Heavy stutter/freeze

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Jimax, August 30, 2014.

  1. Jimax

    Jimax New Member

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    When i play the game with more 2 planets except gas giants the game will stutter and freeze when i try to transition planets or seeing them while on the other planet will freeze the game. This is also prevalent in system editor when trying to make more than 2 normal planets. Even a minimal moon will make the game stutter. This didn't happen in the earlier version of the game.
    Im not sure what to do to fix it.Here is my dxdiag if some of you guys can see something wrong or outdated in it.

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  2. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    I see that your DxDiag could not obtain system information. You might want to rerun it in order to get that info.

    Otherwise, your graphics drivers are fine. Is your power setting on "High Performance?"
  3. Jimax

    Jimax New Member

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    I got high perfomance on

    Here is the dxdiag with system information

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  4. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    Your system looks perfectly fine for the most part. Are you on Steam or the Uber Launcher?

    EDIT: I just played on a map with two moon biome planets (size 425 and size 430) and a default metal planet (size 760). The thing is, I get 60 FPS even when zooming in on large armies, but units seem to move and stay stuck in place at the same time. Perhaps it is the result of server lag/time dilation?

    Is this the stuttering you were experiencing?
    Last edited: August 31, 2014
  5. Jimax

    Jimax New Member

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    I use both steam and uber and both have the same problem. Its not the units freezing because it happens even wihout any units. My whole system just clogs up when i look at the planets. The thing is i can make a huge planet and play just fine. Just adding a new one screws me over. :/
  6. Jimax

    Jimax New Member

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    Ok the newest build has improved my performance a lot. I still get the freeze when starting game (but there might be some lag for everyone at start of the game) but for the most part my fps hovers around 60-40. I experience the server lag too but that is because pte is in the US and im in finland.
  7. Jimax

    Jimax New Member

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    Its not completely gone after I started a match some while later it s tarted happening again. Heavy framerate loss from seeing the other planet. Here are some screens.
    In the first one i cant see the lava planet and fps is almost 60 2014-08-31_00001.jpg
    In the second screen I have zoomed out and the client can see the small lava moon and my fps bogs down to 5
  8. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    I haven't tried the new release build yet, but I plan to try it sometime today. In the meantime, I have some questions for you:

    - What is the make, model, and energy capacity (W) of your power supply?

    - Do you run any programs other than PA/Steam in the background?

    - Have you checked out @SXX's incompatibility issues thread?
    Link: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558751813508748383/
  9. Jimax

    Jimax New Member

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    I only use spotify and sometimes skype with pa.

    My power supply is a corsair TX650 with total energy capacity of 650W
  10. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    Have you tried running PA without those programs?

    Also, your PSU is okay for the game, as the GPU you have only requires 500 W.
  11. Jimax

    Jimax New Member

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    I played a game with all other programs turned off and my second screen off on the live build, but the problem persists. at this point I have no idea what to do.
    byte01 likes this.
  12. btuebduncan

    btuebduncan New Member

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    I am having the same issues since the new build came out. My system specs are much higher than yours as well.

    running a AMD 9590 and a AMD R9-290x with 8gb ddr3 2000 memory. Its kinda bummed me out as its labor day weekend and I wanted to play bunch of games, but i cannot with this freezing and major lag.

    I think there is some sort of memory leak, as I am playing on systems that never used my entire 8gb of memory. Now according to open hardware monitor, I am using 7.9 gb of memory with less than 2% free. This happens even on small systems!
    Last edited: September 1, 2014
  13. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    Same here. On the newest stable build, I experienced heavy server lag and freezing.

    I have an Intel quad core processor (Xeon) running at 3.1 GHz, an EVGA GTX 760 with 2GB VRAM, and 16GB of DDR3 memory.

    These specs are supposed to play the game well at max settings, but I don't know why this game (on the latest build) makes my beast of a rig feel like a Pentium 4.
  14. Jason335i

    Jason335i New Member

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    I think the problem is serverside. Check my screenshot. You can see the sim is frozen and updating @ 0.1FPS every ~19 seconds. This shot is from a 2v2 game in a small 2 planet system. With the latest update, the server chokes with even a small amount of units. The game is totally unplayable in its current state.

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  15. Jimax

    Jimax New Member

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    I don't think my problem is on the server side because on this picture I took just now my client side fps was 4 as you can see, but the sim was about 10 at the time. 2014-09-01_00001.jpg

    Edit: My problem also occurs without any units actually in game
  16. Jason335i

    Jason335i New Member

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  17. nlaush

    nlaush Active Member

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    Jimax, how about your ram usage when playing the game? I have 16gb of ram and do not have any problem with clientside FPS. When playing on a particular system, how much ram is getting used when you are getting 5 FPS? I wonder if you are using the pagefile and maxing your ram? I usually with large systems can get around 8-12 GB's used.

    Additionally, Jimax, I don't think your processor is the problem nor your HDD, but your graphics card looks like it only has 1 GB of onboard ram, is that right? If that is the case, it looks like your card is using your much slower system ram to make up for the low amount of onboard ram. Your system ram (8GB) is having to share between the operating system (1.5-2GB), the game (3-12GB), and your card (3GB).

    I would be interested in what the second panel says when you are hitting 5 FPS in the client performance info screen (the one showing video memory in use by the GPU). And the taskmanager.

    I have a 670 gtx with 2gb of ram and almost hit the onboard ram limit with larger games (I get around 1940mb of video memory used). I only have serverside issues at the moment.

    I usually use around 8 GB of memory with PA in almost every game.

    Both of you might find this thread useful:

  18. Jimax

    Jimax New Member

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    Here are the pictures you asked

    Last edited: September 2, 2014
  19. Jimax

    Jimax New Member

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    Interestingly I just let the game load when i was alt tabed and the problem was gone.

    I tried again with no alt tabbing and the problem was there.

    I tried 1 more time with alt tabs and the fps was 30 2014-09-02_00003.jpg When the fps was 30 the total memory was higher than the last pictures 2014-09-02_00002.jpg

    Edit: I Played a game by alt tabbing out and letting the game load in background. It seems to completely eliminate the lag from seeing other planets.
    Edit2: This seems to work only half of the time and most of the games i try to start will be horrible fps when looking at 3 or more even small planets.
    Last edited: September 2, 2014

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