Before PA development, Mavor talked about the idea of labeling bases, so you quickly know where your bases are (from solar system view). It's also shown in the Kickstarter Trailer. Will we ever see that? What do you think about it? What I'd like is a visualization of camera anchors you set (like the mod), so you can click buttons to switch between the anchors, rather than pressing the shortcuts. It's kinda like the labeling bases, with less labeling and less bases.
I would love this. I like how in the visualisation there were little nameplates for the Moonbase and "Mavor Prime" I'd love to see this in-game, even as a mod.
Well if we let people name their bases every other base would be named "420 blaze", "fucksandwich" or some other weird stuff.
Ooh and there should be a little indicator in the bottom right or something telling you where you are. Something like Forge world in halo, or the areas in the Trials game editor.
I love that idea, but problem is the base might be on the far side of the planet when you are in system view.
Don't have it appear unless it's within the visual range? I think the labels would be pretty nice for team play, but maybe as a polish item down the road.
I'm not sure what game it was or if this is from the murky depths of my magnificent brain but I remember a system where you could click+drag to paint select/paint an area and then you could name it.
Sure, but the problem remains. You can't just zoom out and have a nice overview over your bases because some will be on the wrong side.
Great idea! In addition, I wish the PIP alerts also said which planet they are coming from (or if they are celestial alerts). I also want to be able to label my starga. . . I mean teleporters so I know where units are going. In larger systems, 6 or 7 planets, you can have a large network of gates and it is almost impossible to remember where each one goes!
Kind of like the lobby where someone pasted an entire short story into the title? Just include a character limit and a censor if someone cannot handle swearing/innappropriate comments. That is one of the reasons why I don't play multiplayer modes very often.
That is more of an issue with the system view camera. I wish we could free pan it like we can in planet view; often I find myself zoomed at an unreasonable angle and have to correct it by middle-mouse-panning using a planet. It'll work itself out if they implement it though, Uber is full of problem solvers!
You can already set camera anchor points - surely we just need a UI mod for setting, listing and renaming those anchor points?