DataBank Drop Rate & Anti-Air probs

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by dcyuri7, August 22, 2014.

  1. dcyuri7

    dcyuri7 New Member

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    1 in 20 might be nice. Just saying. Alittle difficult to win against the air-dominant AI without having Advanced Defense, and some form of Advanced tech, and the Storage card. I've reset the map 40 times and still have yet to find a databank. First map I played had 3 of them drop instantly, but I didn't figure out how the [Save] feature works, so lost it all.

    Is anyone else having trouble with anti-air being inadequate? I mean, for example, I just played a map, where I had to literally cover the entire planet in Umbrellas (which hardly worked, we're talking overlapping Umbrellas) plus flak cannons, and take 400 Astraeus loaded with advanced builders, toggled to the Ctrl1-9 keys since it glitches and wont unload if you select more than 36ish at one time, and build Flak Cannons to buy me enough time to use what remained of 400 fabricators (aka 5 units), to build a single teleporter, to bring in my army, which died anyway, because the anti-air units can't even keep up with the AI's air superiority. It's not that they have an insane amount of units. It's that the anti-air just doesn't seem to work. The planes have a larger range of attack i think, causing a sizeable delay between death of units and ability of units to fire back. Not to mention Astraeus units have a glitch where they completely disregard enemies. They don't auto attack. You have to manually right-click every single plane. It's impossible to win, without a teleporter. I've even sent in 700 astr's at a time with nothing but anti-air, and everything dies. Seven Hundred anti-air, vs Forty air units. Seriously. On top of that, without the Basic air card, you can't build fighters. Which is like the most essential unit in the entire game.

    It's just.... I mean there's a serious balance problem with that. I'm not even on the 3rd fight in my session, and I'm working on 4-6 hour matches that simply cannot be won. The only way to succeed is databanks, or to send in your commander with that 25% dps boost card, and kill the other command in the first 5 minutes - which really removes the fun factor.


    Also, is bug reporting a fairly simple process? I'd like to contribute what I can to the developers. I've seen quite a few graphic glitches, and I'd like to diagnose some of them and report my findings.
    Last edited: August 22, 2014
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    you're fighting versus advanced bomber i take it?

    In my experience anti air is quite well off currently.

    I'd even say it's too strong.

    have you tried sending doxen (A.K.A. bots) through the gate?
    dcyuri7 likes this.
  3. dcyuri7

    dcyuri7 New Member

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    Hey thanks for the tip!! I'll try that out and see what happens. I bet that's exactly what I need.

    Yea advanced bombers, and the little bumblebee fighters destroying any plane in sight like cutting through butter.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    anytime. tell me how it goes.

    sorry i forgot to answer the debugging question.

    yes it's more than easy :
    be sure to search with a couple variations in terminology first to see if anyone hasn't already reported it.

    also you may be pleased to know there are several galactic war mods with a variation in new starting situations.
  5. dcyuri7

    dcyuri7 New Member

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    Alright so I've tested it, and it seems to work fine when you manage it properly. Say, 100 Dox , 60 vehicle anti-air, versus around 200-300 air units, it can be done. I'm seeing that they have a lot more than I thought, so I'm in the same situation.

    So let me ask this. Let's say you have control over a planet. The AI also has a planet completely under their control. You need to attack that planet, but it is:
    1. Completely covered (all the way around) with orbital units
    2. 60% covered (every inch) with aircrafts, were talking like 1000 to 2000 units
    I've been approaching this by sending in an army of Fabricators, building the portal, linking it instantly, and tele-spawning my army of anti-air units. But I lose every time, they replace everything I destroy. And like I said, the whole planet is covered with airplanes and orbitals.

    Idunno , just not seeing the balance factor. I would need an army of 1000 anti-air units to combat that, and by the time you build an army that size, the game lags so bad that it freezes unit movements (Graphics are fine, no lag, but can't move anything, nothing works except UI and visible graphics like world rotation etc).
  6. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    Drop random units till you find com, then drop vanguards right next to it :D.

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