Your coolest kill?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by nickeboy, February 5, 2011.

  1. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    Stupidest airstrike I will ever pull off. Joined a game in progress with our team getting rocked really bad on Lazor Razor. You know the area to the left of the moneyball, with the upper and lower decks? There's a sniper above, and a gunner below. I wanna hit the sniper and maybe scare the gunner if he's not a thinker. I toss an airstrike beacon under the arch.

    I didn't intend this, but it Ground Zeroed the Gunner. So far, no big deal, right? He's safe under the ceiling.

    GUNNER FREAKS OUT AND RUNS. Unbeknownst to him, he's running the same direction as the sniper above him, and the airstrike drops, trying to nail the gunner and clobbering the sniper from out of effin' nowhere roughly about where the ejector is.

    It wasn't exactly a mark of skill but it sure was hilarious.
  2. Lorenzo Von Matter

    Lorenzo Von Matter New Member

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    I hit an assassin mid air with the airstrike, true story
    it wasn't even on purpose I put the airstrike and I see I got a kill
    I see the airstrike stopping mid air and a assassin body falling out xD
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    nevertheless, i bet that gunner felt sorry and that sniper felt pissed :lol:
  4. wubnasty

    wubnasty New Member

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    Getting 5 kills with a single Assault L3 bomb. It was on Steel Peel and it netted 3 instant kills on damaged players and 2 ring-outs. I don't think I'll ever get that lucky with 1 ability again. I have gotten a 5x airstrike in the past before but it wasn't nearly as awesome as it was just dropped under the ledge outside a top-middle spawn door vs a team that was getting demolished.
  5. Sohldad

    Sohldad New Member

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    A sin face grappled me. I then head crabbed her afterwords. She then proceeded to bomb jump and I detonated it in midair. It was like fireworks.
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    If an assassin grapples you from the front...

    ...throw a bomb immediately. You will very rarely not get a headcrab. When you headcrab, send them flying for some Dirty Fireworks, or let them run off and detonate it when you damn well please.

    ...shotgun blast will kill at the range you should be after the front grapple animation. However, if you dont already have the shotgun in your hand before you were grappled, you should toss an airstrike. It's more prone to miss, but faster than switching.

    ...grapple them back. Safest done with enough health to survive a lunge, you can send them flying or at least turn them around while your health regen's faster.

    ...charge. Most classes will begin killing most assassins when they upgrade to a level 2 charge.

    Senkugoshoa. That is, "Running Palm". Even with a level 1 charge, or if they have armor, you can grapple after the charge and send them flying.
  7. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I Ice-trapped, double grappled and finally melee'd a Juiced Assault the other day.
  8. BamBam11

    BamBam11 New Member

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    I hate be that guy but you can't headshot unscoped
  9. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I would say the Wikia says you can headshot without scoping, if the bullet lands in the head, which takes sheer luck. However, the Wikia has been proven to be wrong before.

    Instead, I will agree that it is always fun to do, as someone who has experienced that joy.
  10. The Sane One

    The Sane One New Member

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    This one time, on SteelPeel, I had placed a crab near the exit of the enemies moneyball area. After that Bullseye appeared, so I decided to just go after him, and later I wanted to headcrab him, so I detonated the original crab.

    "Kill +$25"
    "Ringout +$75"
  11. wug_

    wug_ New Member

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    one that happened in the game I was just in was pretty cool, tagged both the support and the gunner he was healing with air strikes ... they both ran in opposite directions and died at the same time .. was lol
  12. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    No, you definitely can. Like Bro said, relies almost completely on luck.
  13. twistshock

    twistshock New Member

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    Stood on an ejector watching the enemy push the lane, after a while I hit the ejector.
    Got 4 kills.
  14. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    I was sniping some bots, doing some lane control when all of a sudden... 3 pros line up and I get a triple head shot. I wasn't even trying. I was seriously just headshotting a blackjack and all three of them just walked into my shot... My jaw dropped and I started laughing uncontrollably.

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