Doxes are Overpowered now (with VIDEO as PROOF)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by galactoid, August 10, 2014.

  1. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    Dox should be renamed to Brad.
    Imsvale and ArchieBuld like this.
  2. eroticburrito

    eroticburrito Post Master General

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    Actually the turrets on Tanks turn pretty slowly and this can affect engagements, so much so that you need to micro them with area-attack commands if they're surrounded by enemy structures/units.

    I've been playing the latest patch a lot and I've won vehicle dominated victories. I tried spamming Dox and they get easily taken out by Tanks and Infernos.

    Frankly I think all the moaning about the Dox is a kneejerk reaction to a unit going from useless to useful in its intended purpose (raiding) - just the kind of reaction that Scathis and Meta have long since learnt to ignore until the dust settles and clear play-styles emerge showing the true story.

    The simple answer is not to put all your eggs in one basket. People who were solely spamming Bombers last patch because of the Commander's new eco-buffs are now upset because Bots have AA again. If you have a mix of units and tactics you won't fall foul when one single unit gets a slight buff.
    nateious, DalekDan, Imsvale and 3 others like this.
  3. klovian

    klovian Member

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    I'm going to go out on a limb myself and say that i think that the balance is pretty spot on.

    YES if you macro them they are ez to take out mex and fabbers with. (now they serve a purpose)

    But a group of tanks wreck the dox and make them a waste of metal... Put your tanks in the right area and slowly gain advantage.

    YES i think dox are great to use, mixed with tanks to serve different purposes, one for base seige and the other for the aforementioned fabbers and mex fields raiding.

    They serve a purpose now... Thanks UBER

    As for amphibious and shooting airplanes, the verdict is still out... So far i think AA bot would be a better addition instead of dox's doing the job.

    SO... In consensus... Dox are good, TANKS are good, DOX + TANKS are better. Sounds like something similar to what a balance would be..
  4. epicblaster117

    epicblaster117 Active Member

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    Agreed, dox really aren't that over powered, just useful now.
  5. milkdragon

    milkdragon New Member

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    Honest what i think dox should have only had a vision increased. Dox in the old meta were fine, perfect to attack undefended Mex fields but couldn't take on tanks by themselves.

    • Doxs before pros
    - Moblie
    - Cheap/ Fast Production
    - Good for raiding
    • Doxs now pros
    - Moblie
    - Cheap/ Fast Production
    - AA unit
    - Huge vision
    - Better Range
    - Swarmable because of range
    -Raiding/ Main attacking force

    Also tanks do beat Doxs when its comes to Death Balls. But the people in 1v1 one going for tanks other goes dox i feel doxs would win because of how moblie doxs are of killing and raiding mex field. No mex fields no tanks no map control and cant stop dox death balls from all angles.
    Last edited: August 10, 2014
    killerkiwijuice likes this.
  6. LmalukoBR

    LmalukoBR Well-Known Member

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    The real limitation of doxen is, that when you are using them in the large quantities in witch they are effective, the server can't handle it and crashes.Ttried twice today server crashed both times... so i guess that will limit the strategy of spaming doxen. But yeah the ate trough everything, I had like 30 factories producing them, they killed towers, wallls, infernos, vanguards, sheller, t1, tanks, hornets, bomber, fighters, grenadiers the only thing that slowed them a bit were anchors. The enemy was desperate, he'd thrown every possible thing at them and couldn't stop them, they slowly erode trough everything, and you just keeps sending wave after wave. The only thing that did stop my killing horde was the server crashing.
  7. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I love their usefulness, but indeed I this could be counteracted by making them a bit more expensive/slower to build so amassing 2K of them takes a lot more time.

    I think the changes with these little buggers are great, and it only takes slight tweaking to perfect them.
    ArchieBuld likes this.
  8. jamiem

    jamiem Active Member

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    Agreed. It's awesome to see bots armies again, instead of just t2 tanks. The early raiding and battles for mex is way more fun than rush for t2.
    eroticburrito likes this.
  9. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    Move the krestel down to t1. High rate of fire will take care of dox well. Mabe reduce dps a bit to balance it at t1.
    elodea likes this.
  10. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Maybe with a big cost change (which would require a stat change...) Dox are an extremely effective counter to adv. air right now. But as I've said, I'm fairly certain Dox are in a temporary exploratory state.
    popededi likes this.
  11. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I quite agree.

    Another possible counter could be a rapid fire vehicle, or if we want something less far-fetched, one of the three turrets could be modified to a rapid fire gun, as they're way too similar right now anyway.
    Pendaelose and DalekDan like this.
  12. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Turrets are actually one of the few things that stands up to Dox in metal-metal lab tests. They lose out on mobility however, so when it comes to multiple turrets and matching Dox, the Dox could concentrate to overwhelm them piecemeal - but I haven't tested that bit. Walls may be able to tilt things considerably.
  13. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    They gain a lot of effectiveness in the middle of bases as well, where Dox are bottlenecked and their fire is blocked by buildings, but the turret fire isn't.
  14. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Hey! it's the same guy that has over 582 DAYS in WoW!
  15. pivo187

    pivo187 Active Member

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    I think popededi idea was good. Give vehicle factory a fast firing vehicle, could even give the little scout buggy a faster firing weapon!
    DalekDan likes this.
  16. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    Maybe this will be the comeback of the combat fabber? Since tanks= 1 shot kills on dox, but dox require several shots to take down tanks, tanks may be healed as they are damaged.
    ef32 likes this.
  17. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    Also defence-lasers having higher aps, to be able to counter bots effectively.
    ef32 likes this.
  18. ef32

    ef32 Well-Known Member

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    I really like how dox feel now. If there must be a nerf, I'd vote for price, but nothing else. Controlling squad of dox is a pleasure.
    Finally we see some fast fun action early game, witch tactics and micro.
  19. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Doc aren't really very flimsy to aps, dps is what gets them.

    Aps is for taking out units with high health, dps chews low health units nicely. It'd be nice to possibly see a riot tower come up which fires very quickly with very low aps but high dps. This means vehicles would have little problems whilst the dox (and all bots) would be chewed up quite nicely. A high aps, low dps tower could be something akin to a sniper tower which would have lower range than that of the pelter yet higher a turret.

    Look at me getting ideas from my mod. :p
  20. shiwanabe

    shiwanabe Member

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    Okay, let me just correct you now (Although you seem to have confused somewhere, considering your later comments.):
    Definitions (I doubt these are needed):
    • Aps = Attacks per second
    • Dps = Damage per second
    Now, a couple of combatants to fight the targets:
    1. 1000 dps, 0.1 aps (ie; 10000 damage attack every 10 seconds)
    2. 100 dps, 10 aps (ie; 10 damage attack every .1 of a second)
    Now how often do they kill a 100 HP target:
    1. Each shot kills a target with 900 overkill; 1 kill per 10 seconds
    2. 10 shots to kill a single target; 1 kill per 1 second.
    So, our high aps combatant kills 10x as many targets while having 1/10th the dps.

    Now against a 20,000 Hp target:
    1. 2 shots to kill the target; 1 kill per 20 seconds
    2. 2,000 shots to kill the target; 1 kill per 200 seconds
    So, in this case our high dps combatant kills 10x as many as our high aps combatant.

    I would, however, like to point out that for low health situations aps and damage is more important while for high health situations dps is more important. While damage and aps give an indication of dps (and vice-versa) the importance of each changes depending on the situation.

    Also: My apologies to squishy for jumping like this, I have a bad habit of getting irritated at people saying provably false things as facts. This is in no way intended as an attack on anyone.[/quote]

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