Easiest class to get good at vs hardest class to master

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by Gichin, February 4, 2011.

  1. [fox]

    [fox] New Member

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    I think sniper is the easiest lol, you can pick people off in a single shot (from across the map). I rarely ever see good assassins, although it's a real treat to play against them.
  2. G1deon

    G1deon New Member

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    As sniper u need to aim at least. As assassin, roll face on keyboard = frag. Invis, run, iFrag button, smoke, invis, run, iFrag, repeat lot of times, screenshot = fapfapfap.
  3. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    If we're going off the thread title alone, I'd have to say that I consider the Assault the easiest class to get "good" at quickly, but all classes can definitely be mastered to meet their full potential. High class Assaults are scary beasts, but you also meet a lot of "just okay" ones as well.

    I consider Support to be the hardest class to actually master. Many players will not fulfill all of the Support's duties in tandem; they will not heal + fight + airstrike turrets + watch their firebases all at once. To be a master at Support, you have to be doing all of these things together. Just healing and not fighting yourself means you are leaving out precious damage or push potential that you yourself could be dealing and doing.

    This idea is supported (lulz) by the massive amount of craptastic Supports that will heal their firebases over a teammate, fight people with heal/hurt guns, and refuse to airstrike turrets and firebases. If this class was being mastered by many players, everyone would have a harder time actually winning each round whenever a Support is present.
  4. Rogueblades

    Rogueblades Active Member

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    basically this x100.

    Good supports are not fun to deal with at all. Their teammates are always overhealed, their firebase rips your friends a new butthole, and for some strange reason your base has no turrets.

    skilled supports can easily tip the scales in their team's favor and they probably have one of the greatest effects on a game in general.
  5. wug_

    wug_ New Member

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    hope I run into you on a server at some stage :D. I think im reasonable at support and I have a near 3 Career KDR with a majority of those kills coming from my shotgun. I try and use the terrain/airstikes/fire base to bait people, plus buff people when ever I can. All im trying to go it get my firebase as forward as possible to push our bots.

    I generally top score unless statement is on the server :)

    not really, I think your average tank player just err tanks rather than playing to the class strengths.
  6. thebabelfish

    thebabelfish Member

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    Ubercharged.net ran an interesting article on "Skill vs Meta" in TF2: http://www.ubercharged.net/2010/09/05/skill-vs-meta/ Considering that the support takes all the meta elements of the engineer and the medic, then bolts them into a single person, he is the class that takes by far the most game-sense to play optimally.
  7. verden

    verden New Member

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    I doubt there's actually a proper answer to the topic. From an outsiders point of view I guess you can try to rank them from just knowing their skills etc.

    But in the end, if you're insane at aiming. The sniper class wont be hard for you, especially not if you're talented with quick scoping. As like with the tank, it might be a struggle to be deadly on close combat "only", but again if you're a good aim, the railgun will take care of it.

    Then there's the gunner, if you're insane at predicting movement, your mortar will make you divine! I guess these are just exaggerated examples of how it doesn't really rely on how hard the class is in general. And it's very hard to decide when people are unaware of each others capabilities in the game.

    I'd - for an example - say as sniper, that I find assassins easy to overman cause I know where to place my traps, find myself to be quite capable with quick scoping and just the fact that they're easy to hear when invisible. Though I'm sure there are some assassin players out there who disagree very much, and they might be right and be more than capable to overman me.

    I do think, though, that you can mention which classes might have the most potential.
    Thinking more or less unrealistic, I'd say the two classes with most potential are sniper and assault.

    Sniper, because of the mere fact that you can kill in one shot.
    The Assault, because if you can handle the nade launcher like no one else! And use the bomb right, well not much to do then.
  8. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    That's a pretty awful article to reference. All classes in TF2 benefit immensely from map knowledge and whatever other factors apart from raw deathmatch fighting and aiming. By playing a soldier you probably need to actually have better map knowledge then a heavy would for example. "Can I jump from here to there and be in a position to effectively contain the enemy team?" vs. "Run from here to there, jump and spin up at corner, run away when hurt." Same with scout and demo just knowing reachable useful spots to get to and make use of.

    Add differing damage classes and the result is obvious: high damage classes, especially with mobility and regardless of difficulty, will prevail in competitive environments.

    The whole thing reads as a justification for the author believing he's helping his team while playing engineer or pyro or something else equally useless.
  9. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    So is Assault really harder to master on PC? That's the general concensus I'm getting fromreading this. Strange.

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