AI: Improve the AI's handling of Gas Giants. Annihilazer: the metal planet can now target planets with active thrusters. Bug: Fix for crash when a unit is on the final leg of a celestial move to a planet that gets smashed. Chat: Disabled the keyboard capture stack handling in live game. Chat: Breaks due to capturing more than it releases due to being inside of the computed without current capture state tracking Gameplay: Fix for being unalbe to set an orbital factory or orbital launcher rally point on a gas giant. Lobby: Maximum length limit for the lobby name. UI: fixed a bug with planetary weapon control alert logic. UI: you can now join an army after leaving a shared army (since the selectedCommander function will now always return a well formed object). also fixes the preferred commander logic. UI: shared armies will only use a single color. players (except the first player in an army) will give up their color when they join a shared army. [BALANCE] Gunship: Health: 240 -> 300 Commander: AA Weapon: RoF: 2 -> 1, no AoE. Nukes: Cost: 60000 -> 50000 Booms Damage: 250 -> 700
Mini-"bug". Game stats are unmoddable because it's missing the loadMods function call. In line 713 of /media/ui/main/game/gamestats/gamestats.js the following code needs to be added: Code: // inject per scene mods if (scene_mod_list['gamestats']) { loadMods(scene_mod_list['gamestats']); } That is, just before Code: // setup send/recv messages and signals app.registerWithCoherent(model, handlers); I guess it's really a mini-feature request, but it's easily implemented, I think.
It's an insta win... after you've given your opponent the chance to kill you dozens of times. If you manage to let your opponent build an annihilazor, then you deserve to lose. Still no com torpedo nerfs.
Other Changes [UI] Selecting the Orbital Factory & Orbital Launcher now shows the orbital shell [UI] Some text added to Kickstarter dialog box, names to come. [UI] Game over screen "VIEW END GAME" button renamed "VIEW FINAL" [UI] Chronocam icon updated [UI] PIP on/off icons updated [UI] Uber Bar show/hide icons updated Many CSS tweaks Looks like a regression with some of the localisation tags being removed in new_game.html?
I agree with that, you have looooooong time before the thing is complete. and Time to do crazy stuff!!
Only thing to add (modding): new_game passes a commander object (model.selectedCommander()) to join_army instead of just {ObjectName} Don't know if it's required yet.
i think the lack of cooldown is counter-balanced by a few key factors: - you need 5 VERY EXPENSIVE BUILDINGS to get the damn thing up and running. - since everybody knows what the metal planet is good for now, EVERYONE will want control of it. you will be hard pressed to stake your claim - also, as far as i know, orbital radar/ radar in general is not required, because EVERYONE can see Caty's and Haileys being built, regardless of location. they know where you live, now.... -also, (now this is just a theory) a well placed planet smash -might- destroy the CP's needed to activate the weapon. so one -might- be able to permanently disable the anihilazor from ever firing.
I think having a charge up time might be fun (I think this can be modded already, haven't tried it yet though) So people can see the impending doom, and see on whom the doom is going to be inflicted and choose whether to aid the victim by attempting to attack the catalysts, or leaving them to die, THEN attacking the catalysts. provides risk and amusement, especially in a dynamic alliance game.
Five catalysts, and you need to maintain control the entire time, and a metal planet is a minimum of 500 meters. Bit harder to maintain control of than a typical "asteroid moon".
Not to mention cheap SXX snipe are guranteed to work, the SXX lands directly above in the orbital layer and fires, and the catalysts unlike commander cannot move out the way. Same with nukes. Max lobby name length? Yay, I contributed! *hugs* Commander AA weapon nerf? Still missing naval one. Naval one is kind of encouraging air, since commander bests all t1 naval no contest. Unlike ants, in numbers they never even make it into weapon range before death. Still, progress. Boom damage buff? Makes sense, they used to 1 hit t1 structures. Actually, they still don't do they, it would need to be 750 I think. Maybe. Don't have actual numbers in hand. Good stuff, best of hopes to release, there WILL be flak but at this point that is inevitable because some people apparently just out for blood so at this point it is whatever's best and not whatever's demanded.