PA release and DRM

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by icycalm, August 25, 2014.

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  1. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    Wow, just wow. Tossing around names of philosophers and slowly stating more balanced opinions (with an addition that you still support DRM to reduce piracy while you didn't even prove that DRM reduces piracy, did you?) is just cheap. Do you actually remember that you called for all software pirates to go behind bars? Just read your opening post in this thread again, maybe slowly. And you are not an extremist? In which world do you live? You believe that deterrence helps against crimes? Well maybe without any laws the system wouldn't work, but that is not the same as saying that the system only works if you punish everything severely. Just look at crime rates in the US which are not lower than in other countries (with death penalty and more prisoners per 1000 people than any other country in the world). And guess what, authorities in London - a city with massive video surveillance - are beginning to see that it doesn't help. It is a big waste of money, cameras don't prevent crimes. Prison and deterrence also help to keep the rates of drug abuse down, do they? These examples show that fear is not as good at forming a society as you claim. But okay, Freud said something different, almost a century ago, it has to be true nowadays because he is such a genius and society nowadays is exactly the same?

    Yeah my tone is not friendly here and I'm offtopic. Read your own statements, then you should know why. I don't like extremists who pretend to be smart.
    popededi likes this.
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    that's very mature of you.


    please refrain form ever posting again.

    thank you.
  3. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    I guess this discussion was bound to go this way, and now people are hating on big corporations despite the fact that the only reason life is so good on this planet right now is because of big corporations. And if you hated my stance on DRM, you will be screaming for my head by the time I am through with this explanation, so I guess this would be a good time for me to bow out of this thread. Have a nice day, and enjoy hating on the institutions that are directly responsible for 90% of the good things in your life, including your life itself.
    drz1 and mered4 like this.
  4. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I can't put it into words. So here's a random image that conveys my admiration for this magnificent post:


    Take that, commies.
  5. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I just want to point out that the reason I have ceased replying to many of your posts is because you post BS like this.

    Sometimes I laugh at them, and other times I just sob quietly.
  6. donut64

    donut64 Member

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    I have no idea what's going on in this thread anymore.

    Why don't we all take a break and debate with low-resolution pictures, just to keep things civil? Heaven forbid if we have a high resolution!

    nateious, squishypon3 and lokiCML like this.
  7. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    Sieg Zeon! Sieg Zeon! Sieg Zeon! Nazis in Space?
    Last edited: August 26, 2014
    zweistein000 likes this.
  8. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    I've gone through the thread, and can't find the "hating on big corporations" you're talking about. Diablo 3, EA and sim city? ledarsi saying the best selling product isn't necessarily the best? They seem to be pretty weak things to respond to as you have, can't see much else though. It is getting light though so maybe it's my eyes.
  9. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    I prefer DRM-Free, there is boot leggers everywhere. Games/books/movies/music.

    The best way to limit piracy is to bring goods easily to everyone without any strings attached. If a pirated version of the game allows someone to play offline and enjoy the entertainment without any hassles. then it is better then the original already.

    I see DRM as a negative attack at a real problem that hurts the consumer more then the pirate people.
    wilhelmvx, kjotak109 and Terrasque like this.
  10. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    I say no to DRM because
    • The core experience is multiplayer, not singleplayer. With Uber pushing out an official ladder soon, I would not expect to see significant migration to offline/unofficial ladder services for people hacking the 1.0 released server module. Even if people were doing this, DRM would not stop it from happening.
    • Value for money proposition. The game is priced at $20. Do a simple sorted search on TPB by leecher count and you'll see mostly all the top torrents are games that have been priced inline with the traditional AAA title/console model ($50-$80). Look at what is currently the number one pirated game, COD:Ghosts - a game that has a ridiculously low value for money proposition. Then look at what is one of the most pirated game of all time, the sims series, which costs like $300 for the base game and all expansion packs.

    If Uber decided to implement DRM though, I wouldn't care as long as it was unobtrusive and felt like there was infact no DRM.

    As for big corporations, being cynical of them is a legitimate and healthy virtue to have. When you get that big, your incentives change from making new, exciting, and innovative gameplay experiences to maximising profit through risk control. It isn't a personal grudge thing, it's just how the world works. Not all companies have the luxury to be like valve.

    Yes, large corporations improve the world through economies of scale and centralisation of capital, but this isn't something you can blanket extend over to a creative industry.
    kjotak109, Terrasque and drz1 like this.
  11. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    I checked and they still don't sell weed. Please make sure you will remove yourself and your ideas from my planet before someone helps you.
    knub23 likes this.
  12. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    This is exactly the attitude that creates more pirates.

    Here's the thing about "any DRM policy that can help reduce piracy": They barely exist. Steam does a good job, multiplayer-only games sometimes do it. And that's about it.
    kjotak109, nateious and tatsujb like this.
  13. dynamicecho

    dynamicecho New Member

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    The best way to reduce piracy is to make buying a game easier than pirating it, and to make it worth buying. There are plenty of DRM-free games which have sold plenty of copies; yes they are being pirated, but every pirate who plays it is someone who otherwise probably wouldn't have played it, and subsequently may decide they like it enough to buy.

    Pretty much any form of DRM inconveniences the end user to at least some extent, with Steam admittedly being fairly unobtrusive. But it's still a pain (and extremely unreliable) to play offline through Steam. I am personally much more likely to buy a game if it doesn't have DRM (to the point of buying multiple copies to support this decision, as I did for Banished, Kerbal Space Program, Age of Wonders 3, The Witcher and others), and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this.
    kjotak109 and Geers like this.
  14. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Wait what? Since when? My modem is from 2000 and bloody 5, meaning it likes to commit network suicide every now and again. But that's never ever stopped me from playing a Steam game.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  15. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    tell that to monsanto.
    knub23 and Geers like this.
  16. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Wolfenstein: The New Order has Nazis on the moon.
  17. nateious

    nateious Active Member

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    I'm married and have a kid and I still have time to have a bunch of friends and co-workers over a few times a year for a LAN party. Just because you LANs are outdated does not make it so.
    Terrasque, Brokenshakles and cdrkf like this.
  18. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Active Member

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    Icycalm, do you by any chance collect a paycheck from the RIAA, the MPAA, the BSA, or the Mossad for trolling gaming forums?
    squishypon3, Nicb1, tatsujb and 2 others like this.
  19. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Brokenshakles and meir22344 like this.
  20. balsamicninja

    balsamicninja Member

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