Frozen Units Singleplayer "Battle"

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Megapklord, August 5, 2014.

  1. Megapklord

    Megapklord New Member

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    I'd like to report a bug regarding the singleplayer of Planetary Annihilation. During battle some of my units, but not all would get frozen.:(This is the first bug I've encountered with the game. It was completely random. Luckily I had a factory so I could continue with the war. My Titan even froze. I was able to select the unit , but I was unable to command it or have it do anything. So it was just occupying the world. Please fix this bug, I know this is early access but it'd help a lot and thanks for taking the time to make a beautiful game. Once again this is alpha so I don't expect everything to be perfect.
    Thank you for taking your time to read this.:D

    Note this was during the first battle in my singleplayer.
    Last edited: August 5, 2014
  2. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    I think it's a know bug?

    By 'Titan' do you mean commander?

    Also, officially we're in Gamma (though really we're in Beta)
  3. Megapklord

    Megapklord New Member

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    Yes, by "Titan" I mean commander.
  4. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    There are some problems with path-finding at the moment. This is what can cause units to get stuck. One thing that has happened to me a few times (in particular with the commander) is he gets stuck inside something he's building. If this happens you can free him by using the 'reclaim' command on the building he's stuck in, once it's gone he'll be able to move again.

    Could you give me a bit more detail of what happened, what type of map was it, were units getting 'stuck' on buildings or terrain or just stopping? Or were you getting 'jumps' (e.g. they'd move, stop and then jump to where you'd asked them to go)? The jumping behaviour is often down to poor internet speeds (as the simulation of the units moving around is done on the Server- so delays in getting the new positions can cause this type of thing).

    Final thing is *if* the UI was freezing up (preventing you commanding things) you might had a config problem your end. Any chance you could post a DX-Diag, just in case there is an issue there?
  5. Megapklord

    Megapklord New Member

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    The Map I was playing on was Espenak, and they were getting stuck only on the terrain.

    Attached Files:

  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Hi, thanks for the feed back now looking at your DX-Diag I've noticed your running a pretty old driver:
    "Driver Date/Size: 12/6/2013 15:01:52, 1318552 bytes"

    The latest driver is from only a few weeks ago so your driver is over a year old. It *may not* have anything to do with units getting stuck, however updating to the new driver may well improve game performance overall as PA *loves* up to date drivers :)

    You need to get them direct from AMD: 7 - 64#amd-catalyst-packages

    One thing that might have been causing some of your problems is UI freezes (making it feel like units were stuck when it was the UI not working properly perhaps?) and this most definitely is effected by the drivers.

    Try updating and let me know how you get on.

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