Beta Honor and TF2 Gear

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by godofspoons, February 6, 2011.

  1. godofspoons

    godofspoons New Member

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    I bought MNC back in December, and due to exams, I have not been able to play as much. I'd heard about the cross-game promotion, and was looking forward to coming back to the game with a bunch of neat stuff.
    Problem is, when I loaded up the game today, there was nothing unlocked. So my question is: do I have to do something special to unlocks, or am I just bugged?
  2. [fox]

    [fox] New Member

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    You have to play a game with the Beta armor on (it should be unlocked - it looks like the regular suit with a piece of gold armor somewhere on the player model), and you'll unlock the Beta ProTag.

    TF2 should be automatic if you bought it during the time period, so just pick a character and see if anything is unlocked.

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