Could Dox be made cheap enough to essentially be a living wall? In sup com I would often use the T1 infantry bots to be meat shields for units that fired in an arc. Flat trajectory weapons would kill the infantry and then impact their wrecks, while the lobbers would fire over the top. Dox seem to just disintegrate when they get hit, but perhaps tweaks to the wreckage system would let them be a "living wall" of sorts
dont know if it is known but when you want to see the ending of a game in chronocam and drags it to the end, PA crashes.
You know, with these changes maybe I will not be abandoning PA until I get a better computer just yet.
Played a map with some naval and noticed that : Stingrays doesn't appear to fire (radar and vision) Narwhal were easily getting stuck on the shores
Where you enable spawn anywhere, but have multi-planet spawns where some planets are starting planets and others are not, I'm finding it next to impossible to tell which I can spawn on and which I can't. You almost need little silver markets over valid planets.
Update: 12:17 AM The PA clock is correct now. I'll try to remember to check again tomorrow at noon, but it looks for now like the error only happens for 1 hour a day.
If this was supposed to fix graphical problems on old AMD Graphics it has failed. I still can't see mex icons and other things that I have many times stated that I cannot see.
No it's wasn't that. It's likely needed to fail gracefully on Mac or possible some extremely old GPUs on Windows. All AMD Legacy hardware does support OpenGL 3.3... on paper...
Scrolling does indeed feel weird, very slow sometimes. Chatting in specatormode feels laggy. Don't know if it spectator mode related, but I was spectating. Commander sometimes draws next to an astraeus instead of inside.
Any chances that I can foul the game into thinking I can't run the newer openGL? EDIT: Also the last release seems to have doubled the planet render times meaning that I can't play unless planets are radius 400 and moon.
No - there's not much we can do to support the older ATI cards that aren't able to support the necessary feature set. This is purely to handle it more gracefully (i.e. not crash).
lol, it means that the games are getting ahead of us, time to get a new graphics card (think of it like moving from the ps3 to the ps4 or xbox360 to the xb1)
The music was playing double in the main menu after going into the system editor. It stopped when both of the songs were finished. Searching for "my games only" with replay gives "Failed to retrieve replay list". PA crashed when I was scrolling a lot with the chronocam. After the second crash, alias opening the replay for the third time, the units didn't show initially. I had to press F5 for them to be shown. BIG pathing problems @ mountain planet. Units were stuck in the ground itself. Cannot find replay ID anymore? PAstats gives me this: Replay ID: startpa://replay=7785070651113648735 @3:30 my (blue) commander gets itself stuck somewhere. Later my bots get stuck around that position as well. Sometimes I managed to get my bots free by clicking around the bot a lot until they wiggled themselves out of it. Later I build a wall so that units avoided that spot @9:00 I succeeded rescuing my commander by picking him up with an astraeus. @20:00 engineers got stuck at the cliff in my base trying to assist another engineers. This can be seen below, here the engineers were walking to the south were another engineer was building mexes. Planet settings:
Current random planet generator have too few metal planets. No it's not the problem at least for icons rendering. Just wonder what GL context created by AMD Legacy driver. Can you please post your game log to this topic?
So, at the start of a game one of the opposing players complained that his commander was stuck, not on any brushes, but stuck nonetheless. I thought this was odd, but what I didn't expect was this: This is the result of a planet-wide patrol command. The lined up units all seemed to be stuck (you can see the former red commander here as well). Clearly something's amiss. Closing the pathing view still crashes the game. (also, the game froze when I tried to send around 300 units into a teleporter; at least I think that was the cause)
I had a random planet generator generate a moon biome with exactly zero metal spots on it. At least it was smashable...?