Changes to make bots better.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by masterevar, August 2, 2014.

  1. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    Right now i feel that bots are underpowered, they are not that good raiders and they need some fixing.

    Here are a few ideas of how to fix them:

    Dox: Dox´s should be units that deals more DPS than rippers(aventails) per metal, right now you get higher DPS and health from producing rippers. Dox´s should still be one-shot kills in most cases, but they need to do much more DPS per metal. so increasing their damage by 50-100% should be done. This will make them high damage units, good at destroying, but something that falls easily to enemy armies. Good raid units, destroying buildings quickly and moving quickly aswell. Thay will be vulnerable to Splash damage wiping out multiple of them, but good against slow-firing high-damage units that has no splash.

    Slammer: Slammers are doing well at being higher DPS than Levelers, and i also like them having high fire-rate, making them kind of like Gatling units, and therefore i would also like them to be able to target air-units with their guns, making them the AA of bots, but of course still having them target ground, and making them much less accurate against air so its not too good.

    Bluehawk: The Bot-artillery, that no one uses. I belive it should fire RPG-like bullets, medium range non-arching, with high damage per shot, slow firerate and higher DPS per metal than the slammer, to make them more like anti-tanks units. They will have no splash damage and will be vulnerable to masses of bots or T1 tanks. IT will give you a decent unit against heavy-armor.

    Write what you think of these ideas.

    brianpurkiss, monte93 and planktum like this.
  2. epicblaster117

    epicblaster117 Active Member

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    Probably shoulda put this in the balance section of the forums...just saying.
  3. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    Missed that.

    Guess someone must move it :(.
  4. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    You've got some good ideas there. Would need to see these changes in action before deciding, but they should definitely be implementing these things into the PTE build so that the community can give feedback. Apparently we are close to the official release of the game, but I can't see how that is possible when we are still only at version 69752 (that's only 2/3 of the way). If we were close then I would be expecting development to crank up considerably and for version updates to be released daily.
  5. drschuess

    drschuess Member

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    Just a note, version number has nothing to do with release date. When Uber considers the game to be ready for official release, that version number will most likely jump to 1.0. In other words, the version number is simply a tool for them to keep track of the different builds of the game, not an accurate depiction of the developer's progress.
  6. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    You Sir are incorrect. If that was the case then they would just increment each version by a linear amount, i.e. +1

    That being said, I don't doubt we will one day be at version 72653 and the next 10,000 (release ver. 1.0)

    Just think of Windows 8.1 (the .1 means a minor but reasonably significant update to Windows 8). There is always going to be some correlation between version number and the amount of development.
  7. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    we should be careful adding a multipurpose unit like the slammer, it already goes naval and land, but not air.

    If AA is added it should be weak and inaccurate.
    tommybananas likes this.
  8. drschuess

    drschuess Member

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    We don't see every single version update. Every time a developer makes an addition or a change or so on and so on, that version number gets incremented. You are correct in stating that not each jump would be a +1. For instance, the release to published game could jump it from 0.7 to 1.0. But they would never share or publish every single change they are making. Each new build is a stable (hopefully) collection of revisions. The point I'm making is that we can be close to the release of the game with a version history of 0.7 because the version number (while it does indicate that progress is being made - may have said this poorly before) does not mean the game is 70% complete.

    Take a look at the link below for more's kind of interesting.

    I do like the idea of multi-purpose units. It adds a lot of versatility if you are taking small groups on raiding trips. The problem is balancing them so that they aren't better than dedicated land or AA units and also balancing them so that you have a reason to use them.
  9. monte93

    monte93 Active Member

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