Hey everyone, I need your help : since the last update last night, my game is unplayable : when i launch it i can see the bottom notification bar and ear the sound ( music and "buttons" sounds ) but everything else is black ! I have my drivers updateed and I play it from steam, both the game and steam are running in stable versions, no beta. Everything was working before that update, so their might be a bug in the code :/ Here are my last logs and my dxdiag, hope you'll help me !
Can you please check do you have any game streaming software installed? So if you have any try to disable/remove it and try to run PA again. At least DxTory and Bandicam caused black screens in this build so other software might be doing the same likely.
Oh man, you rock ^^ It was Bandicam that was giving the cancer to the game. Unluckily i wanted to record a video for my channel, but np, i'll wait ! Thanks a lot, have a nice day.
It seems MSI Afterburner OSD also causes black screens when you go beyond build 70289: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/black-screen-on-main-menu-pte-build.63365/#post-988536
I'll Send them a message, keeping you informed... I also use Afterburner, but it wasn't the problem for me, even know i've been playing for 2h with it and no crash found
I've heard about those random issues with AB too, but for me it worked fine since i joined PA about half a year ago. Never had problems with AB OSD and PA up to build 70289 as you can see here: Something has changed up to 71459 that breaks AB OSD completely on my both my PCs where it worked flawless before. Would be uber nice if the devs could take a look at this.
OK guys, Bandicam asked me to reccord a short clip of that black screen bug, i've send them this video, I'll tell you if I got any answer from them !
Fact that you see down panel and chat, but not main menu is quite intriguing and unfortunately might mean there won't be easy fix for this...
As MSI Afterburner 4.0 final was released today, i was hoping that in combination with the latest PA builds the black screen bug might have been fixed. Unfortunately it's still not fixed , but i found a workaround myself: in the Rivatuner Statistics Server, just create a profile for PA.exe and switch the OSD rendering mode from the default Vector3D to Vector2D. Works fine for me on two PCs (both Win8.1 64bit) with GTX 470 and GTX 670 and OpenGL 4.5-enabled FW 340.76.