Galactic War: Build 69721

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, July 26, 2014.

  1. Vernam7

    Vernam7 Member

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    one notice guys, is it only me that finds the building and units bottom icons TOO big for the evailable resolution that you may have? (in my laptop 1366*768)

    even in my full HD looks very big..... would be nice if we could scale the UI interface a bit down... :rolleyes:
  2. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    Hey, please refer to the following guide when reporting lag and general game performance issues:

    Helps Uber nail down the cause of the problem and finding a fix. :)
    Wubinator likes this.
  3. FSN1977

    FSN1977 Active Member

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    Seems better now with the Engineers assist buildings and other engineers. Just one engineer got stuck. Orbital travel time still seem to long.
  4. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    Commander explosion didn't do orbital damage.

    Had a huuuuge sim freeze when a planet was on colision course, but accidentally slammed the wrong planet. The server did nothing untill it continued after a minute or 2.

    Replay ID: startpa://replay=1283179728795849938

    Takes AGES to generate these planets on a I5-4690k, first time it didn't take that long.
    Crashed twice when scrolling through the replay, using the 2 minute button everything seems fine.
    Third time the generating was quick again, strange.

    No server mods, only PA stats as client mod

    No screenshots of performance, server was at 1 fps and the sim was stuck on 12.6 fps during the hang and continued with a nice 10 fps afterwards.

    Could not upload uberprobe file since the extension is not allowed so here is a dropbox link:
  5. liltbrockie

    liltbrockie Active Member

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    Tanks were getting stuck on the ice planet I just played on ALL over the place.
  6. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    Yeah i experiance the same problem, there is some ground clutter were units get stuck in them and can't get out.
  7. FSN1977

    FSN1977 Active Member

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    Nukes having random issues leaving orbit, doing this..
    gerii likes this.
  8. iacondios

    iacondios Active Member

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    I had an interesting thought:
    Planets can move while commander drop locations are selected. This means that you could set planets to collide and obliterate themselves before the match starts.
    What would happen if all of the planets were annihilated before the commanders touched down?
    Unless, the planets would clip through each other before the game starts?
  9. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    As of a few builds ago, commanders end up in the sun. AIs could continue building; players could select the com but couldn't do anything.
  10. FSN1977

    FSN1977 Active Member

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    Alot of issues with avengers spinning around the planets, not entering orbital level, seen this two games today.
  11. Engineer1234

    Engineer1234 Well-Known Member

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    Line-building a couple of basic bot factories fails some of the time, this is on a really smooth moon surface.
    It was a tiny moon from a randomly generated map, estimate radius 300, the high curvature might be responsible because the issue did not occur on larger worlds.

    Sometimes only the first one in line gets built, other times only the last one.
    You can queue them up and if you hold shift you can see the queued structures dissapearing one in a row, like they are failing a very show "buildable area" check
    Last edited: July 31, 2014
  12. Engineer1234

    Engineer1234 Well-Known Member

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    Debug cam causes client crash if you toggle it while your camera wasn't locked to a planet.

    Attached Files:

  13. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Reproduced on Linux. Confirm it. (task on bugtracket PA#3896)
    Last edited: August 1, 2014
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  14. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I actually did a bit of a t
    The planet just looks so much nicer with the "ring" the rocket flame effect creates around it. This should be a thing. It'd make planets look less barebones and give them a bit of depth. It'd definitely be worth the devtime.
  15. earth75

    earth75 Member

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    Aw i just tested the latest GW.... And i'm less satisfied than with the previous...

    I was playing against a single AI on a single planet, a situation where my computer held 60fps with no problems at all, but I got very inconsistent fps with a solid 60 and less than 30 a second later (i play with vsync)!! So i found that performance is worse in this build.
    But there is more. The zooming speed seems to be tied to fps now..... When the fps is good, zomm is so sensitive I tend to often zoom to much or not enough. On the other hand, when I am lagging, I have a hard time to just go from viewing my base to wiewing the planet. It takes me a good six scrolls.

    So, yeah it would be cool if the fps were more stable in the next build, but I would like even more to have consistent scrolling, because it's a pain. I am actually waiting until you fix this to play again.
  16. Engineer1234

    Engineer1234 Well-Known Member

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    Do nukes/commander asplosions do continuous damage now ?
    When a nuke or commander goes boom near an active factory and the factory survives, it goes into a very fast loop of trying to build a unit, the unit explodes, tries to build another unit.
    You can tell from the healthbar of the factory that the explosions does a one time damage, yet something is killing it's units.
    Not 100% sure this is new but I've never seen it before.

  17. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    Yup I've seen this as well. You can also destroy units in a factory with your uber cannon.

    The end war UI for Galactic War should have some delay, but I guess its revamp is coming soon.

    And my Astraeus wanted to explore another solarsystem in a certain galactic war match:
    If you zoom in a lot you can see the path of the astraeus vaguely. It should be on its way to the 4th planet, the launchable one.

    Edit: After looking better it seems that 4th planet has disapeared as well, guess it wasn't the Astraeus' fault :p
    Here is the replay: startpa://replay=5544738973870656511

    Edit 2.0: It seems it keeps failing to launch my replay, ahwell..
    Last edited: August 2, 2014
  18. aevs

    aevs Post Master General

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    Lots of very bad pathing bugs / problems it seems.
    This was in a randomly generated system.
    In this screenshots, I was able to build a naval factory... which refused to build any units. No indication why.
    So I built a second one, which built units... that couldn't path anywhere. There is still no indication as to why this is, and even if I look in pathing view (which I can no longer do in games without my game crashing when closing it), there are clearly pathable ways out of this lagoon.
  19. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    Pretty sure I have a fix for the zooming speed issue.
  20. vorell255

    vorell255 Active Member

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    That would be AMAZING! Thanks for the casting today.

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