Hello, Today I seem to have run into a frustrating bug. My computer is set up with 2 monitors. I want to restrict the game to just my main monitor, and lock my mouse there. When I tried to play today, my mouse would leave the bounds of my main monitor and go into the other, causing a lot of problems. I was trying a number of different settings to no avail. All three of the edge scroll options acted identically, at least I noticed zero difference between them. I would even sometimes create new games to test whether or not that was affecting the problem. I have been searching online for over an hour and haven’t found anyone who has run into a similar issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
I had the in-game option set to fullscreen which, to my knowledge, is actually borderless window mode. I didn't go into any steam settings to force it into true fullscreen, which I'm not sure is actually possible or not. The only two options given to me were "windowed" and "fullscreen".
Ah. Personally, I have no use for 'traditional' fullscreen, so I've not investigated this too much. If I may may a suggestion, though, I find that edge scrolling is a lot less intuitive when viewing spheres than for example using the middle mouse button to drag the planet around beneath you or using the arrow keys to spin it. You could try one or both of those and see if you prefer it to edge scrolling?
The main issue isn't the edge scroll. I would be willing to live without having that. The issue is that if I move my mouse too far to the left it jumps onto the other screen. If I click on the other screen it starts screwing things up over there, and then the planet is spinning around and around because edge scroll is still on lol. This only started happening yesterday
The game doesn't use real fullscreen mode, only borderless fullscreen, which is why AMD multi-GPU set-ups have issues. Also, I like edge scroll, but I don't use it very much, partially because they game doesn't lock the mouse to the game screen, so it ends up on my second monitor.
Which is why AMD* multi-GPU set-ups have issues. * - No, seriously, SLI support windowed mode for years. Though it's not supported in PA for completely different reasons.
There was mouse lock on Windows before SDL port so likely it's just got broken. I find your task in bugtracker and confirmed it: PA#3876
There were a couple of issues causing this, but I've fixed it internally now, and they should be addressed in an upcoming release for all three platforms.
Just tested it. Few quirks is there (Linux), but it's does work. Though I suppose that would be cool if there will be option to toggle mouse lock using hotkey.