What Uber needs to do in order to make PA an viable esport

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Lukekk, September 5, 2014.

  1. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Everyone is interested into playing equally strong opponents.
    stuart98 likes this.
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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  3. heavenzdead

    heavenzdead New Member

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    I dont like the concept of PA going into Esport.
    And i hope it will never fully go into that concept. I do want to see Clan wars not 1v1 battles like starcraft
  4. Lukekk

    Lukekk New Member

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    Who said it would be limited to 1v1? Clan Wars could be the standard if the community really wanted to. Not to mention that you can still have Clan Wars even if the standard competitive game is 1v1 as its own thing.
  5. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    The most fun clan war concept I can think of is to have 1v1 winner stays until one clan has no more players :p
  6. Lukekk

    Lukekk New Member

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    stuart98, squishypon3 and cola_colin like this.
  7. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    what is TDLR
  8. donut64

    donut64 Member

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    I know.

    Yet, I prefer if the matching was done by a more obvious ladder system.
    In Hearthstone ranked play, you'll only face players that are within 2 stars of your ranking (barring extremely unusual circumstance). It works really well, I think.

    StarCraft 2's ranking system is basically full on player skill evaluated out to a number, but at least it has ladders too. The ladders help but it is in no way consistent or compliant to the ladder. I don't like that as much, but it seems to work. The complication is, of course, extreme.
  9. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    The math behind the SC2 ranking is pretty crazy and Blizzard has put in a lot of work to make it that every player ends up at roughly 50% win:loss. That's like perfect. Though they only achieve this thanks to the huge amount of players available to the system. The ladders and leagues and the like in SC2 are only there to make it look like you are progressing though, afaik the actual "rating" you have is hidden and has nothing to do with your league or placement in your division. Leagues and divisions are sort of a mini game that was made to keep people happy, who otherwise would be shown "you are rank 128289 with a rating of 1121". Nobody likes to be rank 128289 after all. Being rank 5 in your division looks so much better.

    Can't comment on hearthstone, never played that.
    But I am pretty sure the actual matching system is gonna be similar to SC2. They may show you stars, divisions, leagues and similar things, but that's all fancy decoration to hide the cold numbers from you.
  10. Lukekk

    Lukekk New Member

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    @bengeocth tldr is short for "too long didn't read" basically summaries for something, for the lazy who don't like to read.

    As for the rating system, hearthstone still operates under an MMR system with a rating number, but it's still hidden under those ranks. Similar to how league of legends does theirs. You can't not use a number based rating system if you want to be the most accurate. Like you shouldn't get the same amount of points or whatever beating different skilled opponents. If anything those divisions in ladders actually can hurt the accuracy a lot. Like for example, in league of legends there are people that have a MMR that forces them to play against people in a higher division, but they're stuck in that division because of that, so when they're in ranking up games, they could botch a couple ones against similar ranked opponents, but still be stuck in the lower division. These separate ladders and division titles are just things to look at. People always want titles or little stars or whatever to just show off nowadays. But it's not accurate, it's just human psychology playing a trick on us. Ultimately yes, the better players should always "rank up", but I don't see the problem with being transparent about rating numbers. That's more of a problem with people flaming each other and whatever, something that game devs have to deal with in any game, but I'd like to think most of the players of this game will display sportsmanship during/after competition.

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