[Gameplay]Sniper is OP (double grapple)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Demystificator, February 7, 2011.

  1. Demystificator

    Demystificator New Member

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    I've figured out that sniper can double grapple and imo, it is overpowered because you can kill jackbots in 5seconds and kill any pros if you play fast enough.

    How to double grapple : use SMG alt-fire then the grapple ability (leveled at 2 or 3).

    I think it would be more balanced if SMG alt fire drains the grapple ability.

    Does anyone agree ?
  2. BMSTed

    BMSTed New Member

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    Is the Gunner/Assault in your opinion also over powered because they have two grapples? The Gunner's Grapple combo does 750 damage at level 3 grapple. Add in slam level 3 after that combo(Assuming you hit them into a near by obstacle or teammate) and you got 1025 damage. Which is capable of killing any pro except the tank once he has leveled his passive.

    BAL_MORTAR_GRAPPLE_DMG =75(Hits twice)
    BAL_GGRAPPLE_DMG_C2 =550(Throws)
    BAL_GSLAM_DMG_C =275

    The Assault can double grapple even easier than the Sniper plus is a much more close range oriented foe than the Sniper. His combo deals 600 damage. That's capable of killing the Sniper and Assassin even while they have Armor 3! Let us not forget MFin' Bomb which you can explode at any given time including while getting grappled, during grapples, stuns, charges, and the round ending cutscene. Add in a bomb in there and you got a whopping 900 damage at level 3.

    BAL_A_CHARGE_GRPL_DMG_C =450(Throws)
    BAL_EXPLOSIVE_DMG_C =300(Does everything FOREVER)

    For the HECK YEAH of it lets look at the snipers combo damage and utility but lets not consider that killing the jack bot with the grapples leaves you pretty defenseless for about 5 seconds. The snipers combo deals 600 damage and throws them away.

    BAL_LGRAPPLE_DMG_C =225(Hits twice. Throws)

    Also no learn to do one of the following.
    Back up
    Stop sucking at Assassin.
    Don't play in laggy servers.
  3. Demystificator

    Demystificator New Member

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    Well it is not very OP with pros because pros move.

    Imo, killing a jackbot with one guy and 5 seconds is really OP as all the other classes need more time and take more risks.

    Gunner can't grapple the jackbot. Neither the commando.

    The time of being defenseless is cancelled by the facegrapple near your base (because sniper don't really rush that much when jackbot is out) and the fast moves he does while jumping on bot's arms. Moreover, in FFA, if there is an escorting pro, he's standing behind, that lets you time to try to retreat with covering fire.
    And even if you die... I mean, killing jackbot can be paid by one life as it can erase your turrets.
  4. BMSTed

    BMSTed New Member

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    Pro tip when grappling the jack bot your hitbox never changes and if the jack bot made it uncontested without pro support to your base then your team is awful. You can just as easily head shot it. Much safer I might add. Though grappling a jack bot does have its uses it's far from over powered. When 3 Assault bombs can kill it much faster.

    EDIT: Might take 5 Assault bombs. Need to do more testing.

    EDIT 2: It takes 4.


    Total damage = 5750

    BAL_FOD_B_HEALTH =20000

    5750 x 4 = 23000

    Also two Sniper grapples only do 8000 damage or less.


    EDIT: My good friend TheStupidIdiot has informed my I might be wrong. I will test tomorrow and release a video of my findings about the hit boxes in the game. Though I swear that ti doesn't change he's saying it might however so TESTING REQUIRED.
    Last edited: February 7, 2011
  5. Demystificator

    Demystificator New Member

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    I play only FFA so the team is sometimes awful :lol: Specially on GrenadeIII arena.

    Does the hitbox really never move ? The health bar doesn't but I didn't really pay attention. I thought the hitbox go on the jackbot's head for 1sec or 2 (when sniper kicks).

    Hmm I don't know. Headshooting can be harder if there is an opponent sniper and takes much more time, if you're not assisted, you may still need to grapple him.

    And grappling near our turrets doesn't look so risky to me.

    So yeah, it is not a godlike advantage the sniper has but I feel really bad that he can kill jackbot alone. He can take care of jackbots while your mates are pushing yours and opponents stand on defense, granting you more than 125$ + churros + luckily lucky bacon.
  6. BMSTed

    BMSTed New Member

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    Don't get me wrong Grappling a jack bot is an amazing way to keep it locked down. It's just really far from OP when there are many other safer and almost faster ways of doing it.

    Example if you think the Sniper is really good at taking out jack bots. You really should try the Assassin. She can just slash the back of the jack bot and it will go down in seconds.
  7. Demystificator

    Demystificator New Member

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    Here is the problem for me. You're not just locking it, you're killing it for 1 more sec... It is not like sin, which once has grappled, needs to take distance and use shurikens.

    It can't really change the game current but I don't understand why sniper is able to take down the biggest bot so easily and so quickly.

    It is obvious that in a high level game, you won't run and double grapple but in FFA you sure can.
  8. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Grappling the Jackbot is a surefire way to die.

    That is all.
  9. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Double grapples are hilarious. If you want to avoid them, jump backwards after the initial grapple. However, I recommend you let me loldublegraplmelee as much as I can.

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