I keep getting "stuck" units, including AI who then does nothing

Discussion in 'Mod Support' started by jpinard, July 29, 2014.

  1. jpinard

    jpinard Member

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    This has happened in many games now which is extremely frustrating as I often play a game for an hour, only to find the AI has built 4 buildings then stopped. Anyone else have this problem? It happens to my units as well. For no good reason they just can't move sometimes and in my last game that meant my Commander couldn't move after playing for 10 minutes.
  2. phoenix2700

    phoenix2700 New Member

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    Shouldn't this be in the support section?
    stuart98 likes this.
  3. drewsuser

    drewsuser Active Member

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    The real question is; how can you not attack for a whole hour?
  4. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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  5. jpinard

    jpinard Member

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    I'd like some serious help here. I'm new and slow vs. the AI and with one planet using Mercury's orbit and another using Pluto's. Both have a small moon and a reduced number of metal so army sizes and bases are more limited and thus more strategic. In this scenario, when we both start on differing planets I won't know of the AI is working or not until much later when I scout the other planets and moons.

    I read in another thread someone had the same problem. Some units just will not take orders and the only thing you can do is blow them up. Sometimes when you assign orders that span half the planet, the unit freezes up. Sometimes the Commander unit itself freezes for the entire game and no amount of move commands nor others orders will get it to function. As I mentioned I had this happen 4 out of 8 games yesterday (I only play skirmish vs. AI)! I have a strong belief it is tied to server saturation. Some games were nice and fast, and other games, with the exact same setup ran at just 8 fps on a monster rig even after dropping all the graphic settings to low/off... So the entire lag was due to things beyond my control.

    At times I'm also finding atrocious pathfinding. I had an advanced vehicle factory and a large base south of it. So I directed newly made units to spawn just north of the factory. Well the preferred path for the units was straight and it could not seem to draw a line going around the factory vs. through it even though it had plenty of room to the right for units to move via. So there was a huge pileup of units south of the factory and none went where they were supposed to go until I manually moved them to the Northeast and then North-Northwest.
  6. jpinard

    jpinard Member

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    Last edited: July 29, 2014

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