Ideas on how to balance the sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by nickeboy, February 5, 2011.

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  1. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I like how everyone says "oh the Sniper can zone very well". Zone him out and he won't be a problem.

    Steel peel - take upper ring with a firebase and an assault guarding it. Early in the game. Don't have people take the lower gates to exit the base or to fight the bots. Bam that's one useless Sniper

    Grenade 3 - Have an Assault take control of the enemy Sniper deck. don't be IN lane but above lane. Be aware of cross-laning.

    Ammo Mule - Assassins can keep the Sniper occupied nearly half the time; Snipers want to control both lanes from the arcs and that's where their traps won't suffice for long.

    Spunky Cola - Way too open and accessible to successfully lane without getting pressured as Sniper; people need to abuse that. If I can stand on front ejector being the happy Sniper that I am without someone coming to me from a harder to approach angle (that is from the side-entrance - beware of ejector cooldown) then I will just be that.

    I don't even know if that was every map - my memory! - but hey I don't have a problem facing a Sniper.

    Happy fragging or something!

    Edit: Zanarias kindly pointed out how pathetic I am by forgetting Lazer Razor.

    Lazer Razor - Bit cramped, not too many options to really zone abusing a range factor. You can approach the Sniper from behind with relative ease taking the sideroute in their base (nobody ever builds turrets these days). All in all probably the worst Sniper map
    Last edited: February 7, 2011
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Congratuations! 100 posts.

    Thats a bad thing... :|

    Dude, I haven't pulled out this card in a while, so let me blow the dust off for you.


    Pics of a game where a sniper gets over 30 kills and goes positive, against an assault that goes negative with less kills... or your claim of snipers possibly being God Allah Moses Jesus Confucious Shiva Hubbard Nothing is just a claim.

    Assaults could possibly be the best class if they were psychic and could richocet flawlessly. Gunners could be the best class if they were psychic and shot mortars directly on any spot they wanted to in the map. By the way, you can mortar from moneyball to moneyball if you aim high enough and correctly.
  3. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    Hey Grimbar, can you just lend me a screenshot of you dominating a level 0 Assault for a bit?

    Yeah. Pics don't mean crap in this scenario - stop wasting my time.

    Mmmm... because Projectile definitely > Hitscan.
    And multi-hit kills definitely > OHKOs.
    And tonnes of scenarios where trigonometry won't allow perfect grenades/mortar > simple line geometry.

    I dunno, are you joking me?
    I'm kinda hoping you are.

    A peak skill assault would probably have a rough time against a peak skill sniper.
    You know, if it's even a contest.
  4. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    I don't want the class I play almost exclusively to be nerfed either, and I am a bad enough shot as it is, if this nerf comes in play i'll be damned.
  5. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    I like how players call for nerf because 'pro' snipers will be too good and their suggestions essentially makes average snipers worthless. I'm glad Uber is smart and won't implement any of these shortsighted suggestions.
  6. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I thought you play Support now?
  7. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    My trump card SHOULD the sniper be nerfed! I have a class to retreat to! GOD BLESS THE SUPPORT! The god of Epic Mustaches! :D
  8. Dullsaw

    Dullsaw New Member

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    -not shake aim even if got suffers
    -bodyshot damage so much high
    -sniper rifle can keeping rapid firerate
    -all classes head hitbox so huge
    -can dominate all ranges cuz much strong melee fighting and have escape tool

    totaly imbalance
  9. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Too... many... trolls... can't... take... *head explode* :lol:

    Sorry, but I just don't believe it when I hear "sniper OP". I hear "I played against a damn good sniper and got raped". Maybe you guys have valid points, but I honestly don't see things the way you guys do. If you want to slower his rate of fire, that's fine, however 4 bullets is ******* bullshit and you know it.
  10. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    -Not a problem
    -Not true
    -Probably going to get toned down
    -Complete lie
    -Massive exaggeration

    Totally fine.
  11. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Like how assassin having extremely low health and a loud cloak makes "pro" sins would be unstoppable and by having these disadvantages "average" sins would be worthless.

    Last I checked, ANYONE playing ANY class who could be considered average is worthless when they can be rofl-stomped by anyone "pro".

    Why have a class then that "average" snipers can abuse almost as well as "pro" snipers, minus their blatant lack of strategy and teamwork?
  12. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    What people are forgetting is this game has only been out for 2 weeks. Ive seen terrible snipers and average snipers. Ive seen extremely terrible player, bad players, average player and good players. If you see an average sniper dominating, it is most likely they are dominating extremely bad player.

    Give it a few more weeks or so, people will start to learn how to counter snipers just like the did with assassins.
  13. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Nice try. Average assassin knows how to spam lunge, face grab, wears gold armor. This is highly effective against other average players. They are by no means worthless.

    Gimping the sniper by making it bolt action makes any sniper who can't reliable headshot completely worthless. Most players are not 'pro.' Using the argument that all average players are worthless is beyond ridiculous. If sniper had only 1 shot, it'd be like increasing assassin lunge cooldown by 4-5x. I'd bet no assassin player would find that fair.
  14. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Again, your entire argument falls apart upon seeing the average sniper in action on a random server.

    Hint: He'll not be roflstomping people.
  15. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    If your not headshotting constantly with a sniper, you should get more practice learning. A handicap like a bolt action gun would force snipers to adapt instead of spam firing tanks without taking aim. I personally always aim for head shots whether I miss or hit. I wouldn't be against bringing down the RoF because it's only taking out the people that can't aim and forcing them to actually develop some skill.
    Last edited: February 7, 2011
  16. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    Alright, why is this thread still going on? It feels like we're going in circles here.

    One side says it's OP and it might not be all that OP. The other side says it's fine. And no side is going to convince the other.

    It's all because of what the sniper is, long range OSK(One Shot Kill). If they don't do that OSK, they will get killed anyway. That's the experience I have had. Then again, I cannot shoot a can right in front of my face.

    Seriously, it's hard to adjust the sniper like so, so that it will hit targets. It's hard to nerf him without severely gimping him. Although, bolt-action might do it better, but I dunno. I wanna hear why it would severely gimp him.

    I just want this thread to stop. This thread doesn't seem to go anywhere, unless I hear some more official input why uber doesn't want to nerf him, or w/e.
  17. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    Reducing snipers rate of fire will not only reduce their kill count, but they will be useless taking out bots. Well not useless but it will be alot harder to take out groups of bots while trying to look out for pros trying to sneak up on you or other snipers lining you up.

    And yes, i too want this thread to stop, ive said the same thing about 5 times trying to tell the same people why theyre wrong :)

    Please lock this thread or something.
  18. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    Okay, so just a question to all snipers: how would you feel about a reduction in RoF on the sniper (bolt action or no) and a similar increase in bodyshot damage and damage to bots to compensate?
  19. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    That's going to be a tough one to balance right. But it sounds okay if the sniper keeps the clip. I'll try playing my snipah today with RoF and see how it'll work.
  20. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    As Tank: that thought scares the crap out of me.
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