Because I'm Curious...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by JON10395, February 6, 2011.


What do you think of the efforts Uber has put into MNC for the 360?

  1. Uber, You guys are AMAZING!

    22 vote(s)
  2. Very Satisfied

    30 vote(s)
  3. Somewhat Satisfied

    12 vote(s)
  4. Neutral

    5 vote(s)
  5. Somewhat Disappointed

    18 vote(s)
  6. Very Disappointed

    15 vote(s)
  1. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

    Likes Received:
    After reading through multitudes of "I want more" and "Why does the Steam version get...?" topics over the last couple days, I am curious to find out what the general level of satisfaction is with Uber.

    1. Please don't post here unless you VOTE. Post only ONCE.
    2. If you vote, please say why you voted the way you did.
    3. Say what you have to say and leave it at that. Don't start ANY fights or arguments here. You are answering to my curiosity not someone else's post/vote. :)
    4. KNOW what you are talking about before you vote.
    5. Don't compare Uber to Valve, Blizzard, etc. They are not the same. Uber has 15-20 people on staff.

    I'll go first.
    I am very thankful to Uber for everything they have done for the 360 community to date. This is by far the best $15 game I have ever purchased. Thank you Uber for a great game and great community support.

    P.S. I don't want hats. :|

    Edit: 25 votes and 16 replies. Please read the rules...
    Last edited: February 6, 2011
  2. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I voted very satisfied. While I fully appreciate everything Uber has done, the one thing that annoys me slightly is that they haven't told us anything at all about the next DLC. I understand that they've said they won't abandon us. I also understand that they are focusing on the Steam version right now.

    Heck, all I want is something telling us they are working on it. That'll do for me.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You said it so good. Amazing.
    Last edited: February 6, 2011
  4. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    They listen to feedback, and do what they can to update the game within the limits of the platform. The personality of the game is excellent, as is presentation. As ever-changing game balance is, they do a good job at keeping up with developments in the metagame and it feels well balanced to me. They also recognize those who stand out in the community as well as selling merchandise related to the game.

    Don't change Uber.
  5. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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    All of this
  6. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    I voted very satisfied.
  7. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I answered very satisfied.

    Uber has delivered on all the things I believed were major problems and has stayed involved with the community, at least much more involved then your average group of developers.

    Seemingly crazy support juice gain? Gunner sniping? Friendly assassin cloak hum? Host migration? One free pack of DLC to keep us enthralled?

    Anything else is just being nitpicky. Uber has done more than their job in my eyes and that means I am a satisfied consumer.
  8. Tadferd

    Tadferd New Member

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    I'm very satisfied with what Uber has done. My issues are with Microsoft. Uber could support the 360 version maybe as fast as the PC version if Microsoft didn't discourage frequent updates.

    So good job Uber. Screw you Microsoft.
  9. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    I'm happy with the game in general. I'm not happy with how there's no support for gameplay beyond public matches. By that I mean MNC is built unfriendly toward tournaments and private matches. The most basic idea of being able to choose teams has never been addressed. More over, there's no way to separate veterans from fresh fish in the public match sector. With Halo and other games they have that levelling system where the more you play, the higher your rank gets, and the higher your rank gets, the more experienced people you play against. People keep making the argument that MNC is a $15 game. Honestly, I think it's worth more than almost every $50 game out there. But it seems as if it was built with a small player base in mind. If you want to turn MNC into a phenomenon, like the Halos and the COD's, provide for people to get wayyyyy into it like they do for Halo and COD. By that I mean all the accoutrements you need for tournament play, like spectator mode and team choice.
  10. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

    Likes Received:
    I voted AMAZING.

    I agree with Star, Lief and Hoang.

    But also.
    They sent Jessep a freakin' XBox.

    There isn't ANY better company support than that.
  11. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Just want to make a point. Start up 90% of the arcade titles and see if you can find ONE other player. [SPOILER ALERT] You won't. Most small games are wildcards; the online portion can be a success, an outright failure, or anywhere inbetween.

    Myself, I've gotten more play time out of this game than a lot of other AAA titles. There are some bugs that seem to be impossible to fix (stutter step), or Uber refuses to fix (dead body charge), but have been good about killing most of the bugs ASAP, and with the new PC version it should only get more efficient.
  12. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Voted neutral as I am thankful for what they have made so far, mnc is a great game with tons of charm and I play it daily.

    However I am not pleased with an absolute lack of any response from anybody. For three months. Really? Nothing? I see sad days ahead for us, hopefully someone, ANYONE, chimes in to tell me I'm wrong. Uber please, its us, your firstborn, we are hungry and cold dammit.
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    whatever the top one is, because i forgot to vote until after i hit "reply".

    what has uber done (or not done) that upset me?
  14. Ian

    Ian New Member

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  15. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i was one of them. i was just silently messing things up cuz of your sig (its better to not do it out loud). unobvious troll is unobvious.

    buy why not...

    i think i liked the orange box for xbox. that was BEFORE i knew that valve was supporting for steam more than xbox, i didnt realize there were tf2 updates until 2 years later. still, i liked team fort, played it a good bit. maybe a few months alongside CoD. good objective, good classes and all. i payed $60 for a game other people got support for, and im not too offended, i couldnt ask for more in a game.

    i am NOT comparing MNC to tf2. uber has created a game that was more down to earth, took a LOT less long to make, was just as interesting and deep, more objective based (which i liked), and better fanbase and devs (both game's devs are good game makers and good guys, but i prefer uber just like a longtime fan would support valve).

    here is the interesting thing. i got so much gaming out of tf2 for $60. and i got 2x more gaming, and even more pleasant gaming a better part of the time, for $15. this has changed my world, and i am NOT exxagerating. all those cheap games id pass aside for games with more of a name and more of a price, have come to look like a bad value. the main thing you get with a $60 game is a larger fanbase, everything else isnt even better than these good $15 games. knowing what i now know, id only pay $35 for black ops, and $60 for MNC.

    good thing it started at $15 and as a "summer of arcade" pack, else it wouldnt have attracted me, as well as the other people it did. good thing it moved to steam, its apparently doubled its presence among gamers, with now twice as many players as just xbox alone. and i can tell its taking a lot of hard work from the devs to support both. however, i still believe they will come around and update the xbox version.

    here is the deal: for a $15 dollar game, that has gotten as much support with free dlc and patches as it got, could YOU truely say that the dev's time wasnt worth your money? for what it has occuped in my time and as nice the games are, its worth mine.

    should i run for president or what? i should at least write his speeches...
  16. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    I voted Very Satisfied. MNC is by far the best arcade I've played and one of my top favorite games tied with some of the big 'uns. Free DLC, contests and tournaments, developers that reply to many posts, great community with friendly people. I hope they continue what they're doing and have the best of luck as a company for the future.
  17. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Pretty much read my mind.
  18. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I voted somewhat satisfied. This game is the best $15 I've ever spent, but I agree with some of the points Sah made. The matchmaking system can be rather unfair, the private match system is still missing key features - like choosing your team - even after it got updated in the Spunky Cola Special, the split-screen bugs are rampant, and spawn-killing is becoming rather common.

    All this is tempered by the low cost, the presence of devs on the boards and the promising developments on the Steam version. Roll on, next update.
  19. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    I am very satisfied, and I really have nothing else to add since everyone else already said it.
  20. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I don't think Uber could be doing any better.

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