Unofficial Build 71378 Notes

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Raevn, August 28, 2014.

  1. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Interesting choice to stick with the Dox. I have to say I don't disagree, I think they will eventually need some tweaking but given some of the recent tournie showings, it was too early to say exactly how much.
  2. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    build updated before raevn can even finish his change log lol

    I doubt it's very different though.
  3. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Nice notes! Good to find out about some of this stuff. Especially the push class.
  4. JWest

    JWest Active Member

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    They said they fixed something that was game-breaking. Just a hot fix.
  5. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    I'm not yet up to the UI files, but my guess it this is used to filter what buildings display alerts.
  6. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    that is what balance mods are for :)

    hopefully we'll get more than anti-popcorn and statera on PAMM soon, it'll really help with visibility.
  7. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Bug fixed: FS#1840 - Temperature misspelled in planet type definition
    Remy561 and SXX like this.
  8. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    In the system editor to change the temperature to 100 planet goes white and the background turns black. Entered it into the bug tracker is issue FS#4007.

    Sorry wrong thread.:oops:
  9. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    This alone is some important naval stuff. The problem now, is there must be SOME land to take advantage of this.

    I like this a LOT, don't get me wrong, all of it. However, building a bot factory on water would be glitchy if all bots aren't amphibious which if properly balanced wouldn't be an issue. Having a naval factory build select bots would also be acceptable.

    This is honestly a good first step though. I almost want to rework NavalRedux in light of this! If I may suggest something still Uber, Naval Teleporters PLEASE, even if just naval-only and links with naval-only, and even if only some naval can tele and not all.
    Last edited: August 29, 2014
    stuart98 likes this.
  10. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    This is a bug.

    That "new explosion" is the explosion that's supposed to happen when a Boom successfully attacks something and self destructs. In the update, it does that explosion when it dies OR when it self destructs, which is bad because it is hard to determine if the unit has managed to "fire".

    I would like to take this opportunity to point out other bugs with Boom bots.

    They currently have the line "splash_damages_allies":false, in their ammo file, but they still do friendly fire damage. This makes groups of Booms worthless and encourages insane levels of micro (using Booms individually). It also sucks for modding because I want to have units that don't do friendly fire damage.

    The Booms still have a "stutter step" bug, where if they area patrol or attack and try to kill something, they slowly crawl or stutter up to their enemy. This makes them extremely vulnerable to enemy fire, stops them being able to detonate on enemies that are moving away from them, and again encourages micro (individual attack commands).

    I love Booms, but they are probably the most bugged unit in the game right now, and if they can't be fixed over the next few days, I think they should be removed for 1.0. OR work with me to make the little buggers jump, which helps hide most of their issues and makes them more awesome.

    "PA is so buggy, even the bugs have bugs."
    Last edited: August 29, 2014
  11. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    This part is not a bug, as it's intentionally specified this way in the blueprint. Not ideal, but still intentional.

    I trust that this is true (I haven't tested), and if so I would guess that it's due to the newish "damage_volume" method of specifying splash, whereas I think "splash_damages_allies" works with the "splash_damage" attribute (which the Boom doesn't use).
    Jaedrik likes this.
  12. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Yeah jumping boom bots sound awesome!
  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Not going to lie, this is how Red Alert 2 solved "booms". They had a spider bot. That thing got pretty much to touching range of a unit, then it disappeared and a projectile was created looking like a jumping spider bot. That hit the unit, if it was infantry, it killed it and created a new spider bot, if it was a tank it did slow steady damage until the tank died and it spawned a new spider bot, if the tank got repair before dying the effect went away and the spider bot didn't come back.

    Make booms have a short range projectile distance, that kills themselves, leaves no wreckage or explosion effect, the projectile has the same model as the unit, and the projectile explodes on impact.
  14. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    Yep, 'tis. That's why getting the Booms to jump - to use a "more normal" way of firing (using a projectile to simulate jumping), that uses splash_damage, "fixes" the issue. Removing the damage_volume makes the ammo type "PBAOE" do no damage (and yep, I tried it this PTE as well) - so that's not a potential fix.

    So much punctuation O.O
  15. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    I'll look into the friendly fire issue tomorrow, if I have time after PAX.

    OK, so I looked into it because my brain is stupid and wont let things go. The data in the bot_bomb_ammo.json is correct. Allied units should not take damage (unless they are wreckage). Will have to investigate further to see if this not the case in-game. [/edit]
    Last edited: August 29, 2014
    Remy561, burntcustard, cdrkf and 6 others like this.
  16. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    71378 Compared to last PTE, 70739-main

    Please pardon duplication; Managed to grab build before leaving civilization but not up to date on forums

    ## Possible bugs:

    - Removed "Analysis" from live_game missile descriptions, *but still have old costs*

    ## Units, effects

    - new effects for new features: "control points", "metal charge", etc.
    - commander landing updated
    - orbital explosion effect
    - fab spray uses army color
    - air explosions downscaled
    - bomb bot has custom death explosion

    ## Units, balance

    - ai neural nets retrained
    - bomber firing_standard_deviation 30->10
    - aa_missile_vehicle_ammo turn_rate 3600 -> 360; applies to naval as well
    - antinuke missile cost 6720->6750, fab rate 38->45
    - new unit: control module, "Catalyst". activates_control_point: true
    - adv fab push_class 100->101
    - combat fabs are amphibious
    - mines can be built on water\
    - basic combat fabs can build telporters
    - adv combat fabs can build aa towers, walls, single laser tower, torpedo launcher
    - nuke ammo: 86400 -> 60000
    - radars builds in dispersed sphere
    - leveler no longer does splash damage
    - Ripper -> Bolo
    - hally cost 39000-> 40000, build_restrictions: Thrustable, always_visible: true
    - long ignored mining_platform had a major overhaul for actual use, "Jig", only buildable on "Terrainless", cost 6000, produces 9000 energy and 36 metal, plus storage for 50000 energy and 10000 metal
    - Naval wreckage removed

    ## Galactic War:

    - GW: cards have a sound effect when found
    - GW: speed cards fixed
    - GW: text for commander damage card corrected (used to say speed boosted, this should close a bugtracker item)
    - GW: superweapons cards has zero chance
    - GW: Hallys, nuke launchers, and control modules are available by default (with, I assume, adv tech)
    - GW: BACON commander no longer calls out acronym, changes Networking for Neutrizing, a little faster
    - GW: Orbital commander may allow orbital fabber to build basic structures on the ground
    - GW: Commander Commander becomes General Commander, and has basic tanks.
    - GW: Foundation uses new biome type: ice_boss - uses ice, lava, and mountain, with a possible metal crater
    - GW: Synchronous Gamma is larger, and explicitly not a starting planet

    ## Settings

    - keyboard settings redone; expect your keyboard settings to be broken or reset
    - I see some code for "captureKeyCombo" in settings
    - settings/setting values renamed - check your settings
    - show_focus -> show_orders
    - focus_behavior -> order_behavior
    - NEW build_preview_behavior
    - oribital shell values changed

    ## System Editor

    - New system editor warnings: too-small, too-large, no starting planet
    - Radius slider 100-1300, can be overridden by biomes. No longer possible to type in out-of-range values, so those are restricted to modding.
    - editor sliders are often disabled where not appropriate (which means I can't use water height for devastated metal any more)
    - Setting subsections

    ## Other:

    - UberNet is officially PlayFab, though some internal symbols still have the old name
    - Confirm dialog for delete units
    - new alerts for asteroids (assume hallys in general)
    - Ping moved from action bar to options bar
    - Paused panel had a major style update
    - Single player has submenu for GW or skirmish
    - Pre-release disclaimer removed (another mod bites the dust)
    - metal updated on most system templates, few added with gas giants
    - new system description: 'Monday Night', "Build to contain the most popular games of ancient Earth, this system ended up getting shut down after the Spunky Cola corporation went out of business due to humans no longer existing."

    ## Modding: /pa

    - cameraPush values changed, possible 0-1 range
    - rampTexture removed from many effects
    - parking_stamp_cost removed from nav.json
    - pa/specs/planet_weapon.json - configure charge up time and turn rate ;^)
    - new biome type: csg_debug
    - temperature typo fixed in biome files
    - a couple of brushes disabled for PAX build
    - new biome type gas
    - enable_terrain: false
    - gas_colors array
    - gas_material
    - new biome type: ice_boss - uses ice, lava, and mountain
    - new brush: metal_weapon_platforms, composed of metal_platform
    - metal planet radius range: 500-1300
    - new biome type: sun, specifies only gas_material
    - new UNITTYPE: Important, ControlModule, PlanetaryEngine
    - commander: sync_radius_to_extents: true
    - commander weapons: bullet, laser, missle
    - most commanders have to override "tool" to get in their specific weapon
    - lots of references to default_explosion.pfx removed
    - avatar factory rolloff 1 -> 0.1
    - hallley has attribute interplanetary: true (guessing for network optimization)
    - orbital fabber has a new aim_bone
    - looks like a minor naval overhaul; base got park_stamp attributes, shape Box -> Sphere, and more

    ## Modding, /ui

    - new files in boot: ko_utility, net
    - seems to have taken on many of the game starting functions
    - ko_utility seems to have been extracted the extenders from common.js
    - new ko extender? ubernet
    - new strategic icons in atlas: control_point_01 (inserted near front of list), control_module, control_point, mining_platform
    - engine join_game replaced by
    - code for local servers has been updated
    - GW extracted a PopUp module
    - GW breeder redone with more promises, hard to tell if functional changes
    - GW start screen is either redone or reformatted
    - Some busyToken stuff in GW start, possibly to address the no-slots issue
    - Game Over js worked over a bit
    - Audio prompts worked over, low-resource warnings spaced out
    - pip_controls_tr removed from live_game
    - Obvious updates to control metal planet weapons
    - Live game watchlists updated - appears to be what UNITTYPE_Important is for
    - version panel files removed
    - common.js had significant changes - check server mods
    - keyboard settings redone - probably breaks all custom keybinds
  17. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    This is probably the change I dislike the most :(
  18. Azarath

    Azarath Member

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    I feel you. I think the team color frabrication feels very much "out of place".
    I can understand if you're many players and you want to know which structures are your own being constructed.
    But I don't play multiplayer and I prefer to use the strategic icons to know which buildings belongs to who.

    I really would like an Options button that says "Enable team color wireframes? Yes/No."
    Or a mod that changes it back.
  19. melhem19

    melhem19 Active Member

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    I was wondering when will you make tutorial about this
  20. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I made one. ClassicColors
    Remy561 and Azarath like this.

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