Feedback from a long time FPS and MOBA player

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by eternal, January 28, 2011.

  1. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    I'm just tired of people trying to change the game because they feel that their way is better. Your post is not really all that different.

    I actually think the numbers are fine the way they are.
    Somehow, I doubt it though because I don't necessarily see many people who've played the game a long time trying to change the way the game is at this point in time.

    During BETA, this would have made sense to have such a post. I'm just sayin'.

    edit: Also, the reason why I think that you haven't played that long is this: you say that 3 airstrikes can kill any turret? I don't believe so because I did it the other day and even a overhealed level 1 turret I believe survives 3 airstrikes; if not, I'm sure a level 2 or 3 rockit will. Bouncers: they don't get 1hit KO'd by ALL class grapples. From what I recall, snipers cannot kill a bouncer too easily. It isn't quite a problem because you don't typically see many people grappling bouncers. If you spawn them along with the ones that come out in spunky, then you have yourself a force to be reckon with. Firebase is fine in my opinion, only because I don't have much trouble taking it out. Snipers can take em out easily enough. Assaults with grenades. Tanks product + rail or jetgun, etc, etc.
    It could, but not entirely necessary.
    It's situational. You cannot compare to skills that assassins or assaults have because they honestly rely on them. Gunners rely on... guns. Tank needs deploy only in certain circumstances and shouldnt be buffed or nerfed.
    Last edited: January 30, 2011
  2. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    So your assumption is that once a game has gone gold and been released it no longer ever needs fixing because they stamped out every issue during beta?
  3. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    I feel like people should give it past 2 weeks of release and enough playtime to re-think their decision.

    You did not say "I have played the assassin class for over 200+ hours and I think that lunging is slightly overpowered and is it not fair towards all the other classes"

    No, your brain is thinking like this: "I play XX class, assassins and supports seem to dominate my class, I would like this to change"

    I'm asking that you give it some MORE time, then come and tell us your opinion.

    If you want something to change, at least try to tolerate it for awhile and see if you change your mind. I've certainly wanted to post something like "THIS NEEDS NERFED", but I just try to hang in and see how my characters weaknesses and strengths work. I try to improve my playstyle. Now that I've gotten better at XX class, I've seen how stupid it was do XXX"

    NOTE: this game has been out, what, less than 5 days? They've changed lots of stuff since Beta, and they did good to find stuff that NEEDED changed. However, I leave it to the devs to do all the decision making.

    Hearing 200 people saying to nerf assassin lunge ability does not mean that they should go ahead and nerf it. Once you get good at the game and realize how to AVOID grapples and avoid getting lunged into, you then realize that it didn't need nerfed to begin with.
  4. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Since I'm being so generous and cannot sleep, I'll even reply with stuff from the first page:
    They do it because health = survivability. Survivability = less deaths. Less deaths = happy player. :)

    Do we need armor gold/silver? No... In fact, I've come to love my new assault and new gunner builds WITHOUT armor gold/silver. In fact, it's bronze now.

    Now then, think logically please. Do you feel that anything that we have said in this topic has made sense to you? I've practically replied back with everything you complained about in this game. You may not call it complaining, but you do want something changed. Specifically changed towards how it would make you happy, may I add. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, but we "veterans" do not see eye to eye with you and your proposed changes, or at least thus far.

    Leave snipers alone. Please. There are some good snipers, but the best counter to a sniper is ANOTHER SNIPER!! Do not go up to snipers expecting to kill them all the time.

    Assassins, you can avoid their lunges. For the love of god just leave assassin alone. I'd hate to see no one playing assassin because gunners or assaults are better at base raping.

    [/end rant] :roll:

    I'm going to bed. :|
  5. Jeff

    Jeff New Member

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    i agree with mibuwolf entirely sniper shouldnt even be looked at when it comes to getting nerfed as for everything else i feel it is all the "ideas" players get from theyre first days of playing.
  6. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I honestly don't see how Snipers can get changed on the PC. It is the only class that really gets affected heavily by PC controls imo. What can they do exactly? It's not as if they can take away headshots, RoF can get nerfed to hell but good Snipers will still be good and will still kill you.

    Also, your numbers only justified my post. And ya, Supports can keep multiple turrets alive long enough for you to waste your three airstrikes. I kill turrets all the time with air strikes but I do not feel like they need a health increase because it is very possible for those things to be overhealed or even rebuilt if necessary.

    If anything needs to be done to turrets its that turret nubs need to be healed faster when bots there is a lot of bot pressure.
  7. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Now that I could agree with. Unfortunately, not every juiced player can be stopped, especially with an unexperienced team. Having turrets down is just a huge advantage for the other team, and not only that, but the time spent on upgrading them to level 2 or 3 is definitely wasteful. When they finally get their turrets to 3.3 then another juiced player just comes and destroy it again. Something should probably change to help keep those things alive. I do feel that investing over 1000$ on a turret is a bit much, especially when no other teammates are going to help invest in it. I'm quite guilty of that myself because I'm mostly a bot pusher, annihilator getter, and a pro killer. I don't even bother with turrets.

    If our turrets go down, it really doesnt matter too much, just so long as the bots are suppressed. However if all the pros go down, then nothing can be done about the bots.
  8. wug_

    wug_ New Member

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    re: firebases ... Unless I am around to heal it, Even a L3 gets taken down pretty easily by most classes with a clue.
  9. bkb

    bkb New Member

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    I registered after reading this just to say that I agree with OP.

    Not on all points, but mostly on the turrets, grenades, and Assassin stuff.

    Turrets seem like a waste of money sometimes. With the exception of the moneyball turrets, it seems that you can always just spam them from afar. If not that, then a juiced up player can just fly in and beast on them anyway. As funny as watching a juiced up Assassin spin around like a top is, it seems a little ridiculous too sometimes. lol

    Assassin's cloak struck me as weird too, like, wow, this lasts forever.. I can really just use this whenever I want? AND I can attack during it? I can also use this lunge then like crazy? And I'm already really fast? Really? She seems too easy-mode in terms of her abilities IMO. I'm not saying she's OP, but it just seems silly.

    ..and I KNOW I pick the armor endorsement to stop me from dying from HER grapple specifically. I play support, so do I really have a choice?

    Overall seems like a fun game though. I feel OP most here, in that I like the game, but I wish it could be tweaked a little more. Really though, I think it will always be frustrating for casual pubbers (like myself) because it really takes a team to beat a team in this, and I've got joes building lazer turrets next to the moneyball and what-not on my teams, so it's always gonna be a crapshoot. I'm hoping that it doesn't get too frustrating for those guys and then all we're left with is empty servers. :/
  10. Gopher

    Gopher New Member

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    There's only 2 issues with turrets in my eyes, they're too expensive, and they're too easily killed by juiced players. Granted, sometimes you really need a couple of juices to push through and win the game, but to watch an assassin just roll through and slap 3 of your fully upgraded turrets around is really frustrating. On top of their ability to just steamroll turrets with the katana, they can sit back and farm juice with shurikens. This isn't an argument against assassins, they're just the best example.

    People don't want to buy turrets because they already have to spend $2k to max their skills. That's 50% of the money a slightly above average player makes in a game. Combined with all the other things that money needs to get spent on, like annihilators, jump pads, bot spawns, there's not a lot of cash to go around. With juiced players blowing up turrets in seconds, at times it's more like punishment to build turrets, because you have to, than rewarding because they provide benefit. The game is balanced pretty well right now in terms of abilities, damage, and health. Economic mechanics seem like the safest thing to fiddle with without risking changing the game too much.

    The one change I want to see, but purely for my enjoyment not balance, is a way to rebuild turrets quicker. Maybe if a turret is destroyed by a juiced player, it will allow you to build a new turret sooner than if somebody without juice kills it? Maybe have it done by % of damage dealt so people don't bring all the turrets down to low health and kill them after juice wears off. On the other hand, it would be interesting to have things work out that way and provide support an opportunity to heal those turrets.

    On the topic of healing turrets, the only thing that bugs me about the game is that the only person who can heal turrets are support. It makes sense, but when you upgrade a turret, it gets a free "heal" to full. If I could spend the same amount of money it costs at level 3 to heal the turret would be amazing. While having a support is vital to success with competent players, this game is mostly played by puggers, and sometimes there's nobody playing as support.

    Just my 2c, this game is awesome as it is, so I hope it doesn't change too much!
  11. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Problem with making turrets stronger is that it'll make taking them out harder without juice. Can't balance everything around being juiced. Most of the time, only juiced assassins are capable of taking out multiple turrets anyways.
  12. Gopher

    Gopher New Member

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    I wasn't explicit about it, but I think reducing the price of turrets is all that really needs to happen. It compensates for them being easily destroyed by juiced players without changing the game too much.
  13. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    People with kill-streaks already have loads of money, this kind of inflation wouldn't help.
  14. Gopher

    Gopher New Member

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    God forbid players who are doing well have an advantage over people who aren't doing well!

    Balancing things around a single player being better than other people he's playing with isn't really balancing. You balance things assuming equal skill levels. Granted, it's worthwhile to check and make sure if somebody goes on a murderous rampage that it doesn't completely break the game, but it's a terrible argument. As it stands, I've only seen one person earn $7k, and that was a guy who went something like 60-10-4. Most people are finishing around 4.5k, 5k at most. Skills all at 3 cost $2k, and a level 3 rocket turret costs $1.15k if you're the only person to upgrade it. Doesn't seem unbalanced to reduce the price of turrets, making the loss of them less punishing, which is a major complaint.
  15. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    "as it stands" I'm earning an average of 6k to 7k a match, money is meant to be spent - not to be hoarded.
  16. Gopher

    Gopher New Member

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    What do you think I'm trying to say, that money should just be accrued for the sake of it? I think you're missing the point here. I'm never running around with a huge surplus of money unless the action is intense and I'm on a streak. If turrets cost less you have more money to spend on other things that cost money, like bot spawns, environmental effects, annihilator, etc. I don't see many turrets get upgraded to level 3's quickly, with more money to go around they would get upgraded quicker, which kind of nullifies the need for beefier turrets.
  17. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    To give you a different perspective on that, if turrets were cheaper I would have level 3 rockits on all my nubs while still being able to buy juice and annihilator as I see fit.

    I am but one player, now imagine 6.

    Result: Stalemate unless you roll through them in the first 3 minutes, and last time I checked people don't like games ending in under 3 minutes (I don't mind it though, much to the dismay of the generic pubber)

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