Don't know? Test it. We've had 500 checksin since our last major build (since there was a one line hotfix in the middle). I don't know off hand everything that's been fixed. The majority of those 500 checkins are bug fix related to PA. If I had all the build notes, I'd have posted them.
No, and I would not expect it soon either. Currently, the game only supports 1 ammo using weapon per unit. To change this would be a lot of work and there are things higher up on the priority list.
Yah, known bug. New voxel pathfinding regressed lava behavior, but as it doesn't make the experience worse, didn't want to hold up a PTE test for it.
OK. A tank did just get stuck in plateau on that lava map i just played but apart from that all was well.... performance seemed improved actually.
PIP now doesn't make the textures flicker and when you press Ctr-P with it, FPS info now shows where it is supposed to. Good stuff
How about one weapon using the system and the rest not using them in a turret multi-tracking system? Our battleships have main guns and flak guns. We are using the old battleship model, with the invisible side turrets and flak is on those. When we made the main guns use the energy system (but not the flak) it would crash the game and it would not always happen when the weapon begun firing. In fact usually it would happen some time after firing the first shot. At the time we assumed that the problem was trying to use the energy system with the turret multi-tracking system so we disabled the energy system. If the problem is indeed one weapon using the energy system and one not the the workaround should be trivial, but we would still like an option to have multiple energy storage per unit, when Uber finds time to implement it.
You're not quite right there. Units with more then one type of weapon crashed the game on launch. There is an entirely separate issue to do with multiple tools and energy/metal usage causing crashes after shooting. But both did appeared after the same patch (the one that let battleships to shoot at multiple targets simultaneously). However this probably isn't the best place to talk about that.
I just tested the latest build, and errors have made themselves obvious. Commanders do not face the structure that they are building. (This was taken in a commander boxing match with "Start Anywhere" enabled.) Metal planets glitch when radius < 100 (Screenshots not available) Commander fires AA missiles at enemy commander when it is supposed to be firing just the main weapon. Sometimes no notification pops up when one of my structures is destroyed.
It's a massive metal ball of doom! Make that collide with a planet at 15 minutes.... Also, A NEW BUILD! I'm so stoked....
Can't see my friend online in the PTE, and neither of us can see hosted games from each other in the lobby either.
There is a bug in this PTE - set your game filter type from "Non-modded" to any. A setting got messed up. That should let you see each others games.
Replays get Lobby ID back and modded games are enabled by default. Woohoo! Uber is listening to the requests of the community!!!