My game keeps crashing at the start or end of battles. It seems to be caused by low memory availability. Is there anything I can do to quickly solve this? ps. I added a dxdiag. Probleemhandtekening: Gebeurtenisnaam van probleem: APPCRASH Naam van de toepassing: CoherentUI_Host.exe Versie van toepassing: Tijdstempel van toepassing: 53d58988 Naam van foutmodule: CoherentUI_Host.exe Versie van foutmodule: Tijdstempel van foutmodule: 53d58988 Uitzonderingscode: c0000005 Uitzonderingsmarge: 01225b1d Versie van besturingssysteem: 6.1.7601. Landinstelling-id: 1043 Aanvullende informatie 1: 0a9e Aanvullende informatie 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Aanvullende informatie 3: 0a9e Aanvullende informatie 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Everything should be up to date, since I did a fresh install of windows 2 weeks ago. In order to answer your question with certainty; I just checked nvidia, and it says it's up to date (340.52).
Have you ran windows updater since installing service pack 1. Has been a case before that after installing service pack 1 the player had another 40 updates to do.
I think i fixed it. I´ve given the system way more virtual memory and it´s not crashing since I did that. I had low VM because I didn´t want to overuse my ssd for it.