Okay, I got the screenshots of the Dox lag while moving. Note in the first screenshot that FPS drops to 19.9. In the second one, FPS goes back up to 30.
this is likely caused by the pathfinding system being overwhelmed a bit. So many units, all running into each other can be a bit much at times.
Okay, I fired up a replay of the match from my first post, and here's what I got: 17.7 FPS?! I can't believe I dropped below 20 FPS on a super rig! And why is the ID number below the version number different?
This build is becoming unplayable due to performance issues. Every game starts ok, but then develops into a slide show usually after 25 minutes.This doesn't seem to be a client problem since the fps are not that bad, but the sim is just atrocious, at some points hiting 0,1 or 0,4 fps. Here is an example of the problem I've been facing, I'm sending you in hopes of helping you guys find the problem, if you need another file don't hesitate to ask. Lobby id:10687770857876607049 This is system with one planet and one moon the game had 6 players. And i was spamming doxes. I cant upload the perflog cause even ziped its too large, the forum wont let me. So i uploaded it to this link: http://www.speedyshare.com/xBgT8/quick-2014-8-13-12.33.40.zip