when I was wielding the minigun once upgrading Gunner 3. IF you want to avoid it switch to the REAL primary weapon before upgrading to Gunner 3. It wasn't on film though.
If you run any kind of rate of fire, the clip is reduced. I've never actually had more than one before.
Incorrect as I run bronze ROF and still get the "double mag" when overtime hits. (no clip endorsements otherwise) Default Gunner runs with gold clip. So if you recently went from that to a custom gunner, there is your issue. Make 2 custom gunners, or use the default one to test.. one with it and one without. Upgrade to passive3 then swap out on next death to the other one.
So I suppose you only get dual mags if you're: A. Upgrading to lvl3 and you have gold clip size (Ammomule) endorsement B: At lvl3 when overtime hits, and running some sort of clip size endorsement.
I've been playing the game since august, so that's not my issue. I've just never really noticed it. I've seen the dual clip maybe twice over all the time i've played, and my main is and has always been the Gunner. I'm going to play around with it today on 360 and see if I can get myself dual clips.
B is wrong, in overtime you get ALL yes ALL endorsements gold, regardless of whether or not you had them on, you will get gold speed even though you don't have it on as a default, sorry if im misunderstanding what you are saying.