For weeks now i have been unable to finish any game, the game will start to get more and more laggy the longer it goes on, until finally it will freeze for a while and ill receive something along the lines to: connection to server lost, returning to main menu... I wondering what the problem is that wont let me progress in a game... I tested my internet connection the other day and got a download speed just under 1 mb/s and my upload over 3 mb/s. I do live in China however and i presume the nearest server to me is in australia? Prior to this post I searched around for others who have had similar problems and it tends to happen to thise who are playing on 10+ planets 6 ai players etc, I'm playing on an one planet system and on 1v1 aganst the ai and I will get the issue. I dont get disconnect problems with other games. Im running 64bit windows vista and I have 6GB's of RAM. I dont think its my RAM. I'm guessing its most likely a server side problem. Will there be a solution down the line? more info: I have finished games in the past but those games I managed to rush ai more easily than now and finish game early. However more often than not I wouldnt be able to continue with the glactic warfare because while trying to load next fight I would still get connection to server lost, returning to main menu message - so this is actually an ongoing problem that now is really annoying. Havnt complained before now as I accept alpha access game but now Im hoping there is maybe a solution out there? Tried other thread solutions such as upgrading drivers etc...
I've been running into the same problem, except on east coast US in multiplayer FFA or team armies with no AI.
Currently the server is having issues resulting in a crash. Which is why at the moment will not release the server until after launch. So they can spend more time tracking down the bugs squashing them and polishing it. They will release it eventually when it is ready. Can you upload your dxdiag.txt? instructions are in my signature below. Also can you verify what server you're connecting to?
Wow, since the last update not a single lost connection! Games are still laggy on certain maps though till the point that it becomes unplayable. But not a single instance of connection to server lost. Lag is still a big problem for me here in China but I've been able to finish every game ive played so far.
Your graphics is out of date. This should resolve any graphics related lag. Download link for new graphics driver: 7 - 64#amd-catalyst-packages Unfortunately can't really do anything about your network lag.
I recently updated to the latest driver and catalyst suite. But I downloaded the driver for VISTA. Your link and newer driver is described as for windows 7? will this be okay?
I spoke too soon... Day one of the update: awesome! I could play, no disconects lag much better if still there. day two, three on... Disconects back if not as bad as before, lag is also back. :-(
Yeah we're still getting the same connection lost problem here. It's infuriating when the connection drops out deep into a match. It seems unrelated to the internet connection, since all other internet access continues without problems.
I had a similar issue with the connection dropping out deep into a match. I had to pause said match for a long period of time and when I came back, I was already at the main menu. But that was back in an old update. I don't have this problem anymore.