Switching between speakers and USB headset

Discussion in 'Support!' started by tyrelionprime, July 28, 2014.

  1. tyrelionprime

    tyrelionprime New Member

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    I don't know if this issue has been discussed before and I have never really seen this as a priority before with other things being more important to address first, yet now you guys are polishing things up this might be the time to look into this.

    When PA is running I generally use my surround system for playback, yet when friends then join in to play we usually make a voice call on steam to chat and discuss strategy while playing. I then switch to my headset, which is a Logitech G930 which is connected to my USB. So I plug that one in to a USB port and every other game or program then automatically switches playback of the audio to the headset. Except PA, which insists on continuing using my normal speakers. When I then check my windows sound mixer I see 2 playback devices active, my G930 headset with all other programs listed there, except PA which is listed on my normal soundcard and happily plays all sounds through my speakers.

    To solve this, I have to exit PA and restart. Then it plays the sounds through my headset.

    Would love to have it simply be able to switch mid-game as well :)

    As all other games and programs have no issue here, I hope PA can do the same.

    Well, keep up the good work guys, PA has come a loooong way since Alpha release! It has been a great experience witnessing all the changes and development stages the last year and... a month now? My special thanks to the AI department, as they tend to be a bit forgotten with everything else being worked on in a mainly multiplayer game, yet I do enjoy the occasional AI game and well, seeing as AI only used air at the start, it's awesome to see how far is has come now.

    and ow... That planet that is about to smash into your homeworld? well euh.. mistakes happen... good luck!

    Tyrelion Prime
    lokiCML likes this.
  2. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    I second this. When I switch from speakers to my headset I have to go and manually change the audio device settings in Windows. It is not a major deal just a bit of polish. Hopefully is just a minor code change because of SDL 2.0 and this functionality has been in Windows since Vista.:)
  3. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    I like that you can have the speakers on while wearing headphones. If anything some sort of toggle switch in game would be good, because it annoys me having to wait til *after* I load PA to plug my headphones in.
    lokiCML likes this.
  4. tyrelionprime

    tyrelionprime New Member

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    Yes, being able to select the playback device in-game would be the best solution. Hence you can either select "OS default" which would have the audio of PA change to the default OS audio device whenever it changes, like when you plug in your USB headset, or well, unplug it :p
    Or have it set on a specific audio device, like your main speakers, that you can plug in your headset without it having any effect on the in-game audio playback, so you can have a voice chat on your headset while the in-game sounds are still coming from your normal speakers.

    This should be a perfect solution for people who want it to switch to their headset and for those, like Eukanuba, who want to separate game audio from voice chat.

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